Discord Bot Studio

Visual programming tool for Discord bots

No Employees
Founders Code
Solo Founder

To allow non-technical people the freedom to create their own Discord bots. With DBS, anyone has the power to make their own custom Discord bots, which is usually something that requires programming knowledge.

September 29, 2020 Released new product trailer 馃

Today we launched a new product trailer for Discord Bot Studio. The new trailer showcases the functionality of the product much better than the old trailer did. When you view a product on Steam (where DBS is sold), the first thing you see is the trailer. Because of that, I'm hoping the new trailer will help increase conversions.

See the new trailer here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1118380/Discord_Bot_Studio/

September 9, 2020 1600+ sales total

Recently DBS crossed 1,600 total copies sold (total copies minus returns). This is a big milestone for a product I wasn't sure would ever make it off the ground. Most of the traffic that has led to these sales has come through Steam, which is where the software is sold. Going forward I'm looking for marketing channels that I can provide even more monthly traffic. On to 2,000!

May 12, 2020 DBS Fully Released on Steam!

DBS has been launched fully on Steam! After a beta period of about 6 weeks, I was able to collect user feedback and iron out some important bugs. The product was at the point where I thought the value superseded the price, so I knew it was time to launch. Cheers!

November 21, 2019 1,000 Wishlists on Steam

We recently crossed over 1,000 wishlists for Discord Bot Studio. Most of the traffic to the Steam page has come from our website, our YouTube channel, and the Steam search engine itself. It's exciting to see that so many people are interested in the product, just from the one short video posted.


To allow non-technical people the freedom to create their own Discord bots. With DBS, anyone has the power to make their own custom Discord bots, which is usually something that requires programming knowledge.