Last week Leo and Ewan from Ourselves set me the challenge of making a new product and getting 50 users in 5 days! I've made it to 65 users and there's still 6 hours to go! Here's how we did it! 

Coming up with an Idea

I didn't have too much time to validate, so I followed the conventional IH wisdom 👉  

Solve your own problems. Because you're an expert in your own problems. 

My Problem 🤔 — I often have several ideas bubbling around in my head and don't know which one to work on.

My Solution 🛠 — Product Hunt for Ideas. A simple *Idea List* where the best ideas filter to the top. Makers can discuss each others ideas and give feedback.

The Benefits of a Time Constraint 

I had 5 days to make something. This meant I couldn't mess around with superfluous features. It was all action. When I made 140canvas I spent 3 months making an amazing site. Media queries galore. And after all that no-one wanted the product.

Having a time constraint forced me to ship the bare minimum. All I could manage was:

1) Login with Twitter 
2) Ability to Post, Comment & Upvote Ideas
3) Basic Leaderboard

But, that is all that is required. This is enough to test the idea. And if there's demand we can always add in additional features.

In fact, now the site's getting traction, Leo's just added in a simple "Subscribe Via Email" Button.

What we ended up making ... 

Getting our first 65 users!

There's no secret ingredient here. 

The benefit of solving your own problems is that you know the audience for your own problems. Over the past year I've made enough maker friends who were happy to trial the site, upvote it on Product Hunt and share it with their friends.

Currently doing ok on Product Hunt! 

"This is cheating" I hear you cry. And yeah, this is an underwhelming way to make it to 65 users. But this is the reality for most startups / side projects.

Product Hunt began just as a small email list with 40 subscribers. How did Ryan Hoover get his first 40 subscribers? From his own personal blog which had built up a small following.

Whilst Stripe was at Y Combinator the Collison brothers went round manually installing their beta onto the laptops of any other YC founders who'd let them.

Build your network. And use it. If what you're doing looks too pretty, you're probably doing it wrong.   

Summing Up

If there's any Indie Hackers wanting feedback on their ideas. The site we made is here 👉

At the minute, I'm heading up the team at It is a venture builder looking to work with new founders so please get in touch at [email protected] if you've got any ideas. The two founders, Leo & Ewan are big fans of the Indie Hacker mindset! In fact they hired me straight off this forum 😂 😂
