Flow state on demand

Activate your inbuilt killer app for superhuman productivity

No Employees
Founders Code
Solo Founder
Task Management

As a developer, founder and app agency owner I struggled with the issues you face:

  • Yes, it’s easy to do deep work.
  • Yet, it’s near impossible when bombarded by constant interruptions.

I figured it out. Now sharing.

August 16, 2021 119 subscribers!

Going hard on Twitter, LinkedIn, Gumroad and PH communities.
Been posting every day for the last month and a just occasional mentions of the upcoming product.

A couple of big name hunters jumped on the product the first day. I think this kicked it off well.

August 9, 2021 Launched 'Ship' page on PH

Ship is pretty cool. I love how it sets constraints with little text and graphics. It forces you to be creative to convey the message.

I had some graphics I'd been working on so it was pretty quick to setup.

Created an animated icon using Keynote. Simple Export to animated GIF.


As a developer, founder and app agency owner I struggled with the issues you face:

  • Yes, it’s easy to do deep work.
  • Yet, it’s near impossible when bombarded by constant interruptions.

I figured it out. Now sharing.