Auth Armor

Simple and Secure Authentication for your website or app

No Employees
Founders Code
Solo Founder

Passwords are outdated and insecure. Account take-overs and password theft are getting worse each year. Auth Armor makes authentication easy by enabling simple passwordless login and easier, more secure 2FA.

September 5, 2020 Launched!

After 2 years of development, the Auth Armor authenticator app is in the app stores and ready for public user sign ups!

It's taken quite a while to get here, with many busy days and nights. I'm excited to get some early feedback on the app and systems. Next up is marketing and sales.

August 2, 2020 Created Auth Armor Technologies, Inc

Auth Armor was initially setup as a LLC back in August 2019. After working with advisors, it was recommended we switch to a C-Corp early when things are a bit easier to manage and it's nice and clean. So that is what we did. We created a new entity, called Auth Armor Technologies, Inc

December 3, 2019 Built a full DEV environment

As development progressed with the app and backend services, it was time to build a fully separate development environment so PROD and DEV/TEST could be separated. This required separating the app as well, so we could have two apps installed, side-by-side.

November 5, 2019 Contacted first potential advisor

As Auth Armor was progressing, we needed to start to network with like minded individuals. I worked on contacting many industry leaders on LinkedIn. In November, I had the first call with what would be a great advisor to help Auth Armor grown and excel.

May 3, 2019 Auth Armor App Development begins

The Auth Armor app needed to work on both platforms (iOS and Android). Initially, we wanted to use Native for both platforms. However, with funding limited (fully bootstrapped) we decided to go with React Native to give us a Hybrid approach. May is when we finally made the choice to use React and app development commenced.

December 9, 2018 Sendium is dying

In December 2018, Sendium, the project we were building to send the Authentication notifications, was starting to show some problems. I decided to abandon the work we had done with Sendium and start development on Auth Armor. This meant using other messaging systems for notifications, such as Firebase.

September 15, 2018 Auth Armor and Sendium go to TechDay LA

Auth Armor and Sendium went to TechDay LA - a local show in Los Angeles targeting technology startups and companies. We had two booths, side by side. The show was pretty good. Friends and family came, spoke with many interested parties and investors.

March 23, 2018 Auth Armor is born

In March 2018, we came up with the name Auth Armor and bought the domain. Logos and artwork soon followed. We already knew what we wanted to build, now we have a name. Auth Armor development didn't start at this time - we were still heads down on Sendium

August 19, 2017 Started working on new ideas

In 2017, we started working on a custom push messaging system, SMS delivery, and email distribution system called Sendium. The idea was that the Authentication system we would build will need a way to move notifications to the user, and Sendium would be the vessel.

January 1, 2014 2FA Problems

In 2014, I started working on a cryptocurrency wallet. To add better security to this wallet, I enforced 2FA for each transaction. However, entering the code for each transaction was time consuming and costly.

To solve this, I built my own 2FA system in the Bitcoin wallet but was pushed based and did not require any codes to type.

This idea eventually led to Auth Armor - a better 2FA and passwordless system for developers.


Passwords are outdated and insecure. Account take-overs and password theft are getting worse each year. Auth Armor makes authentication easy by enabling simple passwordless login and easier, more secure 2FA.