A month ago I released my site A Hacker's Day and I wrote about it here on this forum. Today I'm going to write about statistics, what I've done and what I'm going to do i december.


Throughout november there was 328 unique visitors and 782 page views. The most popular interview was the one with Courtland from Indie Hackers.
I posted 5 interviews in november and I'm continuing to add one more interview per week. The newsletter increased to almost 30 subscribers and most of these are opening and clicking on the mail I'm sending out each week.

I did not earn any money, because I did not add AdSense or anything to the site before december 1st.

What I've done

I have posted 5 interviews and sent them through my newsletter, posted them on Hackernews and wrote a little bit here on IndieHackers. I also built a very simple forum which I released on december 1st.

Started on a collection of productivity tools as you can see here: https://ahackersday.com/tools Please write to me if you want your product featured here.

I have reached out to many inspiring people who are building cool projects and hope that some of those will do an interview with me.

Do you want to be interviewed? Just send me a mail to [email protected]

What am I going to do in december?

This month I'm going to continue focusing on creating more and better content. I'm working on a new design, but I'm not ready to start implementing this because I want to focus on the content first. My goal for december is to reach 500 unique visitors and 1000 page views. I'm also going to integrate Paypal.me (https://www.paypal.me/ahackersday) to the site to try to generate some revenue,  the server isn't free and a couple of dollars would keep up my motivation.

I'm going to continue working on the forum and hoping this will be a small community for developers, creators and everyone who wants to discuss work, productivity and so on.

Got any tips for improvement or anything? Please leave a comment!