Hacking Twitter - Let's follow each other. (Part ✌️ )

Hey IndieHackers,
I just saw @manyTomas post (Hacking Twitter - Let's follow each other) post and it is posted 7 months ago.
In 7 months many hackers join IH so why not do this hacking one's again...
⬆️ Vote this post.
👇 Comment down your Twitter username with what you tweet about in 2-3 lines.
🔄 If you like someone profile then follow him.

  1. 4

    Following everyone that follows today https://twitter.com/iamdinakar with notifications on ;)

      1. 1

        Followed back at lightning-fast speed

    1. 1

      I'm a bit late to the game, but just followed you -- https://twitter.com/AtratoPage

      1. 1

        Never too late to hack twitter.

    2. 1

      Followed back everyone (with notifs on) that followed me as soon as I saw.

      I like these Twitter hacks, will follow everyone from this entire post.

    3. 1

      Just followed you too! And here's mine: https://twitter.com/jochemgerritsen 🎉

      I tweet about building businesses and communities, mainly.

      1. 2

        Followed you back in an instant, a nice feed btw.

      1. 1

        Followed back with notifs on as soon as I saw.

  2. 3


    Still learning this Twitter stuff! I mostly tweet about my podcast, marketing, and the occasional cute dog pictures lol

    1. 1

      I just followed you!

  3. 3

    What's up IH fam! I tweet about software engineering, side projects, podcasting, and community (and my podcasting community) ... Check me out! Of course I'll follow you all back 😉

    Edit: Probably should've included this: https://twitter.com/DanSchoonmaker

    1. 3

      Just followed you! You should've included your Twitter link directly on here. :)

      1. 2

        Haha whoops! Good catch

  4. 3

    Hey everyone - tweeting about Django, application security, running a freelancing business, bootstrapping a startup, and a little bit about lifestyle (after all, I'm here for the freedom & lifestyle).


  5. 3

    Hi! I tweet about my journey from startup worker to indie hacker and building in public

      1. 1

        Followed you as well

  6. 3


    👋 Tweeting about side projects, no code, maker tools and the like.

  7. 3

    Hello, I tweet about tech things and the like. I try to not tweet rubbish! https://twitter.com/mark_mcnally_je

  8. 3


    I am building in public all my sideprojects,now I am building Wicked Templates


    See you there

  9. 2

    Twitter handle - https://twitter.com/iam_saminathan

    Just started to be active on Twitter.
    Tweet about Marketing.
    Occasionally tweet on self-growth and design

  10. 2


    I tweet about Notion, productivity and startup operations

    1. 1

      love notion! followed : )

  11. 2

    Hi I post a lot about Observablehq and building SaaS with it, and games, and graphics.

  12. 2


    I tweet about basketball, tech & survivor 😀

  13. 2

    I mostly tweet about the latest scientific discoveries in marketing: https://twitter.com/tdmckinlay
    Looking forward to follow other fellow Indie Hackers!

  14. 2

    I tweet about remote workshops and getting those remote synchronous conversations fruitful and effective! Also some product updates.

  15. 2

    f4f isn't really a sustainable twitter growth model, but it's a nice way to find new and possibly interesting people. I am


    I write mostly about dev topics, rarely about photography and sometimes about bootstrapping and startups. I try to avoid politics.

  16. 2


    Entrepreneurial Science. How to design good companies.

  17. 2

    Hi! I just started using Twitter recently. I tweet mainly about startups & finance


  18. 2

    Hey everyone this actually gave me an awesome idea. I am going to also start tweeting about how various online companies earn money. It is going to be like a Today I Learned (TIL) type of thing. Tweets about a companies business model in 280 characters. What do you all think? Here is the first one:

    1. 2

      I will read those. I just followed you.
      Also, I like how your blog looks! It's original.

      1. 1

        thank you, I actually forgot how it looked like LOL. Haven't visited it in a while.

    2. 1

      this is cool! i love bite size knowledge indeed

  19. 2

    Hello, I tweet random thoughts on current events, software development and I will eventually start tweeting about my progress indiehacking! Also will reciprocate the follow if you follow me :)


  20. 2

    https://twitter.com/MateoM147 I really like to share the most interesting things I read on internet

    1. 1

      Twitter avatar is fire, just followed.

  21. 2

    I'm just getting started, but I have a number of Tweets scheduled in the coming weeks about our scheduler widget. https://twitter.com/LizaAIApp

    1. 1

      You know there's a company that's really similar in name and functionality right? https://www.dynasty.com/index.html

  22. 2

    I tweet about interesting ideas I come across each week interviewing entrepreneurs :)

  23. 2


    📚 Arts • Investing • Games • Tech • Philosophy 📚

    Diving into this thread now to find some new follows!

  24. 2


    Started using it last would so would appreciate any and all support 🙏

    I'll be posting fairly technically about Vue and laravel as well as building in public. I'll be posting an article tomorrow about Vite.

    Will follow anyone back of course :D

  25. 2

    Management, development, random whatevers, no politics. I’ll also be starting to build in public for my new project, soon.

    Most posts are in English, though some are in Japanese.


    1. 1

      Just followed you! How long have you been in Tokyo?

      1. 1

        About 1.5 years. But about 6 years in Japan.

        1. 1

          That's so cool. What's your favorite city in Japan? I've only been to Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto.

          1. 1

            I'm not sure that I really have a favourite. There are places that are good for different reasons. But, I quite enjoyed living in Osaka for about 3 years.

    2. 1

      Clicked the link and I already follow you LOL.

  26. 2

    Building apps and software and stuff. I do try to avoid politics and keep it light


  27. 2

    I post about product management!
    I'll be following everyone back for next 3 days.


      1. 1

        Followed you back :)

    1. 1

      Could you post about how to build a product roadmap, struggling with that at the moment.

  28. 2


    Tweeting about SaaS products and a little dev!

  29. 2

    Great initiative:

    I tweet mostly about Growth Hacking:

  30. 2

    Hey! See you on Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/teodora_dobre

    👩🏻‍💻Bootstrapping side projects & sharing it.
    🧵 Find cool Twitter threads: threadok.com
    🚀 The community of starters: monthlystart.com
    📚My book about Twitter: gum.co/hkVRI

  31. 2

    Nice! Definitely looking to grow my twitter at the moment.


    1. 1

      You got a new follower!

  32. 2


    I just started an account for my Saas, I want to tweet about web trading and share audits(generated by Wappraiser) of sites on sale

  33. 2

    I mostly tweet about software development, indie hacking and my experience working on my side projects (Fiddy & Jott)

  34. 2

    Product development, mostly frontend development.
    Along with that write about my experience with side-projects.

  35. 2

    I tweet bite-sized product wisdom here:

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/01sadra

  36. 2

    Hey twitters,

    We've just started documenting our journey

  37. 2

    I create interactive web products, 3D artworks and share my progress on Twitter.

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/this_augis

  38. 2

    I will start posting a lot regarding my progress with https://www.engageful.app/

    This is my second bootstrapped journey, so might be interesting especially for first time founders!


  39. 2

    👋 I tweet about react, startups, and my experience building divjoy.com

    1. 2

      Great to connect with a fellow YC founder!

  40. 2

    I'm a decade late, but I just joined Twitter. I'm an Actuary in my day job and occasionally post related projects online, trying to reach a broader audience now Tweeting.

    1. 1

      Just followed you! My cat Bao Bao says hi to Potato. :)

  41. 2

    Great idea, here is mine. Follow back anyone.

      1. 1

        Thanks, followed back. : )

  42. 2

    Twitter 👉 iOmkarBirje

    Tweet About 👉 I create products and share my journey when building this product.

    1. 3

      Just gave you a follow

  43. 1


    I tweet about the development of Gamelytix, my side project on analytics of the gaming industry.

    Follow me and I will follow you =)

  44. 1

    @GarreisJonathan looking for more nice SaaS people - post about our business paperless.io and our growth

  45. 1

    I tweet about programming and best practices.

  46. 1

    Hi!, Done. This is my profile is you want to follow back: https://twitter.com/g_perales

    I'm a JavaScript developer (I work mainly with React and React Native) and I'm interested on building a profitable Micro-SaaS and document all the process!

    1. 1

      feel free to follow back here: https://twitter.com/huashu28

  47. 1

    I tweet about investing with the mission to make investing knowledge accessible to all

  48. 1

    @shotbyfbm I tweet about workflows/products creators use, Photography and culture. Oh and some time my deeps inner thoughts.

  49. 1


    Writing about User Research, Software Development, and Side Projects

  50. 1

    Hey! Nice thread.

    I share tools and tactics to grow up your business + the freelancing lifestyle + funny marketing things on the internet (without dad jokes I promised) — https://twitter.com/BenjaminPoiss0n

  51. 1

    Great initiative. Late to the party, but guaranteed follow-back.

    I tweet about entrepreneurship, tech, trends, venture capital and blog posts I find interesting...

  52. 1

    TWTR 👉@dantevitagliano

    • I used to tweet about politics (I run a political tech startup empowering 1st time candidates with the data, tools, and resources needed to launch and grow their political campaigns) but now mostly tech and entrepreneurship stuff 🤘
  53. 1


    I write random insights and thoughts about business, life, AI, and tech.

  54. 1

    Hey everyone :) https://twitter.com/yerjanik25.

    I tweet about anything and everything that might catch your attention. Optimistic rambles only.

  55. 1

    Twitter handle: @alejandrovbeta1

    About me: I just started a 12 Startups in 12 Months challenge. I will be tweeting about my journey as a former lawyer turned entrepreneur and building fast using No-Code tools. My passion are Product and Strategy.

  56. 1

    Hey everyone.

    I'm tweet at https://twitter.com/marcelcruz about building Dev Resources (https://devresourc.es) + coding tips, almost daily. Would love to connect with y'all. :)

  57. 1

    https://twitter.com/DailyDevTips1 tweeting a daily development tip every single day, yes also Saturday and Sundays.
    In between I like to tweet some chilled things about the dev-life.

  58. 1


    Tweet about building Snappd and occasionally side projects. Focus on video, development & general indie hacking. - Trying to tweet more

  59. 1


    Tweeting about organic Instagram growth and strategy. Or trying to make Twitter a habit too--mostly used to writing articles on Medium.

  60. 1

    Twitter of the progress of the Animation CPU reactive programming platform https://twitter.com/acpustudioand virtual Club Avatar https://twitter.com/ClubAvatarapp1

  61. 1

    Hey cool Tread found some good accounts :)
    I am tweeting about Development, the 42coders, Opensource, Laravel ....


  62. 1

    Hi everybody,
    I just created a new account! :)

  63. 1

    All things product and analytics. No politics.

  64. 1


    Mostly tweet about football, local Pakistan politics and startup related stuff.

    Will follow people back. Thanks.

  65. 1

    https://twitter.com/zengouu - I tweet about my experiences as backend developer. Real shit, truths. No made up bogus stuff.

  66. 1

    Tweeting about product, business, no-code, and productivity https://twitter.com/kavirkaycee

    I'm a Product Manager, No-code Maker, and Writer on Substack.

  67. 1

    I'm an software/security engineer. I write about software and the business of software.


  68. 1

    Cool initiative @iOmkarBirje .Still learning how to do the twitter game: https://twitter.com/aayush4vedi
    Followed you!

  69. 1


    I tweet mostly about Email Deliverability, but also about projects I'm working on.

  70. 1

    This is my twitter handle. I tweet about developing for Apple platforms and also about Apple products in general.

    Some occasional tweets about Cricket, books, trips and random thoughts.

    I'm looking to follow some web developers as I am trying to learn beyond my Apple bubble.

    1. 2

      Following - Can't say no to cricket tweets!

  71. 1


    Hey everyone, I tweet about personal development, programming and my journey into entrepreneurship.

    Looking forward to following all you interesting indie hackers on the journey!

  72. 1

    Awesome ahah

    I tweet growth, nocode and venture building on https://twitter.com/felix12777

    1. 1

      Already followed you!

  73. 1

    https://twitter.com/mejsandilya 👋
    I try to tweet about startups, SaaS and tech!

  74. 1

    https://twitter.com/RicardoSawir I tweet about any stories I happen to encounter in my experience. (though i can relate to programming)

  75. 1

    Ready to give it a spin -> https://twitter.com/schakrabortyc20

    I'm a marketing & analytics consultant and tweet about growth hacking by using data.

  76. 1

    Hey! I tweet about tech, digital products, and startups.

  77. 1

    Hey guys!
    I'm always happy to follow indie hackers! https://twitter.com/guar47.

    I've also been posting similar thread this year if you want to find more people: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/twitter-follow-thread-2020-419a8f3540

    1. 2

      Just followed you! 12 startups in 12 months?!

      1. 1

        Yep! Doing it with a few folks 12xstartup.com :) I'm at the end of my first project :)

  78. 1

    Hi everyone! I am actually new to Twitter and will be tweeting the journey of finding PMF within the accounting market in Asia! Please follow @haywoodshum

    1. 1

      Just followed you! Excited to learn about your journey

    1. 2

      Followed & upvoted you on PH :)

      1. 1

        Thanks! Followed you back.

  79. 1

    Followed everyone.

    I am quite new here and I am eager to learn from everyone, myself at https://twitter.com/RoyPacer would like to share some interesting ideas and thoughts as well.

      1. 1

        Followed back, thanks for the following Tiffany!

  80. 1

    Hey everyone! I recently made a Twitter and I'll be following everyone that follows: https://twitter.com/anirXiv

    1. 1

      Just followed you! I'm fairly new to Twitter too.

      1. 1

        Followed back :)

  81. 1

    @robjiang. Starting to tweet about real estate investing and other start up related topics. Appreciate a follow!

  82. 1

    Hey, my name is Ben. I tweet about tech, mindfulness and climate change research.

    Will follow everyone back, I think this community is awesome.

    1. 1

      Just followed you! Your cat is adorable, how do you get anything done? :)

  83. 1

    This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

  84. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

  85. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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