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Technical Writer [Remote/Part Time]

Creative Designs Guru - Premium Themes
Starting at $15 per hour

Next JS Themes - Creative Designs Guru is a website selling premium React theme with modern technology stack: Next JS, TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.

A prebuilt theme for landing pages, user dashboards and blogs. The perfect template to launch a side-project, services, or products.

I also built another product Next JS SaaS for indie maker who want to build a SaaS products faster with Authentication, Payment, Landing Page, Dashboard, Developer experience, Serverless, Form handling, Error handling, CRUD operation, etc.

Made for React developers by React developers. Helps them to save development and design time.

Looking for several Technical Writers to write more articles/tutorials/guide on the blog in web development.

Here is the blog: Creative Designs Guru Blog

Part Time Writing Marketing Software Development Front End Full Stack Back End JavaScript React