It’s so easy to have your very own online page today. You just have to create some exciting content, find a stable online platform, and voila! Your very own online page is now up and running.

But the ease with which you create online pages is also a big problem for you. Other content creators might find the whole process just as easy. The result? The online world is now flooded with pages full of content, and some of them are quite similar to each other. Naturally, such pages compete with each other for the limited attention of the readers.

Of course, you need to stand out in order to get noticed. But standing out is not enough. You need to do something more aggressive. You really need to exert effort in promoting your content. In this article, we present three of the most effective yet often overlooked ways of promoting content online.

The Use of Internal Links

Many website administrators today focus so much on building connections with online pages that are external to them. More specifically, they exert a lot of effort just to put backlinks to their pages on other websites.

While external links are all well and good, the large amounts of time spent on them makes it impossible for some admins to focus on another important way of promoting their content—the use of internal links. Many put so much premium on external links because Google interprets these as votes for a page; the more votes the page gets, the more visible it becomes in the search engine rankings. What these people fail to realize is the fact that internal links help search engines identify the to-be-prioritized page within your domain. They basically stop your own pages from competing with each other for rankings. When used right, internal links can really be used to put into action a good strategy.

Citation Cleanups

Many web admins spend so much time building new links that they fail to see the importance of taking care of their existing connections. Easy local citation cleanups make sure that your site’s information on other pages is current and useful for consumers. They help prevent scenarios wherein potential customers use the information and inactive links that do not represent you or your business anymore. It’s going to cost a lot when you clean up your citations, but it’s going to be a good investment that has the potential to double the traffic that your website gets.

Broken Link Replacements on Wikipedia

Academics frown at Wikipedia but this website is actually considered high-authority by Google. This means that websites that get cited by any of their pages are going to look good in Google’s eyes. Now, one way for you to get cited by Wikipedia is to attempt to replace the broken links it has on its pages (duly marked as “dead link” in many cases). If the broken link once contained details that are relevant to you, you can easily come up with a replacement piece. Just make sure that your piece is at least on par with what Wikipedia once cited. You can submit the new content to Wikipedia, and then wait for their editors to make a decision.