
Easily find tools for any startup task

Under 10 Employees
Founders Code
Solo Founder

I made CtrlAltCC as a place dedicated to helping you find cool tools built with 💜, that sometimes fly under the radar but will make your life easier 🧘‍♀️ + help the makers of these tools get more eyes on their products

July 27, 2021 MVP 1.2 complete 🤩

Have been working with a very small number of users to develop our MVP and now it's finally ready. 🎉

We'll still be using a waitlist system for now as it's been providing very helpful in developing alongside users as it allows us to really focus in on the most important features.

Looking froward to onboarding new users now though!

May 27, 2021 Launched on Product Hunt

I was very exited about this launch & the potential audience that I could get feedback from, but unfortunately (I assume because I was new to PH) CtrlAlt.CC did not make it past the "Newest" page & into "Popular", so I didn't really get to reach the amount of eyes that I was hoping for, this time around.

In hindsight I should've gotten involved in the PH community way before my MVP was ready, but there's always a next time! Now my goal is to reach the PH Popular page when the waitlist is lifted from CtrlAlt.CC

This experience actually made me realise that, when building outside of SaaS, having a social presence is very important. So far I haven't really been using social media too much, but this made me get started on twitter 😊 - so if you want, you can follow me on https://twitter.com/OanaDanielaS

May 26, 2021 Finished MVP & Waitlist landing page

I decided that in order to create the best experience for my future users I will initially onboard them onto the platform one by one, so that I can tweak features & develop stuff based on their feedback and make the best platform for them.

I have integrated a waitlist system into the landing page that I am hoping will encourage as many people as possible to get involved.

The landing page also contains an interactive section, that should double up as an MVP and give people an insight into the larger idea, prior to getting platform access.

January 10, 2021 Came up with the idea

I am on both sides of a product all the time ➡

From one side, I have created✨, maintained & sometimes killed☠ a few indie platforms & I know how demanding it is to find those initial users🦩 & to keep them coming, all while developing a great product & testing assumptions.

From the other side, as a startup design consultant🎨, I am always asked to recommend the best / the newest / the hottest tools to help with startup tasks and between hunting through niche directories🔎 , reading blogs on each matter & testing the tools🧪, I found that there is an unnecessary product graveyard with a lot of great products that never found their users.

So I set to create an engaging place that links the two sides and that will 1️⃣ give product makers, like myself, a better chance at reaching their audience (especially an early adopter audience) & 2️⃣ make products more visible & easier to find for target users.


I made CtrlAltCC as a place dedicated to helping you find cool tools built with 💜, that sometimes fly under the radar but will make your life easier 🧘‍♀️ + help the makers of these tools get more eyes on their products