Hashtags for images API

Hashtags for photos (images) by API - open to the public

Under 10 Employees
Multiple Founders
Founders Code
Social Media

This is the most requested solution from devs looking at our other 12 API solutions.

March 29, 2020 First ever real-time based hashtags for images API

First ever that gives hashtags actually based on delving into the image provided, and gives real-time engagement-proven hashtags for both Twitter and also for Instagram.

This is the most-requested API solution of all time, and our API has been public for well over 5 years.

March 28, 2020 Switched to credits system with the API

New API Credits System

You will see that the number of credits per call varies from endpoint to endpoint. Our costs per solution are radically different, so we now charge, for example, 1/6 the cost for the above-noted hashtags for images solution for the hashtag suggestions for text endpoint.

Some paid users might see that their credits are being used up more quickly than they have in the past. This is likely due to consumption of API endpoints that cost more than 1 credit. Click on the solutions in the Demo Dashboard to see the number of credits/call.

TIP: You can use just one or any combination of the endpoints, so it is common that if you go up by just one tier, with a lot more credits, you can offer a lot more value to your customers.


This is the most requested solution from devs looking at our other 12 API solutions.