
Checking business and brand names faster than ever before

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Checking business and brand names faster than ever before!

November 25, 2020 Tokens Tokens Tokens

Already another year over. Time is running out.

NameScore is one of our services from NameRobot, which runs without a lot of work from us. At NameScore we have little support and so sometimes this service is quickly forgotten.

Last month we took a look at what users are missing and how they behave. Many users use NameScore not only to check one name, they often want to check several names.

To make this a little bit easier we sat down and integrated a token system. It is now possible to buy NameReports in advance via tokens. If you don't want to check only 1 name, the tokens are a great opportunity to save some money.

The more names you want to check, the less a single report costs.
Perfect for Black Friday week

Do you have a product or service? Get your name checked by Namescore! The basic report is free!

November 12, 2019 One Year NameScore

Meanwhile NameScore is running for one year, it's incredible how fast time flies.

From this month on we offer the name report for $19.

It couldn't be simpler: Enter your business name, sign up, and get your NameScore report. The handy dashboard features let you keep track of all your completed name checks.

July 20, 2018 Finished MVP and going live

The new service named NameScore is ready. After two weeks the NameRobot GmbH owns a new service.

What aspects does NameScore check?

  • Trademark search
    Is your name or a similar name already protected as a trademark?

  • Domain Availability
    Which top-level domains are available?

  • Search engine / AppStore availability
    Is your name already frequently found in popular search engines and AppStores?

  • Social media availability
    In which social networks is your name already used?

  • Hidden potentials and stumbling blocks
    Does your name contain (foreign-language) terms?

  • Sound
    What are the sound characteristics of your name? Is it a hard or a soft name? What feelings does it evoke?

July 6, 2018 Start the Developing

We have set ourselves the goal of setting up a new Trademark Check Service in two weeks!

This is the first test for our QUIQQER system. Can we really launch a new service in two weeks?

Two developers, two weeks and a bunch of tasks:

  • Integrate the Name Report
  • Name Report Customization
  • Implement the registration
  • Web page
  • Implement the ordering process
  • ... and much more
May 1, 2018 Came up with my idea

When you start a startup, it is essential to check other brands and trademarks! After 10 years of naming experience and consulting startups, we know how time consuming it is.

In NameRobot, Trademark Checking was one of the tools that had the most use, along with Domain checking.

Also our name-finding-KI Namefruits continuously checks during the name-finding process whether the name or a similar name is already used as a trademark.

Because few people, as it is solved in NameRobot, cannot do much with all the information, we have created in Namefruits the complete trademark check process as a name report.

By the contact with some startups it became clear to us, such a name report is perfect for the own pitch!

Not just only for the pitch, this report saves time. Just the time-consuming search, which often takes days, would be done in a few minutes.


Checking business and brand names faster than ever before!