
Make a free Twitter bot to repost your old tweets

Under 10 Employees
Multiple Founders
Founders Code
Social Media

90% of content disappears within 24 hours, which leaves creators in an endless cycle of create, share, create, share, create, share. We help creators get more out of their content by re-posting past tweets.

December 12, 2020 275 wait list sign ups!

I'm a bit impatient to launch but I have confidence that we're building a solid, sound base.

What has worked for us so far is incentivizing people to talk about us.

After someone joins the wait list, they're given the opportunity to tweet about us & join the first cohort of users. Dozens of people have tweeted about us as a result.

August 14, 2020 100 waitlist sign ups!

Here's a few things I learned getting to 100 sign ups:

  1. Start gathering data as soon as possible

We asked everyone who signed up what they're planning to use the platform for. The responses to this question will be super valuable when we're deciding which features to prioritize.

  1. Don't spend too much time on anything specific

Starting out, it's really easy to get caught up in the details. Yes, our landing page could be better. But should we spend a bunch of time optimizing it before we even have a beta?

Probably not.

  1. Use your product as a marketing tool

Instead of trying to convince people that they should use our platform, we built several bots and grew them to hundreds of followers in a matter of weeks.

People see our product in action --> they sign up for our platform

June 15, 2020 Built a Landing Page

We wanted to verify the idea for BirdyBots by gathering sign ups so I built a basic landing page with a Mailchimp form.

We're driving traffic to the landing page from several Twitter bots that we already have running. @the_perell_bot, which was the original inspiration for creating BirdyBots, has grown to almost 1K followers in less than a month!


90% of content disappears within 24 hours, which leaves creators in an endless cycle of create, share, create, share, create, share. We help creators get more out of their content by re-posting past tweets.