
Get feedback from your audience in a snap.

Under 10 Employees
Multiple Founders
Founders Code

We've worked at a variety of SaaS companies & agencies, have sent tons of newsletters and email & have been frustrated by how time consuming it is to create surveys. We made backtalk to make the process much faster.

December 6, 2020 Released Features Focused on Sharing

We frequently hear that one of the most fulfilling bits of surveying your audience is sharing the feedback you get. Maybe you're sharing it with the world as social proof, sharing it with a team so you can all learn together, or just sharing it with a friend or mentor as a way to show progress.

We wanted to make it as easy as possible to share the things your audience is saying about you, so we added two features:

  • The ability to share all your survey responses in a beautiful public view, with respondent information anonymized.
  • The ability to download images of individual responses for easy sharing.
December 6, 2020 First Feature Request Shipped

We've been building Backtalk based on our use case for our newsletter and general survey pain points from folks; but today we launched our first user-requested feature!

It was a simple "copy to clipboard" feature for share links. Super simple to implement and something that'll hopefully make our users way happier!

November 18, 2020 First Production Backtalk Survey

We sent our first actual survey to real live people today, and things went off without a hitch!

We included the survey in our Would You Rather newsletter, where we ask readers to make a choice in the email, and that click kicks off a survey where readers can give their rationale for their choice (it's very funny stuff).

We had previously been using Typeform for the survey, but it was difficult to use, expensive, and we had to create two new versions of the survey for every week.

Now we have an evergreen survey that takes all of the specific info we need from the survey url params which is a very nice time savings.


We've worked at a variety of SaaS companies & agencies, have sent tons of newsletters and email & have been frustrated by how time consuming it is to create surveys. We made backtalk to make the process much faster.