Good Game Shelf

Curated board game recommendations

Under 10 Employees
Multiple Founders
Founders Code

We love board games and want to make the hobby more accessible to newer players. We want to provide the experience that you have a board gaming expert giving you tailored, curated recommendations for what to play.

August 4, 2020 Launched our MVP!

We launched a small board game recommendations blog site this past weekend! We wrote 6 articles and built a custom site to feature them, and we plan to add slowly to this over the next month.

Our idea for the site revolves around curated recommendations. Instead of reviews of a specific game or Top 10 lists, we give 3 recommendations based on a specific game that you might like.

For example, if you like Settlers of Catan, we recommend Concordia, Bohnanza, and/or Tiny Towns. These games provide a range of complexity and strategy, and they introduce new mechanics and experiences for someone who already has the context for Catan.

This has been an idea we've been sitting on for about a year, and a blog as the MVP seems like a very simple, low-investment way to test our recommendations concept. Eventually, we want to build something more involved and "smarter," but this is a good starting point for now.


We love board games and want to make the hobby more accessible to newer players. We want to provide the experience that you have a board gaming expert giving you tailored, curated recommendations for what to play.