Fair Remote

A transparent remote job board focused on companies.

No Employees
Multiple Founders
Founders Code
Jobs & Hiring

Posting jobs is easy but expensive. We want o make it affordable to everybody and stop promoting companies that pay more. So we keep it simple. Post a 10-day job each month for free or pay $199/month for unlimited jobs.

February 9, 2021 Automatically deal with collecting taxes

We know dealing with taxes is a headache, and we want to make it easy for companies using our service, so we added a setting in your company profile to add your EU VAT ID if you're eligible for tax exempt. Here's a demo on how it works: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b31kxj1s4obdzdk/automatic_eu_vat_exempt.mov?dl=0

You can read more about taxes and for which countries we collect and remit them here: https://fairremote.com/taxes

February 1, 2021 Fair Remote v2 launch

We’ve just wrapped up the next version of our SaaS. Polished a lot of small stuff, and added more content so people can get a glimpse of how the platform works and how much it costs.

✅ Recorded ”How it works” video
✅ Added How it works page
✅ Added Pricing page
✅ Added FAQs page
✅ Added Billing via Stripe
✅ Allow republishing expired job posts
✅ Shift our focus and promote more the free plan

  • a bunch of smaller performance improvements and fixes.

For anyone interested to see the new page: https://fairremote.com

October 29, 2020 New Fair Remote page

We’ve finally got to publish our new fairremote.com page.

We disabled job posting a while back until we figured things out, but I think we’re in a good spot now, and feel like it's heading towards a good direction.

We switched from a per job post pricing to a subscription based. I still need to implement the billing, as currently it's free for use. Thought there's no need to rush this unless people start using the product 😅

The app is built with Ruby on Rails and the new Hotwire framework (https://hotwire.dev/).

V1 was a bust. We only had one company post a job after our launch, and no paying customers. It was pretty hard since we had 0 audience. We’re now learning from our mistakes and will focus more on building the audience before we officially announce the launch of v2.

I’m very happy with the road so far. Learned a lot about promoting, content, and what platforms to use to find my target audience.

Here’s to an awesome 2021 for Fair Remote 🥳


Posting jobs is easy but expensive. We want o make it affordable to everybody and stop promoting companies that pay more. So we keep it simple. Post a 10-day job each month for free or pay $199/month for unlimited jobs.