What are you planning to complete this week?

Hey, what are you planning to finish this week?

  1. 6

    Work on Pinger as much as I can 💪


    1. Recover nerve cells after yesterday incident with production 😅

    Technical stuff:

    1. Complete new design of status pages with my designer. Not sure if I'll be able to implement this, it's quite a big with lots of charts, but I'll try
    2. Research whether people need or not breakdown of request times (dns lookup, tls handshake, transfer time etc). One of indie hackers asked me, and I've already started collecting this info, but I'm also thinking how can I use it. Maybe provide some tips for users regarding site speed
    3. Try another approach of handling incoming uptime checks, right now it's way too inconvenient and this is kind of a technical problem I'm struggling to solve =(
    4. If there is no connection to mysql do not erase uptime checks on nodes


    1. Write post on PH asking for feedback
    2. Read about twitter promotion, product vs personal twitter
    3. Research competitors content on twitter, how did they manage to get traction
    4. Ask betalist owner some questions regarding promotion

    And preferably do not die 👻

    1. 1

      A lot to complete in one week! Are you on your own?

      1. 1

        I have a designer who's working on status pages design right now, but 95% or work I do on my own :)

        p.s. one of my competitors have the same name as yours :) I thought like "woah, Leo, is it you?"

        1. 1

          Congrats for being so productive!

          Haha would be funny

  2. 5

    We are launching Abyssale this week on ProductHunt.

    • Finish all marketing content
    • Finish our promo video
    • Update our blog
    • Website SEO optim
    • ...
    1. 2

      Good luck with your launch

      1. 2

        Thank you! It's our 2nd launch and I hope we'll have some great results :)

  3. 3

    Thanks for asking :).

    Last week I released my free & unlimited email finder https://moonkit.io

    This week I want to rework the website, write a few blog posts and release a new version of the email finder Chrome extension.

    1. 2

      Why does it want me to install a chrome extensions when searching for a domain? That's pretty shady and I don't get the reason why searching for something needs a 3rd party extension mingling with my browser.

      1. 1

        Well, I was hoping the page which informs you about the need to install the extension would explain it. It says:

        Moonkit.io uses your browser to scan the website and extract contact information.

        What the extension does:

        • When you enter a website URL or domain on Moonkit.io, it opens a new tab and auto-browses the website.
        • It runs information extraction algorithms while auto-browsing the website you entered.
        • It sends the contact information to a tab where you can see it.

        So the email extractor actually runs in your browser instead of server infrastructure. So I don't need to operate the infrastructure and you save on the cost :).

        I'll need to explain this better.

        There is also section about what the extension does NOT 🙂:

        • It doesn’t collect any information about you, your browser, or your browsing activity.
        • It doesn’t alter your browsing experience in any way. It only runs on a specific website when you tell it to do so.
        • It doesn’t require you to create an account or sign up for any paid or free services.
        1. 1

          Website was very clear.

          I would like to know how you plan on making money as well :)

    2. 1

      I see, and what's your monetisation plan?

  4. 3

    ✅ Working on badges & community upvotes for Fifty
    ✅ Make bidirectional links on Jott more specific.
    ✅ Writing the first edition of my newsletter, [Indie Stories] (https://indiestories.substack.com/)

    1. 2

      Are you working on 3 different project at the same time?

      1. 2

        Yeah, plus a full-time job & a software dev agency 😅

        1. 1

          Are you planning to sleep this week? :)

          Seriously, take care of your health. Having burned out in the past, now I know how long working hours can affect our health and performance after a while

          If that interests you, my personal story: https://www.indiehackers.com/post/i-sold-my-b2b-business-and-achieved-my-dreamed-meaningless-life-9e5bd4ab80

  5. 2

    I decided to use Bubble for my MVP of Repuzen after hearing fairly positive feedback here and also within the Bubble forum itself, so I am frantically learning the basics currently. Hope by the end of the week I can have something somewhat functional.

    1. 2

      I'm not an expert but happy to help if you have any bubble questions. 😀

  6. 2

    We're working on an MVP for a simple time-tracking app. Hoping to have it in the appstore and playstore this week! Fingers crossed!

  7. 2

    Last week, I cleaned up my landing page at www.culturesy.com and started to put together price model for subscribers.

    This week, I plan to:

    • Update member dashboard with new user friendly layout
    • Content creation - complete one blog post (I'm a slow writer)
    • Marketing - continue to promote on social platforms to capture 10 more company reviews via survey
    • Marketing - dive in to best practices for SEO
    1. 1

      Very good idea....nice job!

  8. 2

    I've published SaaS4Devs, a sort of Wiki for developers trying to make it in the micro-SaaS world.
    This is the first version and there's a lot more stuff to come.

    I'll do a proper post here on IH when I feel like it's complete enough 😁

        1. 2

          Cool - looks pretty useful. Thanks, @Nicolas_ :)

    1. 1

      Very cool idea. Something I wanted to build for a while, but time is limited :(

      1. 1

        Yes, definitively! By the way, Versoly is mentioned under the Landing page section! Thank you for your comment :)

        1. 2

          I saw thanks so much!

    2. 1

      Cool! Good luck!

  9. 2

    My big three things this week:

    1. Copywriting for a better gloat.dev site (not just a quickly thrown-together landing page!)

    2. Two Ghost installs (customers from Gloat)

    3. Launching likes and reactions on cove.chat 🙌

  10. 2

    Working on https://www.indiehackers.com/product/turboapi

    • Deploying the notification system I've built
    • Integrating stripe subscriptions
    • Adding rollbar for error monitoring
    • Various security and misc features to add
  11. 2

    Reach out, reach out, reach out

    Yep, full focus on reaching out. I have spent about 40 days on my product's technical ground work. I should have done customer reach out even before. I am getting good clear signals for validation but sales is going to be a long process, as it is in B2B.

    Here are my goals this week:

    • Reach out to 25 potential users at least (LinkedIn, Twitter, Email)
    • Publish 5 Blog posts, focus on business use cases from own experience
    • Try 5 channels to share Blog posts (Reddit, Twitter, IH, etc)
    • Share 2 tech posts on DEV.to
    1. 1

      Yo. I'm also in the process of reaching out!

      Let's hop on chat to share strategies? If you're feeling it - ping me on twitter or email.

    2. 1

      I should have done customer reach out even before

      Agree. This works for most cases. Customer first, product later. Sales might take a long time in B2B. Content can play a big part on reaching more potential users. Relationships are powerful in B2B world.

      For me, I had a B2B in the past, and the entry price for my product was too high to be approved in a matter of days. Most of the time, we needed approval from IT, End users and even from Marketing some times, depending on what department would buy the product.

      If I had to start again, I'd probably reduce prices until the end users were able to approve straight away

      1. 1

        True that, the larger the company, the more complex is the sales process. But you have a better income too. I am doing to 60 days trial since it allows a company to really buy in.

        I have a per server license model (the application is open source and on-prem).

        1. 1

          Yes, and the possibility of having new projects with the same client is something worthwhile.

  12. 1

    I hope to validate or invalidate a product idea I have been exploring. I am hoping to get 200 signups to get notified when the app comes out.
    Trying to figure out how to get more people to see the idea and at least watch the video.

  13. 1

    This week https://soundssphere.com is launching on YouTube (where 85% of our market looks for what we offer). In prep for that:

    -Finishing new ad video
    -Finishing new landing page
    -Updating copy
    -Finishing visualizer/thumbnails/graphics

  14. 1

    Hello there, 👋

    [x] Figure out why the website card on twitter wasn't working (just finished this)
    [ ] Create a copy of the site in bubble so I can release it to others
    [ ] Probably more bugs that will become apparent while launching

    [ ] Finish creating all social media assets for project launch
    [ ] Launch my side project Mindful Stimulus on PH and IH 🎉
    [ ] Write a blog post detailing how I built it and release the code open source (it's build on bubble so anyone can reuse)
    [ ] Write post on PH asking about similar resources to ^^
    [ ] Create a few partnerships with other directory sites to get the word out

    That's it for now. 💪

  15. 1

    I will commit to actually writing a proper post here on IH about what I am working on to get some feedback to community!

  16. 1
    1. Build a landing page validate our first potential product.
    2. Prospecting for website and landing page design/development missions to pay the bills 😅
    3. Practice social media presence (I'm usually a reader and not active on social media).
  17. 1

    Working on ServerAuth.com currently making the switch over from mostly development to marketing.

    • First task on my list this week is to get a new blog post out, which should be live tomorrow and is a guide on setting up 2 factor authentication for SSH.

    • Then I've got a meeting with my co-founder to plan out our marketing strategry.

    • On top of that I've been slowly getting the site submitted to some SaaS directories, and working on keyword research for more content!

  18. 1

    Working on Stackprint:

    • Automatically create tags in Mailchimp if users complete onboarding actions
    • Setup emails on next steps to complete onboarding in Mailchimp
    • Reach out to beta users from last week and ask for feedback
    • Start moving documentation to GitBook
  19. 1

    Hope to finish my UI/UX refactoring for Pointway. As a bonus, I hope to also get a new (and better) landing page up.

  20. 1

    Thanks for the question, @Leo ... this week I'm aiming to finish my e2e test coverage for https://timeytim.com. I've set up my CI pipelines so the UI can't be deployed with a failing backend and the backend can't deploy with a failing UI.

    It feels a bit clunky (the interdependency) but I want that confidence that I can't break things. Then I'll feel ready to remove the Coming Soon! tag :)

  21. 1

    Have these two goals.

    • Get some feedback from around 10 real users testing my MVP.
    • Publish 1 piece of content around platforms about the Optimal Entrepreneurship lifestyle.

    Also I'm continuing to testing a new workout routine. The goal is to not die after workouts during the week.

    1. 1

      The goal is to not die after workouts during the week.


  22. 1

    I'm working on a new kind of CSS framework called Toucaan. I was stuck on a web standards issue until last week, but that is sorted now.

    So this week I'm gonna complete the framework and focus on its documentation.

    Here's a brief TODO list for me:

    1. Revise Toucan logo.
    2. Write an short guide on its installation.
    3. Get rid of normalize.css and replace it with a modern baseline.
    4. Publish the module on npm by Friday, because why not!

    …and the time starts now! ⏱

  23. 1

    Improve the landing page for the https://whereami.dev site
    Decide and setup the RUST framework for the app development for the same.

  24. 1

    Currently working on Remote Letter, will be releasing my 2nd issue tomorrow. If you don't want to miss, susbcribe ;)

    Things to do:

    1. Add more blog post to the site
    2. Promote in multiple platforms
    3. Collect feedback from existing subscriber
    4. Tweet at least twice a day
    5. Find products and podcasts related to remote work
    6. Hopefully get to 50 subscribers
    1. 1

      How are you collecting feedback? Asking for it when sending the newsletter? Twitter?

      1. 1

        This is just my 2nd issue so I don't want to push for feeback right away. But yeah, that's my idea.

  25. 1

    I just launched the landing page for https://amethystplatform.com and I need to start directing traffic towards it. I need to tweak the pages a little but to make the value proposition clear.
    Other than than, on the actual platform I still have to implement some more core features before I am ready to launch.

  26. 1

    This week I'm launching my project www.friendsavvy.com, a tool to be a better friend.

    I plan on posting to a handful of aggregators, smallish first and eventually to HN / Product Hunt. Along the way I'll be keeping track of the results for a follow-up post about my experience.

    I plan to personally email anyone who signs up or subscribes to learn more about their experience and get feedback to make improvements.

    Assuming nothing urgent comes up, I'm working on a Twilio integration to support SMS reminders for my product.

    1. 2

      Love it, @chrisc0015. I'm a firm believer that there aren't enough projects that promote positivity and emotional health. If you have a minute, I'd love to hear how you plan to integrate reminders.

      1. 1

        Right now users can simply specify minimum thresholds of how often they want to connect that are quite large and vague (every month, every 3 months, etc). FriendSavvy scatters the due dates between your friends so they aren't due the same week and then sends email or SMS reminders when its time to connect. To "make contact" with someone, you're required to add some notes which can be browsed directly but the most recent notes are included with the next reminder (to hopefully give you context about your previous conversation).

        1. 1

          Ah - interesting. I wanted to make something similar many moons ago and should have taken the opportunity to buy the domain name friend.ly (lost it to some FB app).

          The reason I ask is b/c the product I'm working on would help with scheduling tasks far in the future, or with custom schedules - https://timeytim.com if you care to take a look.

  27. 1

    Based on user request I'm looking to add support for subscription payment via BitCoin to https://nullbox.co in addition to the existing Stripe based subscription management.

  28. 1

    I'm away from home this week so trying to juggle work, Portabella and spending time with family.

    • publish landing page rewrite. I'm moving from a single index.html to a static site generator (Jekyll) so I can support more pages easily
    • hopefully sort out my issues with AWS and Stripe Atlas, they denied my credits request
    • hopefully begin accepting payments as soon as my tax ID comes back
  29. 1

    This question helps a lot even if you just want to sort out your ideas and get things done.

    I'm launching a content writing guide and have divided the launch into different steps for each day.

    Best of wishes!

    1. 1

      That's nice, just let us know when you have the guide out. I started writing content to my newsletter and Twitter last month. I have a lot to learn!

        1. 1

          Thanks for sharing!

  30. 1

    So many things. My business does website reviews (marketingqualified.com).

    I have an interview with a potential mentor, have a client project to work on, would like to get a new piece of content out, and would like to get some video stuff underway.

    Good luck to everyone who's plugging away this week <3

    1. 1

      Good luck Colin!

  31. 1
    1. Next video in Rails API YouTube series
    2. New video and write up for https://codeproblem.io
    3. Handle timezones in PR Scheduler
    4. Work on Passport.js/React auth setup for my next project
  32. 1

    Create a coming soon page in ProductHunt and get some initial subscribers for my newsletter to help people start their side hustle by creating awareness about different business models that can be bootstrapped and also ideas to get started.

    1. 2

      Your blog looks really cool. Where did you get a theme like that? Did you create it yourself?

      1. 1

        Thanks Ryan! I bought it from Ghost marketplace, it's the Maido theme

        1. 1

          Cool. All the best with your blog 👍

  33. 1

    Releasing my landing page for my new productivity tool for meetings: Meetopia

    It's early and I'm not happy with it but in the spirit of Reid Hoffman "If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late"

    1. 2

      Totally agree with it! Launch early. Fail fast. Iterate

  34. 1
  35. 1

    I'm hoping to finish off an app I started developing a month ago called Habit.
    It's a household to-do list for families or University students living in shared accomodation to collectively set and track chores and tasks around the house.

    1. 1

      Hey, @Benjamingjd - you might like something similar I built 10 years ago (now defunct).

      This is a short video that earned me a runner-up award for "Novel use of the PayPal API" :)

      1. 1

        aha that's a great video. Out of curiosity why did you stop running it? It looks insanely useful

        1. 1

          Thanks! The video still makes me laugh.

          I think the main reason was that it was a partnership that didn't work. I was supposed to be the tech guy, my friend was supposed to be the business guy (he had the initial idea and the domain name), and he didn't really know how to do that job.

          Meanwhile, I had a full-time job and just about died building the site. One of the most stressful periods of my life. So when it was launched, I really didn't want much to do with it.

          I still like it, though - we had this cute pixel-art animated gif of a cat (Kitty), who was the "Clippy", so to speak. The background changed based on time of day, and I loved the little interactions. For example, when you'd upload your photo, Kitty would say, "Wow! You're so pretty!" and you had 2 buttons:

          • "Thank you!"
          • "I'm not pretty, I'm handsome!"

          Handling data entry like a conversation helped with account setup and other features in a more fun way than just filling out a form.

          We should have made it more like Nextdoor.com to connect neighbors as well.

          Actually, I'm just now remembering... PayPal had added new API features and wanted examples to showcase, so they sponsored a NY Tech Meetup where we launched. Guess who else launched at that Meetup (and may have taken the #1 spot)?

          Venmo :/

          Should have jumped ship right then ;)

          1. 1

            Ah sorry to hear about the partnership not working out.
            The cat idea is amazing!!

            That's also cool you were there near the start of Venmo.

            I'm hoping with my app to add a community to-do list where more environmental tasks can be set like 'pick up 10 bits of litter' or something like that and then there can be a leaderboard for the community which I'm hoping can connect the community similar to how Next Door does.

  36. 1

    Hoping to do some more exiting bigger blog articles for https://daily-dev-tips.com/

    1. 1

      Hey Chris, must be hard to come up with ideas to write every day! Congrats, it's not an easy task to do

      1. 1

        Yes! haha it gets hard every now and then, but so far I always spark at least one idea a day

        1. 1

          Sometimes I'm struggling to have one a week haha

          1. 1

            I completely feel you, man, mine are very short I do think it works better.
            Would struggle to make big ones

  37. 1

    Now that I've just released the alpha of getdevinsight.com it's time to start working on backlinks and getting in touch with potential customers.

    So this week will be full of emailing and posting. If I get time, I'll also write a blog post to share as well.

    1. 1

      Good luck! How are you planning to reach potential customers? HN? Reddit? 1-2-1 via email?

      1. 1

        Thanks :) I have a list of potential customers from my network first, generally people I've worked with or spoken to about this product in the past. Following that I'm taking part in various networking events (via Zoom now!) and trying to talk to as many people as possible.

        But yes, after that I will put a bit more effort into HN, Reddit etc. I have made the odd post on social media already but I've never been great at getting traction on those platforms.

        1. 2

          Starting with a list of potential customers is always good!
          Reddit and HN are hard, agreed. I think on Reddit, people like to read about stories. We need to give value upfront. I got some traction last week after sharing a personal story.

          1. 1

            Good point about the personal story. It's difficult sometimes to decide if I should be more personal and open or more business-like with my messaging. I think as you say, it depends on the platform and Reddit is more about stories and that personal touch.

  38. 1

    I launched the landing page for Celebratio yesterday and my plan is to get through some validation points about some of the core product ideas. Also reiterate over some feedback about the landing page itself.

    1. 1

      Hi Aleksandar, have you reached companies to talk about your product? What was their reaction?

      1. 1

        Hey Leo, thanks for your question.

        Yes, I am already establishing some conversations with event managers and people managers in a smaller scale companies just to sense the feeling.

        It is going very slow though and the sample is very low (I managed to get 6 discussions in 4 days). Not sure how valid the input will be.

        1. 1

          Looks like a good start, 6 discussions on 4 days.

  39. 1

    This week!

    I'm finishing a new app called Slim Posture.

    It's your own personal posture doctor that will help you improve your posture and slim you down (if you need that). It also comes with a physical device as well.

    I need to implement:

    1. Timer function for how long you wear Slim Posture for.
    2. A 28 day program with specific exercises to help your posture.
    3. Coupon-code / in-app subscription to monetize and give discounts to users.
    4. App Icon + App Screenshots to launch it!
    1. 1

      Looks an interesting product. Please, keep us posted!

  40. 1

    I will finish the business plan for my e-learning platform upcoming business!

    Have to: Finish calculation of costs (development, marketing, audiovisual producton), create cost structure, create 3-5 years forecast, risks and exit plans and last but not least polish the marketing, targeting and buyer personas.

    Too much for an MVP?
    We actually have the MVP almost ready but this is very usefull, while doing it I got to know many other things and expenses to take into account to make it profitable! :o

    Good luck this week to everybody!

    1. 1

      Looking from outside, looks too much, especially to write a business plan including 3-5 years forecast, risks, exit plan as to me, business plans start failing as soon as the product in launched. Good things about the business plan? Ability to look for potential users beforehand. I would focus on that part, where my potential users hangout (online/offline) and how to get their attention before launching the product. Giving value upfront, perhaps writing interesting content?

      1. 1

        Thanks Leo for this insight, actually is very much on time.
        For a moment felt like working with the numbers instead of with the purpose!

        I will reduce the scope of the business plan and focus on marketing and upfront value. Definitelly needed to read this.


        1. 1

          No problems Adriana, glad I could help you. Feel free to DM me on Twitter as well

  41. 1
    1. Finish integrating Typeform
    2. Write a tutorial / example of how Queryboost can make workflow automation easier.
  42. 1

    Working on www.sellby.us because of our closed beta release soon.
    🔥 Finish the UX/UI Design Stuff
    🔥 Keep Growing on Social Medias (over 60K for now)
    🔥 Starting to write down a rock solid Business-Plan
    🔥 Build a Guide for the closed Beta-Testers (because we ship via firebase & testflight)

    1. 2

      Starting to write down a rock solid Business-Plan

      Business Plan? What are you including on it?

      1. 1

        We just plan to start, its on the roadmap now :) Can you explain what you mean by "including on it?" I mean like the standard topics?

        1. 2

          Yes, Basic topics what are you planning to write in your business plan? And your motivations to create one?

          1. 1

            We are an SaaS Startup we need to made a business plan because we want to acquire new government funds to develop our app.

  43. 1

    Doing a solid research for my idea on how to pivot my website.

    I am never coding without a research beforehand again. :)

    1. 1

      +1, code for me now, is the result of user research, feedbacks and their needs

  44. 1

    I'm planning to finish my MVP for ProjectsWithCode today and maybe reach out to some people to get the first feedback. I'm very excited about getting to hear what others think about the idea and the product I created 🤩 Also I'm already stretching my fingers for being ready to make changes that will evolve out of the feedback 🛠

    1. 1

      Have you reached some potential users before building the product? What was their reaction?

      1. 1

        No, actually I have not 🙈I just started building and been stuck a little bit in the loop of "Oh I need to implement just one more thing, than its ready to show someone". But now I finished working on the MVP and you can see my result here, if you are interested: www.projectswithcode.com
        I would be glad to hear about your opinion on the project 🙌

        1. 2

          One way to expand your reach, in my opinion, would be to write content for some or all of the featured projects, telling about architecture used, patterns, benefits, etc

          Then, I would tweet the projects creators and tell they are featured on your website. This would probably help them with more visibility and you might get retweeted

          Just my two cents

          1. 1

            Thanks for having a look, I really appreciate that 🙏
            Good points, I also think about extending the descriptions and classifications to bring more value to the site. Thanks for your input!

  45. 1

    This weekend a published a new Ruby on Rails tutorial on The Side Hustler and it got the most traffic of all my articles so far.

    This week I'm going to either write a tutorial on how to build a complex CMS in Ruby on Rails or a shorter tutorial on how to write hybrid Rails/React apps. If you've got any suggestions/preferences on what I should pick, let me know 😀

    1. 1

      That's nice. I started my newsletter last month, not a technical one like your articles though. I like the fact of writing articles and people interacting with it, telling it was helpful, will make a difference in their lives.

  46. 1

    Launch a product on Product Hunt. It's about time

    1. 2

      Good luck with your launch. Keep us posted! Can tell anything prior to the launch? What is the product about?

      1. 1


        offering businesses a tool to extend the reach of digital advertisement to include interested customers who are not easily reachable with traditional ways (they don't leave a mail for a newsletter, not liking commercial pages, opting out from ads, using adblockers etc)

        1. 1

          Nice idea. Have you managed to have shop owners already as beta users?

          1. 1

            precorona we had few users, small businesses, even pubs, but then it all got upside down. in this period we were trying some other use cases and everything but it's a bit different, and harder :D

            in the middle of ongoing communication to get some active users.

  47. 1

    I am going to:

    • reach out to about 10-15 potential customers for BuildFaster each day
    • buy a custom domain for BuildFaster
    • ask you about BuildFaster's themes 😄 👇

    ... So Leo, my name is Brayden and I'm the founder of BuildFaster. I code easy-to-use HTML themes to sell to web developers who don't want to waste hours of their time coding their website.

    2 questions for you:

    • What is your favorite theme?
    • Would you purchase one for a future side project/idea?
    1. 1

      Atm I use Carrd, which is handy as it has their own themes. I'm more into no-code tools now. I can code myself, but I'm using only an iPad hence the no-code usage.

      1. 1

        Ok cool. Thanks for the reply

      2. 1

        Lol. I love the idea of starting a company from the ipad, not using computer at all. ;D

        1. 1

          I'm updating on my Twitter the challenges, stats, how I'm doing it....

  48. 1

    I can start:

    • Need to decide what to write this week in my newsletter
    • Redefine my newsletter’s purpose and write a better description for the reasons to sign up
    • Rebrand the newsletter, if needed
    1. 1

      Nice! Good luck 👍

  49. 1

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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