150,000+ listed products and growing, what's the next step?

SaaSHub has been growing in all directions for the last several months (visits as tracked by SimilarWeb). One of these directions is the number of new products submitted to the marketplace: 150,034 as of writing now. If you check the timeline here on IH, you can see that my previous similar report was 100k products in Dec 2019. That's about 83 new products listed on average every day (based on a quick and imprecise calculation).

While that number might not be stunning for some investors, I'm proud of it, given that it's a one-man-army show. What is more, I've been told (by an investor) that SaaSHub is starting to make some of the leaders in the space (like Capterra & G2) a bit uneasy 🙈.

How did I achieve this? Small but consistent daily improvements six days a week.

One of my goals is to have all software products listed on SaaSHub and having them identify their competitors. That's one of the most objective ways to prepare the lists with alternatives after that, and that's what brings value to people browsing the website.

If you were running a software marketplace like SaaSHub, what would you work on next to make the most money out of it? (I'm making some $ - in the range of 4 digits/monthly; however, I'm sure it could easily go up to 5 digits with a slight push).

If you were running SaaSHub, what would you work on next to make the most money?
  1. Deals section (AppSumo alternative)
  2. Community development (public)
  3. Private community (paid)
  4. Subscription management (users tracking all their subs)
  5. Something else (share specifics in the comments)
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