What did you work on this weekend? (Jan 15-16)

Share a link to your product and tell us what you've been working on. If you could use an extra set of eyes, tell us what feedback would be most helpful.

If you drop a link to your product, please take a moment to give someone else feedback!

  1. 8

    I worked on the landing page for my new microsaas https://www.submetrics.co/

    1. 2

      Nice, the website looks good!

      Just a few of things I noticed:

      1. You have "Awesome feature" above each feature... This seems superfluous.
      2. Pricing is "Custom tailored to your needs". The fact that you have multiple plans speaks to the ability to customize it... You don't really need the header.
      3. You don't include an email report in the free tier. What was your reasoning here? It seems like including an automatically generated email in the free tier would cost you nothing but potentially be attractive to customers.


      1. 2

        Thanks for the feedback @brandonHacker! I'll remove the Awesome Feature subtitle. I'll also remove the custom tailored to your needs too. My reasoning for not including the email report is that is a solid premium feature plus there is a cost associated with sending an email per week, even thought it's quite low.

    2. 2

      Looks good! I love that the platforms you integrate with match the platforms creators use most.

      1. 1

        Thanks! Any changes to the copy you'd make?

    3. 2

      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

      1. 2

        I found a NextJS + Tailwind template for like $29. I thought it was worth the price and the time I’d save.

  2. 6

    I published the most basic landing page for https://webstone.app and created a GitHub issue with a first batch of requirements.

    I also listed the product on IndieHackers 🙂.

    1. 1

      Wow, this sounds like a herculean task for one developer! Kudos for your ambition. 💪🏻

      How long has it taken/will it take to create the entire curriculum?

      I also agree with @kiktabcodebookmarks that more information about the specific courses would be good. What tech stack you're offering (and why), how many hours it takes to complete the curriculum, how students can get help when they're stuck... These would be important questions to answer.

      FWIW, I worked as a teaching assistant for a coding bootcamp. Troubleshooting with a group as small as 8-10 people took a ton of time. Ideally, you would teach your students how to troubleshoot themselves using StackOverflow and other resources, but getting them to the point of self-sufficiency is no mean feat. Have you considered how you would handle this?

      1. 1

        Wow thank you for the thorough feedback, I really appreciate it.

        It's my first time sharing a project's progress on Indie Hackers and I'm absolutely blown away by the kindness all around.

        "A herculean task"... that's the most accurate summary I've seen so far haha. It will be an ever-growing curriculum where more modules get added over time. I am only focusing on the most basic version to show what I mean by "Build Your Own Curriculum".

        As for tech stack, that's where the project is different from anything I've seen. Instead of me prescribing the tech stack, students pick their own. They chose a web framework (React, Svelte, Angular, etc.), a way to style the app, an API framework and a database. Based on their selection, the platform generates a course for them based on individual modules.

        By now, "herculean task" likely turned into "impossible task" in your head :-). I'm aiming for the moon and if I miss, I land among the stars - that's the attitude haha.

        In terms of student support, I've experienced exactly what you shared as well. I'm looking to build a Discord community with all students and of course myself. Also, there is going to be a heavy focus on automated tests and continuous updates to course modules based on student feedback.

        I like your idea of teaching students to be self-sufficient - thank you! I'm going to see how I can mix that in.

        1. 1

          Haha maybe not impossible, but doubly herculean for sure! Good luck! Looking forward to future updates. 👍

    2. 1

      I really like the design but I wish you had some examples of the courses shown so we can get a good idea of what we would be signing up for.

      1. 1

        It's a template design for now to ship something that looks alright :). I started to work on the Bring Your Own Curriculum wizard for the landing page. Once it's launched, it'll be a lot clearer what this is all about and how it works.

        I shared a very rough mockup in a tweet at https://twitter.com/webstonehq/status/1483287116968710144.

  3. 6

    I'm working on Nodepath - a way to attach context to the people in your life.

    I wouldn't let myself make it until I had a saw there was interest. Earlier this month I built a landing page with a waiting list. I've seen enough people sign up that I have started working on an MVP.

    This week I started building it, and hope to get more done tonight. I'm building this in public, and you can follow it here or on Twitter. Link in my profile.

    Other than that, I'm still trying to find places to promote it. I've had good enough luck with sharing the project on Reddit, but I'm trying to be careful not to self-promote too much.

    Any tips on how/where to promote a product would be much appreciated 💙

    1. 3

      I like the promise of this! I currently have a Notion database called "People" where I keep track of everything I know about a person as well as meeting notes etc.

      Curious to see what's next for Nodepath.

      1. 1

        I like this. I was thinking of something similar for managing personal relationships. Nice work.

    2. 2

      Just joined the waitlist, I've always wanted something like this. My memory is unreliable, but I definitely want to be the guy remembers those important details.

      1. 1

        💙 I'm working on it as fast as I can

    3. 1

      I concur with @mikenikles and @ConsoleFreak... Nodepath looks great! How long do you think it will take before you finish the MVP?

      Do you have any information on the people who have signed up for the beta?

      1. 1

        It's hard to give an exact date, but I really want a closed beta available by end of Feb.

        The only info I have is their email address. I'm sending personal emails out right now, and I'll do it again every 2or3 weeks. This list will hopefully be the first users of the closed beta. :)

  4. 3

    I worked on my comment to crypto/web3 in the form of a custom coded NFT. https://richnft.io

  5. 3

    We were working on adding "Plug Tweets" feature on our Social media content scheduling tool sociomata.com. It has been difficult to get paid customers till now.

    1. 1

      Hi @shashwat... I tried to check out sociomata but the "Get Started" button didn't trigger any actions. Were you aware of this?

      1. 1

        No, we checked and realized that there is some issue. Clicking on the text part of the button works but I will share you the signup link directly and will fix the issue by tomorrow. https://sociomata.com/signup

        Thank you @brandonHacker for pointing it out.

        1. 1

          Ah, I'm glad we caught it! You're welcome! 👍

  6. 3

    I created more tutorials for my newsletter and welcomed my first subscriber:)

    1. 2

      Your first subscriber!! Congratulations! 🌈 How did they find out about your product?

      1. 1

        Thank you! I'm not sure yet lol

  7. 3

    Sounds good. I worked on my side hustle this week. Here are the things I did apart from my 9-5 job this week.

    1. Wrote 3 Answers on Quora: https://bit.ly/3qwM18s
    2. Published 1 Blog post on my Side Hustle Blog Growthfunda: https://bit.ly/3fxNSDu
    3. Change the WordPress Theme and design of the Blog.
    4. Published one article on Linkedin
    5. Watched a few YouTube Video on Affiliate Marketing
    6. Worked on 3 Days Freedom Breakthrough Challenge: https://bit.ly/3qB3AnY

    What about you? Would love to hear from you.

    1. 2

      Wow, you were quite productive this weekend!! 👏 Was this a normal weekend for you?

      As for myself, I had a leisurely weekend visiting friends and family and reading books! It felt great to recharge.

      1. 1

        Thanks for the compliments. Yes, it's a normal weekend for me. The only difference is that sometimes I execute less depending on other priorities.

  8. 3

    I spent the entire weekend building a chrome extension that makes it easy to shorten URLs. I think there are a lot of people who similar tools, but this is an extension. It's also free. I was just playing around, really. But I like it.

    1. 1

      nice. Do you have a link to download?

      I also worked on a chrome extension to bookmark useful code examples https://kiktabcode.gumroad.com/l/zvqse

    2. 1

      Does it shorten the url currently active, or do you input one?

  9. 1

    I spent this weekend working on marketing for both Shortible (https://shortible.com) and Fomoify (https://fomoify.com).
    Getting them set up seems like the easy part compared to building the audience around them!

  10. 1

    I am focusing on marketing for plygrnd.xyz this week and this month in general.

    created a step by step guide to start a business without a single line of code : https://plygrnd.xyz/blog/How-to-Start-a-Business/

  11. 1

    I made Coparrot! https://coparrot.dev/ Released it yesterday 😁

    1. 2

      Nice, looks great!

      I must say... Your parrot icon is awesome!! Where'd you get it?

      1. 2

        Thanks, I love it too! I commissioned an Indonesian graphic designer @senikurni. Wrote a bit of story of how Coparrot came to be here 😁

        1. 2

          Haha I loved the part about how you came up with the name! Not many people can do humor well in writing... Nice job!

  12. 1

    Finished launching enrichly.io

    Working on getting it successfully launched on appsumo :)

  13. 1

    Worked on implementing a better way to draw text. Turns out drawing crisp, vector-quality 2D text in WebGL is hard. Luckily, there are solutions out there.

  14. 1

    Hello Nev,

    I am working on 2 side projects:

    1. SideInvest.io - A marketplace where you can sell your side projects or receive micro funds from the community.

    2. ConvertX - Convert expired stripe checkouts and make extra revenue

    Any thoughts would be helpful, thanks!

    1. 1

      ConvertX seems like a really good product. I like that you just take a small percentage of carts that eventually convert to sales. Are you having any success getting users?

      1. 1

        Not yet, I am busy with other project and thinking of selling ConvertX

    1. 1

      Looks interesting... How much have you made so far? (just asking for an inspiration)

      1. 1

        It's completed, I published it just yesterday, there is the open source edition for each framework: https://github.com/alexandromtzg/vue2-starter

  15. 1

    Nothing at all!

    Unpopular opinion: Weekends are best spent recharging. I'll work like crazy on weekdays if it means I can take the weekend off.

    1. 1

      Love and agree your opinion! I usually spend weekends working out, playing games, walking around with wife, and sleep. But last weekend I felt like my idea for Coparrot is solid enough to make an MVP, so I did work on it.

      But honestly I didn't burn the midnight oil, still had a good long sleep 😁

    2. 1

      That opinion is actually very popular with me! 🤝😂

      Of course, everybody works differently and has to figure out their own schedule based on their own idiosyncrasies, but if you don't ever give yourself time to recharge... then you won't ever recharge. And it's hard to enjoy the journey if you're constantly exhausted. 🥴 I might even go so far as to say that it's difficult to sustain the journey if you're constantly exhausted... 😯

  16. 1

    Continies to review my upcoming book 'Beyond coding'

    The book has been fully written and it is now out with beta readers.

    The aim of the book is to provide a full picture of what it actually means to became a developer and provide all the resources and information required to progress in your career


  17. 1

    I worked on adding profile picture and FastAPI support for https://www.propelauth.com

    Then I went ahead and updated the marketing site with pictures of my dog as an example. I'm pretty glad our friend is a pet photographer, it makes it look way more professional.

    1. 1

      Looks awesome, I see a ton of people wanting proper user auth in the no-code space. What does FastAPI support mean in this context? You can build an API in FastAPI and put propel in front of it?

      1. 1

        Thanks! That's also good feedback on what my marketing page isn't explaining well now :)

        Since the auth UIs are separate, you can basically bring whatever frontend or backend you want - be it no-code solutions, traditional setups, or a mix of both.

        In this context, FastAPI support means that you can write code like this

        auth = init_auth("AUTH_URL", "API_KEY")
        async def root(current_user: User = Depends(auth.require_user)):
            return {"message": f"Hello {current_user.user_id}"}

        and have a protected route. We have frontend libraries that help you get a JWT for your user and the FastAPI library will validate it on the backend.

  18. 1

    I'm working on Trivial, a no-code automations tool. A little like Zapier with exportable source code.

    Late Friday we added some tutorial steps while a user's first app is building, would love some feedback.

    Accounts are free while we're in beta, no credit card:

    1. 1

      Hey James... Is it your intention to add a landing page with some explanatory material later?

      1. 1

        For sure– there's a marketing site under a separate URL: https://www.withtrivial.com

        Wanted to share the direct product link for IH folks to try.

  19. 1

    I worked on https://www.setupfied.com/ – a weekly newsletter with curated desk setup inspiration for the design savvy. It's a simple start for a broader goal I have around making working from home (WFH) a delight.

    1. 1

      Looking great! I'd love to see some example setups on the landing page so I have a sense of what I'd be getting in the newsletter.

  20. 1

    Hey @brandonHacker 👋👋,

    this past weekend I worked on improving the performance of my landing page inspectflow.io!

    Made some great improvements and cut off a lot of the load time to provide users with a much better user experience!

  21. 1

    Dusted off my Blobs for Figma plugin and made some small updates to the UI:

    • Added preview
    • Switched text inputs to sliders
    • Added option to retry/cycle through options before adding


  22. 1

    I have been refactoring a VS Code theme that I crafted because it has got very popular and it even reached to be a finalist on Product Hunt as a dev tool.


  23. 1

    Hey everyone, good morning. I needed a way to save useful code.

    So I built a chrome extension to bookmark, search, copy, tag your favorite code examples so you can find it later.

    It has been a rewarding journey building this, and I hope to hear your support and/or all ideas regarding this.

    Get it here Free (or buy me a coffee optionally if you like it enough):


  24. 1

    Some SEO updates for cutintothejamstack.com!

    And a UI component that will be the subject of a future blog post and part of the book.

  25. 1

    I worked on and deployed the landing page for my (yet another) productivity app.

  26. 1

    Worked on Testkit and implemented multi-browser testing (which required setting up an army of servers, you might imagine how much work that was), prepared a meeting with a freelancer for development, and prepared some marketing stuff (Mailchimp Newsletter, some posts on Twitter and LinkedIn etc.) - All in all super productive! 🤓

  27. 1

    I worked on the first Growth Hacking As A Service.

    We help you multiply.

    1. 2

      This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

      1. 1

        Thanks for your reply.
        Seems like i need to fix the page for (lg) 1024px.

  28. 2

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

    1. 2

      The polling app sounds interesting. Sort of like Hot or Not from back in the day. With the ubiquitousness of dating apps, and the frustration of many users in not getting any matches, this seems like a great niche! I guess the only question is whether the Amazon Mturk folks are good stand-ins for the folks on dating apps.

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