I've long believed that if I make a great product, it will sell itself. People will find it, fall in love with it and tell their friends about it. As long as that didn't happen, I believed my product wasn't good enough. If I would just continue building, add that one extra feature, eventually, it will be so good, that growth will come automatically.

As you probably know, it doesn't work like that. Unless you go out there and tell people about your product, it will never gain traction. The point is, 'selling' the product, pitching it to bloggers, posting on social media, doesn't feel natural to me. I'm just more of a developer and less of a salesman. I'm not saying I'm an introvert, but maybe I am a bit.

With SiteGuru, I've now come to a point where I'm sure the product is good enough to reach a decent audience, and be super useful to a large group of people. However, despite having 1750 users, it doesn't feel like it has really taken off. To live off this product, I need more visitors, and eventually more paying customers.

I've tried many things to gain more publicity, but the SEO tool market is super competitive. Getting someone to blog about your product is damn hard.

I'm determined to not fall into the trap of adding more features. I've seen too many examples - including my own products - that started off as easy to use but soon became cluttered with too many features. This time, I'll keep it simple.

I'm not looking for a short term 'viral' success, I'm looking for sustainable growth. I'm reading Traction which has some great ideas, and I've just bought MakeBook by Pieter Levels, but at the same time I'm done reading books, it's time for action.

More importantly, I'm looking to find ideas from fellow Indie Hackers. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem. How do you go about this? Where do you find your audience? And which channels are great to bring in new clients?