It’s been 10 weeks since we started I CODE HIRE ME and I’d say things have been pretty good! Not huge success yet, but pretty good. The goal is to build a community of people learning how to code. I’m not sure what that means yet, so the first focus is on growing a loyal podcast audience and start building up an email list. Here are the results so far!


  • Released a new episode every Friday for the past 10 weeks! BOOOOOM this shocks me actually. It was easier than I thought!
  • Passed 1,000 all-time listens
  • A single episode reached 315 listens
  • Positive feedback and reviews from random people. 5 Stars baby!
  • Hit 85 emails on our mailing list (which isn’t THAT good, but hey it’s more than zero!)


  • Reddit: Promoting podcasts is hard! I experimented with posting on Reddit, but my posts are always on the edge of self-promotion (which means they are self-promotion)
  • Quora: I answered a few questions on Quora and to my surprise generated some traffic from that…so I need to spend more time on that. I haven’t done more of it just due to laziness.
  • Written interviews aren’t doing as well as I’d hope and they’re a big time suck trying to get people to fill them out…I’m considering not doing them anymore. I’m going to continue to do them though for now, because I know that some people like to consume written content over audio.

What’s Next:

  • Podcast Guests: Guests promoting the show on their network his is BY FAR the best way we’ve been able to grow. So I’ve made a list of 60 people with good twitter/instagram followings very specific to the learn to code niche. My plan is to start with people that have around 10,000 followers and get them on the podcast asap to see if we see a bump in subscribers. If that works, I’m going to work my way up to the ones that have tons of followers.
  • Twitter: Even though I’m in tech, I’ve never liked being on Twitter….I stopped using my account around 3 years ago. I think that is largely due to the negativity on there. BUT my analytics shows that a lot of our traffic comes from twitter…so I must go where the market is :)

If anyone has thoughts or advice on growing an audience I am all ears :)

