discover your reality at your location

Social network for real-time located news

No Employees
Multiple Founders
Founders Code
News & Magazines
Social Media

We think that there is a need for a social network that has news and events based on mobile users real location.

April 16, 2019 Add embedded Youtube links in event posts.

Now you can add Youtube links in event posts. By using regex it's easy for users to just paste the Youtube URL or embed link.

I have not added a video preview yet. It is also difficult to add Open Graph meta info for Youtube content as it is only implemented for S3 media files by default.

April 16, 2019 Why'd you decided to work on

A friend had an idé that sounded fun and very interesting at the time. First I thought that it should be fast, scalable, low cost to host and manage so I started to build it with Amazon AppSync with GraphQL, DynamoDB, and Cognito.

After 200 hours pro-bono work I realized that I had to switch to something else. By switching to my idéa was that now all three "co-founders" could build in parallel and also build it 10x faster. But that was more of a pipe dream. I can now build about 5 - 10 times faster but it's still programming even if it's not coding and I am the only developer.

So my two co-founders that are more the type of hot-dog salesmen still refuses to touch a keyboard. Instead, they beta test and wait for it to be ready for marketing.

February 11, 2019 You can now add a tagline to your profile.

I thougt about adding a flag based on user location. But it was simpler to just add a tagline where you also can add emojis such as flags.

February 11, 2019

Hi all, I have just built a social network for local news and events based on users geo-positon . Before I build too much I need feedback on my progress so far. My motto is build fast and break things! The usual about, GDPR policy is missing right now but is under development. I have also set up a facebook group and a Discord server for feedback and meaningful discussions.


We think that there is a need for a social network that has news and events based on mobile users real location.