Minimalist tools / web monitoring / ops for indie developers

No Employees
Founders Code
Solo Founder
Open Source

I wanted to create and publish bare minimum web monitoring, diagnostic and op tools for indie developers and small businesses. I wanted to do something for me and small groups of individuals instead of my usual startups.

August 2020 Finally starting my own dev/ops focused business!

I’ve been working in analytics in one form or another for over a decade or more. I started out my career in web development working at a medical information processing company that was later acquired by Aetna. I continued on from there working at different startups from a design agency, a social media analytics company I helped found, and worked at Evernote and a data science research company for some time. Finally, where I’m at now is primarily in devops and network infrastructure monitoring for medium to large businesses.

Throughout all this time I’ve always wanted to just start my own thing but I’ve never been able to get past the initial stages. I usually spend too much time organizing the idea or I end up giving up thinking no one will want it.

These last 6 months have really given me some new perspective. I have finally put together enough of what I think will work as a solution for a product. I have written up pricing estimations, I’ve tested out infrastructure and deployment strategies, I’ve even built:

  • full html/css/js sample layout
  • prototyped a dashboard system
  • researched market viability options
  • read up on launch guides and marketing strategies

I’ve spent time building up my social profiles as well to help ease me into a network strategy on top of my SEO routes.

What am I building?

It’s very simple.

Multi-tenancy diagnostic web monitoring for developers and small businesses. It’s meant to be minimalist with a straightforward pricing model. I plan on expanding the product offerings over time but my initial goal is to keep the tooling very minimalist with an emphasis on “built and supported by and for indie developers”.

This has the advantage of launching into an area where I can tailor my work to this community and communities like this.

I will surely keep everyone posted!


I wanted to create and publish bare minimum web monitoring, diagnostic and op tools for indie developers and small businesses. I wanted to do something for me and small groups of individuals instead of my usual startups.