App Creator

Automate the tedium of Django and React development

No Employees
Founders Code
Solo Founder
Open Source

You have an exciting app idea, you sit down at the computer, and by the time you get to the point of building it, you've lost the motivation. Project setup and DevOps should be automated, but they're not.

August 24, 2020 Created Indie Hackers Page

I've been heads-down coding and homeschooling for the last few months but finally had some time and motivation to reach out to the outside world.

Hopefully this breaks the habit of developing in silence and will reach some people who are interested in the idea of App Creator.

March 13, 2020 Started Coding

After talking the idea through with some friends, I've started the initial web client (React) and server (Django) projects.

This is the culmination of months of struggling with the tedium of developing a different projects and being surprised that it takes so long to get started with projects.

In a meta story, the difficulty of getting started with App Creator has been validating that there should be a better way.


You have an exciting app idea, you sit down at the computer, and by the time you get to the point of building it, you've lost the motivation. Project setup and DevOps should be automated, but they're not.