Learn something new with GraphQL, every week.

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Every day in my day job I speak with people new to GraphQL. I wanted to create a place people could come to learn something new with GraphQL, share their learnings, and take part in workshops, courses, and much more.

July 25, 2022 52 weeks later... 鈿★笍

Well... What a year it's been.

Today is a huge milestone for me! I've researched, recorded, and published a new video every week for the last year!

It's not stopping either 馃榿

November 29, 2021 18 weeks later... 馃捒

This week I managed to take the new web framework "Remix" for a spin with GraphQL.

I ended up recording a video walking through how to use the popular graphql-request library to fetch data inside of the loaders on the server.

I've 5 videos recorded, and ready for release over the holidays so I can take some time off to relax, and recharge with my family.

August 7, 2021 Added show notes to episode pages

Videos are great, but they're filled with content you can't easily reference while watching, or to copy/paste!

I added the ability to render rich markdown show notes to each page, and added a newsletter capture at the end of every video.

August 2, 2021 Launched Website!

I launched the website with the first ever video (on GraphQL Mesh as a Gateway) on August 2, 2021!

This comes after outsourcing an intro and logo to be used at the beginning of all free videos.

The website was built over a few weekends and evenings, and is powered by GraphQL and Next.js!

July 1, 2021 Decided to go all in on GraphQL content

Over the years I've created content on YouTube, Medium,, and as part of my day job at various startups. This content has varied across the stack, and as a Full Stack Developer myself, I've always wanted to share what I know with others. I love it!

I decided early July to go all in on creating GraphQL content. I already had the domain, and set about recording the first video!


Every day in my day job I speak with people new to GraphQL. I wanted to create a place people could come to learn something new with GraphQL, share their learnings, and take part in workshops, courses, and much more.