3 Techniques to Rocket Launch your Twitter Account

e-book with easy techniques to take profit of your Twitter

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I spent more than 10 hours a week scrolling down my feed on Twitter without any profit, so I decided to fix it.

Instead of being a Twitter consumer I became a Twitter producer.

September 25, 2020 My first dollar on the Internet 💵

This week I made my first dollar on the Internet without expecting it.

I was writing an e-book about how to not waste your time on Twitter because I had that problem.

So that e-book became a guide to how to take profit of your Twitter account with a 360 degree change.

But I was doing nothing with that piece of Google Docs, so I thought: I will put it on Gumroad, I'm not losing anything.

After that I made a Twitter thread with an extract of the e-book to see if people would like it or not, the answer was yes. You can read the thread here.

I'm hyped and happy looking forward to learning and sharing my journey with y'all, if you are curious you can check how the e-book is going here. I'm updating it with new stuff.

Actually you can check my sales on Gumroad :) 3 Techniques to Rocket Launch your Twitter Account

Any feedback is welcome.

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September 23, 2020 The pre-order has started!

I'm polishing techniques to become a producer on Twitter.

I spent more than 10 hours a week scrolling down my feed on Twitter without any profit, so I decided to fix it.

The pre-order has started!

Grab yours here: https://gum.co/hkVRI

If you're curious about how is it going you can check my Twitter thread about this ebook: https://twitter.com/teodora_dobre/status/1308477157707051008


I spent more than 10 hours a week scrolling down my feed on Twitter without any profit, so I decided to fix it.

Instead of being a Twitter consumer I became a Twitter producer.