What is your blog? What is it about?

Can you share your blog? And 1-2 sentences to describe it?

Thanks for everyone that shares their blog. Here a list with 1-line summaries:


Tools and Frameworks

Marketing and Business

Magazine and Issues

  1. 2

    Australian business and finance news/insights.

    1. 1

      Thanks Ryan, I'll check it out add to the list!

  2. 2

    Learn how to use chatbots in your marketing.
    Blog consisting of How To articles, chatbot software reviews and other interesting posts.

    1. 1

      I've added to the list above

      Thanks for sharing Joren!

  3. 2

    Project Management Five @ https://pmfive.co; Cover Project Management, Leadership, and some Business

    1. 1

      @ryanerickson, the tagline "Project for Normal People" is pretty impressive

      Thanks for sharing it :)

  4. 2

    Sharing tips, stories and experience what I have met with, during my Software Engineering career.

    1. 1

      Hey @mkova. I've added your blog to the list above.

      Thanks for sharing ;)

  5. 2

    Whoistakingcareofyou.com. Forum to help women find time for self care.

    1. 1

      Hey @vvtaormina, what's a nice topic. I wished it had more post :)

      I'd added it to the list above. Thanks for sharing!

  6. 2

    menssen.tech Gridsome, Docker, Software Engineering Principles, and Productivity.

    1. 1

      Nice one Simon. First time heard about Gridsome.

      Thanks for sharing!

  7. 2

    https://linguinecode.com/ Learn about the latest JavaScript tools in the game

    1. 2

      At first, I thought it was about writing game with JavaScript. Though it's not.

      Thanks for sharing!

      1. 2

        That's interesting. Thank you for that feedback.

    1. 2

      While writing what the blog was about, it went beyond one or two phrases so I turned into its own blog post: https://manu.oscarryz.now.sh/about-this-blog.html

      Main takeaway

      There's something special about crafting your stuff, I guess similar to when we used to build our bows and arrows; if they suck you suck, but you can go home and improve them. When they work you feel proud. That's something we've lost in our technological evolution and yet so innate to human nature, it still finds its way in such an abstract world like the Internet.

    2. 1

      There was a few posts but they are thoughtful. The theme is pretty clean :)

      Thanks for sharing Oscar!

  8. 2

    Great thread Hieu. Find my blog at https://jochemgerritsen.com. I'm sharing insights for curious entrepreneurs (intriguing business models, trends in tech, book reviews, and more).

    1. 1

      At first glance, I have trouble scanning through posts. Though they are thoughtful and easy to read.

      Thanks for sharing Jochem!

      1. 2

        Thanks Hieu — yeah you're right, I may have to adjust my front-page a bit – it's not very clear right now.

  9. 2

    Josef Strzibny - Notes on Linux, Ruby, Elixir, and more.

    I am hopeful I will be publish more about my indie journey in the future :).

    1. 1

      Thanks for sharing Josef, your page is pretty neat and easy to use!

  10. 2

    Nice thread :)

    My blog is about running an online course business, which is a great "gateway drug" for Indie Hackers: https://coursemaker.org/blog/create-sell-online-courses-ultimate-guide/

  11. 2

    Hi Hieu,

    • Stephanie Morillo: Content strategy tips for developers and lessons from working in the tech industry
    1. 1

      Hey Stephanie, I love your blog, and especially the theme. It is pretty unique :) I've added it the summary list above

      Thanks for sharing!

      1. 2

        Thank you for including it!

  12. 2

    MyHealthyApple: Wearable science and associated tips and tricks

    1. 1

      Oops, 404 Error! Can you added your blog address again?

        1. 1

          I've added to the list :) Thanks for sharing your blog!

  13. 2

    Dealsflow.com helps people to find and buy great internet businesses. 👌🏼

    1. 1

      Hey Alex, interesting topic. I'm curious about the demand of buying internet businesses. Do you think there is a big demand?

      Thanks for sharing your blog

      1. 1

        Oh yes, Flippa and other marketplaces see a huge influx of buyers currently. 🔥

        1. 1

          I'm new to this, started to looking at Flippa. Thanks for sharing!

          1. 2

            Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions. Also my newsletter could be worthwhile to you, it's free.

  14. 2

    I was making a weekly blog post of the operational side of our startup. That didn't really get any long time readers though, so I've made it much more product oriented. As we are building an extension to help you not buy Chinese stuff, It looks like I will be doing a weekly update on Western manufacturing, Hong Kong updates, Uyghur updates, Huawei Canada trial, as well as a section on our extension and upcoming features.

    I'm trying to write something that people like to read, any blog on my site does increase our trustworthyness, but what I was writing before didn't have people coming back, so I'm trying to achieve that with a new format.

    1. 1

      Sound interesting, have you already have a blog yet?

      I'd appricate you sharing it :)

  15. 2

    A no-nonsense way to get recommendations and info about business software for your startup: Startup Groundwork

    1. 1

      Thanks for sharing. I'm a bit curious who is being the posts :)

  16. 2

    Software development and beyong - my blog on Python, JavaScript and software development in general

    1. 1

      Do you share your posts on Hacker News? I bet there are folks that interested in your content too!

      Thanks for sharing Petr!

      1. 2

        No I don't. I feel like most of my posts don't fit it there. But you are right that I should at least try with some of the more generic posts.

        1. 2

          I think HN is a bit weird. I've seen posts reached hot that was posted many times before, with less than 3 upvotes.

          Maybe whenever you complete an article, just post it on HN. It'd would hurt though. I think got some nice posts

  17. 2


    Thats's my blog (just started some weeks ago), I write tech blog posts about Kubernetes, selfhosting and privacy related aspects. I recently wrote an article about "Hosting cheap Kubernetes Cluster under 15 euros - do check out.

    Thanks for asking ;)

    1. 1

      I wish there were more article in your blog Chandra. I love tips about saving stuffs (i.e I recently found out about $1 domain from ionos)

      Thanks for sharing your blog!

      1. 1

        thanks for the interest Jack!

        There are more tips I can blog, it is the something a matter of users interest. Recently I asked users if they are interested in knowing about great tips, and they followed me on twitter to find out.

        I can suggest the same, please follow me https://twitter.com/this_is_tckb I will post as soon as I updated or blog any new tips. I am sure I have great things to learn from you too!

        1. 1

          Thanks Chandra! I'm looking forward to it :)

    1. 1

      Thanks for sharing Anand :)

  18. 2

    Benas Digital - SEO, Marketing and Business Challenges & Experiments

    1. 2

      Hey Benas, I've added your blog to the list above. Your topis is pretty interesting to indie makers. I wish there were more contents

      Thanks for sharing it :)

      1. 1

        Awesome! Thanks! More content is coming up ;)

  19. 2

    I’m actually building a writing platform, so feel free to reach out if you are interested. You can check it on https://midnight.pub

    1. 1

      Hey @m15o, the platform looks interesting. What is your plan for it? (open-source, stable release)

      Thanks for sharing your blog!

      1. 2

        Thank you very much! Once it becomes more stable it will be a paid service.

        1. 1

          That's really nice! :)

  20. 2

    petroskyriakou.com - talking about different technical topics as i come across during web development

    1. 1

      Hey Petros, I've added your blog the list above.

      Thanks for sharing it :)

    1. 1

      Hey Chris, you got a huge list of tips 🙈. I've added to the list above :)

      Thanks for sharing your blog.

      1. 1

        Awesome, thank you so much! 🥰

  21. 2

    Preetam Nath is a personal blog where I'm sharing learnings from life and from building a SaaS business.

    1. 2

      Hey Preetam, 25 posts in 25 days is impressive. I hope you can keep up with it, maybe at least 1 per week?

      I've just connected with you on Twitter

      Thanks for sharing your blog :)

      1. 1

        Hey, glad to be connected :)

        I will definitely keep up the frequency to a minimum once per week. These days I'm writing everyday, haven't felt this good in a long time. I want to keep it that way :D

  22. 2

    just started a Personal blog - productivity and some technical javascript/react posts

    1. 1

      Oh hey Jamal, I recognize the The Trap of Ambitious Goals. That's so true to many people (including me) :)

      P/s: I guess you're on a Macbook? I use a regular LCD and the navigation text color is a bit hard to see 🙈

      Thanks for sharing your blog!

  23. 2

    Heli Naik - creating art and happiness
    I am a programmer and an artist as well. I am writing about my art journey on my blog.

    1. 2

      Heli, your arkworks are awesome. I've added to the list above.

      Thanks for sharing it :)

      1. 1

        Thank you so much :)

  24. 2

    Rohov Dmytro — Optimal Entrepreneurship. Sharing tips and thoughts on surviving a solo-entrepreneurship journey based on my experience.

    1. 1

      Hey Rohov, your website has a very entertaining vibe.

      About the Gmail as a todo list, I saw someone talked about it before and was curious. I have 2 questions if you don't mind:

      1. Do you care about the due date?
      2. How do you feel about emails sent to you? (Since it's not your todo task)

      Thanks for sharing.
      P/s: I have just connected you on Twitter :)

      1. 2
        1. Nope. I tend to focus on big picture game-plan (marcro vision) and on next action (on a micro level). Timed stuff is schedule on Google Calendar.

        2. It's 100% fine.

        1. 1

          Cool man, thanks for the answer!

  25. 2

    (https://santrikoding.com) this is my blog for everyone learn about programming tutorial from scratch.

    1. 1

      Hey Fika, your blog looks really professional 👍 (sorry I can't read Indonesian language)
      P/s: just follow you on twitter

      Thanks for sharing your blog!

      1. 1

        thanks very much!, the next plan i want to make tutorial on english language

        1. 1

          Maybe depending on your autdience. I think keeping it in Indonesian language is a good desison. And multilingual is a big job.

          Hope you all the best :)

  26. 2

    mikenikles.com - Web development from A to Z.

    1. 1

      Hey Mike, I hope the book publishing went well. That's pretty impressive to me.

      I tried to submit your post on Hacker News but realized you did that a few hours ago :)

      Thanks for sharing!

      1. 1

        Hey Hieu, it's been nice to have it published and see the feedback from readers. Very encouraging to keep sharing my experience on my blog. Thanks for your support on Hacker News!

  27. 2

    Followchain Blog: Social media tips and tricks

    1. 1

      Hey Lim, your blog is really focused on a niche 👍

      Thanks for sharing it :)

  28. 2

    blog.firosolutions.com/exploits/ where i write about the latest security vulnerabilities

    1. 1

      "PHP-fusion security vulnerabilities 2020", holy cow! This remind me of the early 2000s, where there were too many websites were vulnerable.

      Thanks for sharing interesting topics :)

      1. 2

        im glad you liked it :)

  29. 2

    It's not mine but I like it:

    thevediwho writes about technology and psychology

    1. 1

      Thank you for mentioning me, @azarai. I am honoured.

  30. 2

    Not exactly a blog but a magazine plus newsletter.

    MindfulDevMag - Helping thinkers to remove the BS from their minds so they can be productive and build their dream life. (Mindfulness + mental health)

    1. 1

      Hey Jens, it is well designed :) I had trouble navigation between posts within the issues at first, but get used to it after 3 times.

      I've added it to the magazine section above and thanks for sharing.

      1. 2

        Thanks. Could you please help me understand what problems you had with the navigation? I'd like to improve that.

        1. 1

          I think the navigation problem I had was:

          (1) Cover image without text links (subconsciously being ignore)
          (2) Can't scan through the issues/posts to decide what to read

          Here is my "user journey":

          First visit:

          1. Landed on home page: image cover and a red button (which I ignore both). Subconsciously, the color red means stay way.
          2. I clicked on Magazine tab, then scroll down and see a list of cover photo (which I also subconsciously ignore). Then I close the site.

          Second visit:

          1. I went through the same and ended up in one of the issue
          2. Scroll down and saw a list of links. Subconsciously, I thought it missing content. Since the post list looks more like recommended or related posts

          Third visit: I finally make some clicks and arrived at a post of an issue.

          I hope it help and let me know if you want to ask more question!

          1. 1

            Thank you very much. That helps :-)

            Fascinating how much you skipped subconsciously. Do you know why you ignore images and buttons? Was wondering if it was only the color red or if you do that on other sites too? Maybe we all get tired by those because it's on so many landing pages and usually, someone wants to sell something to us.

            Replaced the red in these places with the primary blue now. Probably going to remove the red altogether. Also, added some "click here " near the images for now. Have to revise this later.

            Would you expect to have all articles of an issue on the same page? Or more a card-layout than just a list with links? Or like a classic blog index page? Thinking how I could improve that.

            1. 1

              I'm glad it helps, the new button color is much more welcoming :)

              I skipped the issue cover images because when scanning, I only read the biggest text - "MindfulDevMag". It's better to shift the focus to the title.

              Read button does effect conversion on the landing page. In the past, I created a landing page to get the beta user signups. Red button convert much less than the dark green one (I didn't test on blue)

              Would you expect to have all articles of an issue on the same page?

              No, I don't. I think card-layout is nice and unique. As long as I can scan through and quickly find the most interesting post.

              P/s: When I was building a blogging platform, I realized optimize for users to quickly scan through content is important. It helps them find what they need quicker

              Besides, on the issue page, top of the page looks clean, though users need an extra effort (either click to the button or scroll down) to see the list of posts. Is there any other reason you doing that?

              1. 2


                Besides, on the issue page, top of the page looks clean, though users need an extra effort (either click to the button or scroll down) to see the list of posts. Is there any other reason you doing that?

                I offer the first 3 issues as PDF too. In this case, there are 2 buttons at the top. But as mention it now, it doesn't make any sense for the newer issues anymore.

  31. 2

    Python for the Lab - In-depth tutorials to learn how to use Python for controlling experiments.

    1. 1

      Hey Aquiles, it has a pretty unique design. I've added to the list above and will check it out sometimes :)

      Thanks for sharing it!

  32. 2

    Abyssale Blog - Tips & Guides — your central resource to help you start, run, and grow your advertising strategy.

    1. 1

      I've added Abyssale blog's url the summary list :)

      Thanks for sharing Alessandro!

  33. 2

    Bruno says ✍️ - Helping early makers optimise their products by offering personal insights and observation

    1. 2

      "How my blog post ended up as a lecture material on one of the World’s Top 150 Universities" - this is awesome!

      Thanks for sharing Bruno!

      1. 2

        Yeah, thanks for checking it out. It was nice experience finding about it. But also it carries the message that you should always write, no matter your audience. This was meant to 0 audience, since I've described specific one-time process on specific project. Yet it found the audience!

  34. 2

    Most Recommended Books blog (https://www.mostrecommendedbooks.com/blog) shows every book recommendation or mention an influential person has tweeted.
    So far, we show every book tweeted by Elon Musk, Naval Ravikant, and Paul Graham.
    More coming soon...

    1. 1

      Thanks for sharing Richard! I've added to the summary list above :)

  35. 2

    Personal Blog - Web Development with Angular, Spring & Node.js
    SceneLab Blog - Designing Software Products

    1. 2

      I've just had a look at SceneLab, look pretty neat!

    2. 2

      Thanks Nilo! Added to the list :)

  36. 2

    CurePrivacy Newsletter (https://cureprivacy.substack.com/) is a biweekly newsletter containing the latest online privacy news and tips about how to take care of your online privacy.

    1. 1

      Hey Nico, thanks for sharing!

      I think the "Maiden voyage", you can chop down to 3 posts. Each one address one problem or one product at a time would help easier to digest.

      You're addressing a very important issue :)

      1. 1

        Thanks for the feedback, Jack!

        It would be tricky to split the newsletter up into three 3 posts, because then I'd have to send much more emails and I don't want to spam my subscribers :)

        But, I'll definitely think of a way to condense the content to make it easier to consume.

        1. 2

          That'd be even better :) I'm looking forward to it Nico!

  37. 2

    https://akshayd.in is my personal blog where I write about Product Management for product enthusiasts and people wanting to move into Product Managment. The idea is to create "easy to understand , easy to implement" content around product management .

    1. 1

      Look neat @akshay16. Thanks for sharing!

      Is it running on jekyll?

      1. 1

        Yes. It is running on Jekyll. I borrowed a theme and from here - http://marc-weitz.de/ and then modified it to suit my needs .

        1. 1

          Pretty convenient :)

  38. 2

    Phoenix Down

    Failure stories to help you build a successful business

    1. 1

      Every impressive design, Daniel. Thanks for sharing

  39. 2

    We basically share what we learn (it's completely related to software dev)


  40. 2

    Headway (https://headway.substack.com/) is my weekly newsletter covering significant issues crucial to society. It seeks to spark intellectual curiosity and foster a broader debate in hopes of building a community of like-minded innovators you can lean on to help create and enable solutions.

    1. 1

      @oezeadi Thanks for sharing your blog Obi.

      What do you think about substack?

      1. 2

        Highly recommend - very easy; great UI; option to go paid only when you want to

  41. 2

    https://nickdorrell.com is my personal blog where I'm writing about my projects / thoughts on making.

    1. 2

      can i just +1 this? same thing! personal blog: https://john.do

      1. 2

        Nice one John! Also short form content.

        I used to enjoy long form content. But apps these day just make everything shorter. And I think I'm starting to get used to it

        1. 2

          i think both is good.

    2. 1

      Short form blog is much easier to read these day. Thanks for sharing Nick! I'll keep an eye on it :)

      1. 2

        Awesome! I used to be into writing large blogs, but nowadays I like sharing what's on my mind and being concise.

  42. 1

    I've built my blog about Government news and decisions about Electricity also have integrated different tools to check electricity bill online at https://lescobillonline.net/
    So it is all about news and bill tools.

  43. 1

    Hi Jack! I wrote a simple post about the project's discovery phase to train my copywriting skills and, more importantly, that someone could use it in his project.

  44. 1


    A personal blog mainly focused on computer programming and JavaScript game tutorials, along with some random social commentary from time to time.

  45. 1

    https://www.jjude.com/, titlted Gravitas WINS where I write about building competence and confidence via Wealth, Insights, Networking, and Self-control.

  46. 1

    silverandblog.wordpress.com for Raiders
    westcoastsports.substack.com for sports news digest from the West Coast aka the Pacific Time Zone.

    1. 1

      Thanks, Pete! You got the oldest blog on the list.

      Thanks for sharing :)

  47. 1

    https://forkmypeas.com : t-rex approved finger-lickin vegetarian recipes (just launched)

    1. 2

      Nice one though :)

    2. 2

      Hey Flavio, thanks for sharing!

      Just a question, the "About" page said Patrycja ran the page.

      Are you guys working together?

      (P/s: My list was ordered by pages run by women first)

      1. 2

        Hello @hieunc, I just set it up for Patrycja.
        All recipes, cooking and photography is done by her.

  48. 1

    http://daamify.com/ : Product review, Deals and Buying Guides

    1. 1

      Hey @rohitmdk, thanks for sharing the website :)

    1. 1

      Hey Robert! A commit that mom proud is an impressive title 😂

      P/s: Just connect with you on Twitter
      Thanks for sharing :)

      1. 2

        Lol, I was trying my hand at writing a clickbaity title.

  49. 1

    If the topic is still active:
    dpashutskii.com - I started recentely and I write and making and programming :)

    1. 2

      Hey Dmitrii, I'll keep adding new blogs to the list.

      Thanks for sharing :)

  50. 1


    investing and software engineering the focus of my blog, but really any topic I'm interested in is allowed

    1. 1

      Hey Max, I wish you could write more.

      Thanks for sharing your blog!

      P/s: I've just connected with you on Twitter

  51. 1

    I have a personal a personal blog which is general life updates, web dev tutorials and more. - https://michaelbrooks.co.uk

  52. 1

    https://adaptiveanalysis.io/blog/ Research on developments in Bitcoin and macro :-)

  53. 1

    Japan Dev Blog - Living and working in Japan as a foreign software engineer

  54. 1

    https://annoying.technology - We gather bugs, problematic UX and generally any annoying behaviours in the tech we use every day.

    1. 1

      Hey Philipp, your topic is really interesting! What is your plan for the blog?

      I thought about posting on of your post on Hacker News but saw you already did. And one of the posts got 278 upvotes. Nice! I think folks on HN will like to talk about this topic :)

      Thanks for sharing your blog!
      (Just connect with you on Twitter)

      1. 2

        Hey there—

        there's not really a plan really. My friend and I just do it because it's fun and it was kind of a trial run for our next project which we are about to launch in 2 weeks.

        We got a lot of traffic from that HN post which was nice :)

        1. 1

          Yeahhh, that's nice to get traffic from HN!

  55. 1

    I have a blog focused on privacy and building a startup as a solo founder: https://letterbase.io/blog

    1. 1

      Richard, 1 post 😳 I wish you write more.

      Thanks for sharing :)

      1. 1

        Thanks Jack! I just started it, so more posts will be coming soon :)

  56. 1

    Job portal with daily offers from multiple companies in Portugal.

  57. 1

    https://philippcannons.com - Examines the intersection of statistics & building products.

  58. 1

    Stranger Fiction: Writing about music (and releasing some of my own). Trying to build a writing platform too.

    1. 2

      Thanks for sharing Akhil, your blog is one of a kind in the list :)

  59. 1

    The Valuable Dev, in depth articles to increase your value as a developer.

    1. 1

      Hey Matthiew, lego theme is pretty cool :) Thanks for sharing it!

      (Just connected with you on Twitter)

  60. 1

    Airlane: Tracking the online behaviour of major VCs to find future unicorn startups.


    1. 1

      Hey Vyom, does Airlane has a blog? I'd appriciate if you share a blog link.

      Thanks for sharing!

  61. 1

    www.lunadio.com - Blog about building the products written by indie hackers

  62. 1

    filipesilva.me is my personal blog. I write about what excites me in working with software.

  63. 2

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

    1. 1

      Michael, I read "Social (Media) Distancing" and thought the post is concise, clear with examples, and easy to read.

      Can you share how do you write a post?

      Thanks for sharing :)

      1. 2

        This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

        1. 2

          Thanks, Michael!

          I was wondering and looking forward to your answer today. I love to read and write blogs, but never really happy with my writing. I recently started to focus to improve it.

          Thanks for sharing the process. No wonder they were pretty good posts.
          I'll share the tips on Twitter :)

  64. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 2

      Awesome one @Jasraj.

      P/s: Just connect with you on Twitter

      Thanks for sharing :)

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted a year ago.

  65. 1

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

  66. 2

    This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

    1. 1

      Hey David, do you share your blog on Hacker News too? It will send a huge traffic. I bet there are folks that will be interested in your content

      Thanks for sharing your blog :)

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

        1. 2

          As I have mention with Petr in this thread, I think HN is a bit weird. I've seen posts reached hot that was posted many times before, with less than 3 upvotes.

          Maybe whenever you complete an article, just post it on HN. It'd would hurt though.

          1. 2

            This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

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