Roast my landing page and I will roast yours

So, I spent the past few days hacking together a landing page for an idea I have.

Please check it out here: https://bkmark.io and please share your feedback with me.

What's Awesome?
What's Boring?
What's Confusing?
What Didn't you believe?

Also, please share your landing page too, and I'll give you my thoughts.


    1. 1

      Thanks for the detailed review! and I love your product!

  1. 2

    What's Awesome?
    The breakdown graphic

    What's Boring?
    Use SVG's if you can. Especially with the logo. The red shape is distracting. Use less harsh colors, more pastels. I'd move the wonderful graphic up higher towards the hero. Hell put it in the hero. I'd also just put plans/pricing on the same page since it's so simple.

    What's Confusing?
    There is more text than I would like to read. The text in the steps is kind of small and makes me think too much. I didn't find that much value in the 1, 2, 3. It would be more valuable with images and if it addressed the PAIN.

    I would love thoughts on my page Story Creator. I have a bunch of sub landing pages, they all have similar structure would like feedback on that as well :)

    1. 2

      Thanks for your feedback @storycreator! Very valid points with regards to the 1,2,3 and vector graphics. Well definitely amend!

      On Story Creator:
      What's awesome: The landing page flows and takes the me through the user journey and I know exactly what to expect. Great use of visuals, and I like the subtle paint brushes that give more life to the page

      What's boring? Very minor, but the testimonial boxes don't all have the same height, OCD maybe...

      What's confusing? The sub landing pages are basically tutorials for each of the features if I understand this well. Do you expect potential customers to fall on the sub-landing pages straight or is it neater to remove the acquisition CTAs and use them as tutorials instead?

      1. 2

        The sub-landing pages are essential for two things

        • SEO
        • Education

        I am still working hard on SEO I still havent gotten it down yet, but I am seeing improvements.

        For example the keyword "Story Creator App Text on Video" https://www.google.com/search?q=story+creator+app+text+on+video&oq=story+creator+app+text+on+video&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.7771j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

        I still don't rank #1 for such a hyper-specific phrase. Which means I still need to be proactive with backlinks, building authority, and getting the basics down. Once I start being listed for high volume and long-tail keywords. I will start to get more traffic and sign-ups.

        It's how my competition is winning. So I am being patient and focused on adding the most value I can.

        Sub landing pages are a great way to get some traffic and offer value at the same time.


    2. 2

      No the OP, but I like the landing page and product, the landing page text is clear and on point. Looks really neat. Great work.

  2. 2

    I'll take a crack at it:
    "Saving bookmarks is easy, keeping them tidy, not so much." -- love that line, it's more descriptive and enticing than anything else you have above the fold. It conveys what you're trying to do more so than 'Bookmark the internet, without the clutter'

    The first step in the step by step needs some work. I would change the headline to something more like 'Email your bookmarks to bkmark. Access them anywhere. '. One of the value add's over other systems seems to me to be able to email your links in and have them added into a bookmark system automatically so I would put emphasis on that.
    The step by step in general could probably use some drawings or diagrams as well. Perhaps the above headline change wouldn't be needed with a good enough diagram of the process.
    The very first cursory glance at the step by step made it seem wordy and I was expecting more of a hint of the product right below the fold rather than to have to keep scrolling.

    In the product photo, it's hard to tell if tags are automatically added as the bookmarks come in or suggested when you go through the bookmarks.

    What Didn't you believe?
    Having used Evernote a long time ago and played around with their autotagging capabilities, I have a tough time believing that the automatically suggested tags will be as good/accurate as the product photo entails.

    No landing page from me at the moment, but thanks for the offer!

    1. 1

      Thanks for your very detailed feedback @Zwei !

      I agree this sentence has more punch to it "Saving bookmarks is easy, keeping them tidy, not so much.". I will amend the page accordingly.

      I understand from the feedback overall that the step by step is not as clear as it could be and could do with working on the copy and/or graphics. Thanks for further highlighting that.

      Yes, auto-tagging is something that can easily go wrong. At this stage I'm mostly conducting user interviews and investigating the magnitude of the problem; I'm confident a technical solution with good tagging is possible.

      Don't hesitate to ping me once you have a page you'd want reviewed :)

  3. 1

    Hey @boristane nice work!

    What's Awesome? Attractive color palette
    What's Boring? Not a fan of the choice of body text, hard to read
    What's Confusing? The price table look very similar
    What Didn't you believe? Nothing much actually :)

    Would be awesome if you can roast my Notion page as well as newsletter inside!

    1. 1

      Thanks for your roast @felix12777!

      The notion page is pretty slick, it does what it says.

      You could make it clearer how you compute the "trending", maybe show the number of active users/ number of clicks in the past day...

      The calendar seems pretty handy, I have bookmarked your page ;)

      1. 1

        Hey @boristane thank you so much for your feedback. I'd definitely implement your ideas. Can I thank you on my monthly update? On Twitter? Let's chat :)

  4. 1

    It's very simple, which is nice.
    First thing, you don't have a call to action. There is no obvious button that says sign up, or free trial, etc. It was unclear what I had to do to start using the tool. Next, I would suggest merging the 1,2,3 items with the images somehow. Make it clearer what the steps are referring to in the UI.

    Any feedback is appreciated. DesignClass

    1. 1

      Thanks for your roast @jsanabria !

      The 1,2,3 items not being very helpful is a recurring theme on the comments I have got so far and thank for further highlighting that.

      With regards to your page, I'd say the first thing that stands out to me is the images are slow to load; you could have your website on a CDN to help with that. Otherwise, I don't fully get your product, is it a scholarship of a collection of design classes (as the name suggests). This because the first thing I read is about a scholarship, and then design competitions and then classes, it's a tad confusing I think.

      1. 1

        Thanks for the feedback! I can see how it's a little much from the start since it is all 3: a scholarship, competitions, and classes.

  5. 1

    Great idea @boristane !

    What's Awesome? The diagram with the arrows showing where everything is. People want to see, and you've presented not only what they see, but what functions there are.

    What's Boring? YABA... Yet Another Bookmark App. Also, your call to action is on a separate (pricing) page, there is no call to action on the home page. I thought that the "Get Started Now" buttons were just that, but they only moved my screen to the next section.

    What's Confusing? Tags are all the rage but a poor substitute for a properly organized bookmarks system. If you don't tag something right, or try to search for a tag that you didn't use, you won't be able to find it. Tags make searching confusing, especially when you get into the thousands of bookmarks.

    What Didn't you Believe? This goes back to the What's Confusing question. I have over 7,000 bookmarks. I use about 500 of them on a regular basis. Tags just don't cut it. Only a hierarchical system will work for me. Also, you said "search through 100s of bookmarks in seconds", does this mean it will take minutes to search through thousands of bookmarks? Or does this mean your system can't handle or isn't designed for thousands of bookmarks?

    I suppose my comments are have something to do with the app, but it is reflected on the landing page and if the landing page doesn't grab someone's attention (what makes it unique?) then you've lost them before they even click your call to action.

    Now my landing page is easy to roast because it's actually just a prototype of my actual landing page (I just cobbled it together yesterday). It's a very unique product aimed at a very large but specialized audience. Fire away! https://mailchi.mp/66e6b7968581/free-dacum-tool

    Kindest regards,

    1. 1

      Thanks for your very detailed feedback @antarctican !

      I get the frustration with the tagging system, and I'll spend more time thinking about a more effective way to organise bookmarks. Hierarchical systems are an option, but from my experience it means "digging through" to find what you need whereas the a more pleasing user experience would be to surface the bookmarks to the user. Happy to discuss this further if you have the availability :)

      With regards to your landing page,

      Indeed it's very niche.

      What's awesome: The headline and the Brief history section. I think the brief history section is more convincing, ie, brings more energy and prompts to read more compared to the rest of the page, it could be moved further up the page :).

      What's boring: I'm not sure about the lengthy paragraph explaining what DACUM means. I understand your target audience might not be familiar with the term, but I think it can be made more digestible.

      What's confusing: The graphics are not legible, maybe the target audience will understand based on the graphs and tables layout, but as it stands it's not clear what you're trying to show :)

      What didn't you believe: That you're on social media :D ; All the social links send to the homepages :)

      1. 1

        I would be more than happy to connect and discuss how I use bookmarks if it helps you. Not sure if there's a PM system on here as I'm new and don't see it, email also works well for me.

        Thanks for the roast, I really appreciate those points! When I move from the prototype landing page to the "real" one I'll rework it with your suggestions, thank you again.

        1. 1

          Awesome thanks! If you're on twitter please ping me. I couldn't see your twitter handle on your IH profile. Mine's @boristane. Also, I'll sign up to your mailing list such that you can have my email :) !

          1. 1

            I never read twitter

  6. 1

    What's Awesome?
    Your copy is awesome. You have a few nice headlines.

    'Saving bookmarks is easy, keeping them tidy, not so much.'
    'Keep your bookmarks untangled.'

    And I like the idea of the explanation graphic.

    What's Boring?

    The random svg and images doesn't do anything for me. Feels more like a page filler if I am being honest. Doesn't connect with the rest of your brand or app design.

    What's Confusing?
    I think that you can befit from more prominent call to actions. The scrolling gif + payoff is not very prominent. Convert your call to actions to buttons, and make sure that the copy is clear.

    What Didn't you believe?
    I'm not sure how your product fits in my workflow. Is it a chrome/edge add-on? Or is it web app, or do I need to download it on my phone? You need to work on that part.

    Feel free to roast my landing page

    1. 1

      Thanks for your feedback @frankspinnl!

      I'm considering re-arranging the copy to make the headlines you highlighted more prominent.

      An overall re-organisation of the page to showcase the CTA + the images is in the plans following the feedback from IH.

      At the moment I'm still in exploratory mode and I'm not sure of the most efficient way to integrate with customer workflows. I'm conducting more user interview to find this out.

      Your landing page looks very neat!

      This copy is a bit rough to digest: "UptimeMate helps you to find technical issues on your websites and makes sure that you are the first to know"

      How about something like "UptimeMate alerts you of technical issues on your website before your users notice" or anything in those lines, more direct, more punch!

      Also, the CTA could just be "Try for Free" ?

  7. 1

    What's Awesome?
    Looks bold and memorable.
    I like the simplicity

    What's Boring?
    Looks a bit quiet. Add a gif

    What's Confusing?
    3 step process. It took me 2 minutes to register "1" as a number. Looks like a vertical line that symbolize a quote.

    What Didn't you believe?
    That it can be 10x better than google bookmarks. It syncs pretty good for me with mobile. Yeah, the management for the bookmarks on chrome is pretty bad, but I can deal with it.

    Here's mine:

    1. 1

      Thanks for your feedback @4th_roommate

      Improving the 3 step process is something that keeps coming up and I'll work on that, thanks :).

      And indeed it's the dreadful aspect of chrome bookmarks management that prompted the idea in my mind, now I'm refining trying to get to the bottom of the problem with potential customers and get a solution from those conversations :).

      With regards to your landing page:

      What's awesome: the illustrations of how the app works are very clear and neat

      What's boring: the headline, it's doesn't have a lot of punch; Slack already is about building relationship with team mates; your headline doesn't show how your product can enhance those relationships

      What's confusing: the red color put me off a little when the page loaded

      What didn't you believe: "Free for 2 weeks" since there is no pricing on the page!

      Hope it helps :)

  8. 1

    Roast my landing [...]

    Ok. Opening friendly irony tags. My eyes are hurting, I can't stay longer there. Is it for something with art? I am thinking about Picasso for some reason. I don't know what is a worse match, the colors or the geometric shape. Dude, you can't combine a triangle with a rectangle with a circle with a... ehh.. why? Also color contrast, I'd almost ask for a wall to warn people sensitive to bright colors. I am sorry, I, I, just can't do this. Closing Friendly irony tags.

    Is mine really better? :-)

    1. 1

      Haha thanks!

      I guess the colors are a tad too bright!

      Well with regards to your page, it's very simple (just as the product) to the point where it might be too simple...

      Is it comparable to google analytics or is it going to just give me page hit counts ?

      1. 1

        Not comparable with google analytics, since it tries to track less and have a clear interface. It is based on visits, which is a session during a day.

  9. 1

    Personally.. I like it.

    It would be cool if you could do an extension with it so you can

    -Tag it under a topic or folder
    -Set a reminder to read it perhaps?

    And then the reminder takes you back to your site dashboard with them all organised?

    Just an idea!

    I would share my landing page but its long form and a lot to go through.

    Don't get me wrong- it converts great to the right audience at the right time, but I don't want to make you suffer through it lol.

    1. 2

      Thanks for your feedback @Daniel_DH

      Those ideas are things I'm considering, I'm still super early stage, I have a ton of potential features that I'm navigating and prioritizing. I'll give more thought to your suggestions definitely !

  10. 1

    call to action is not obvious

    1. 1

      Thanks @jiaoshuo, it's intentional to not have the CTA obvious. I'm still at the validation stage, I'm not trying to maximise signups, but gauge how many people feel the pain.

  11. 1
    • What's Awesome? - I like the colors combination!
    • What's Boring? - Cookie banner at bottom keep showing up when back from pricing page.
    • What's Confusing? - Could not find sign up/sign in from home page. What is cloud backup?
    • What Didn't you believe? - search through 100s of bookmarks in seconds. seconds is too slow, should be less than a second.

    You can roast mine https://www.reporthq.io/

    1. 1

      Thanks for your feedback @qilisiang!

      I'll definitely check out the cookie banner issue, and improve the copy on cloud back-up and the search!

      With regards to your landing page, I think there are a lot of industry specific or jargon words which are not easily accessible, unless your product is for a very niche industry (which indeed I am not in), also I would change the headline to something with more punch. "Website & Email Monitoring" doesn't prompt me to want to read more :)

  12. 1

    I love the idea, but I think the site didn't tell me "how it works/what makes it easier/what input is required on my end to make it easier" etc, hope I got my message out.

    1. 1

      Thanks @Navinp! I think one of the common theme of the feedback I get is improve the copy, which I will definitely spend some time on!

  13. 1

    This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

    1. 1

      Thanks for your feedback @jeffjadulco!

      I think I'll just remove the scroll wheel, as you said, pretty confusing and doesn't play any major role.

      Splitting the product overview in multiple sections is an idea worth trying out, thanks again!

      Your personal website is down :( , you might want to check that :)

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

        1. 1

          Thanks for the further comments @jeffjadulco !

          I'll also get vector graphics for the illustration, rather than just a png :)

          Your website looks great! I particularly like the "moving" shapes. Only comment is, the game jam entry from 2016 is pretty old and there's a big gap between that and the other entries. If you intend to use this website as a portfolio / CV type of website, you might want to include projects, event smaller, that you did in between :)

          1. 1

            This comment was deleted 6 months ago.

  14. 2

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

    1. 1

      Thanks for your feedback @azhan !

      I'll take these into account and make some modifications to the landing page :).

      On your page:

      • what's awesome: the overall layout and the styling
      • what's boring: a lot of text and the headline doesn't have enough punch!
      • what's confusing: the mission statement is a tad confusing until I have read most of the text
      • what didn't I believe: do I keep control over the user data after they use your service to authenticate?
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