
Talks and interviews, with indie makers like you

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Building a successful product takes time and a lot of effort. Getting real-life stories and first-hand experiences from other indie makers can help you learn valuable lessons you can apply to your products.

July 12, 2021 馃帣 Released interview with Xavier Coiffard

I've released the next interview on QuickTalks featuring Xavier Coiffard (@xavier), a fellow indie hacker that has shipped six products in the last six months. A few of them are:

After spending the last few years working for startups, Xavier decided to become an indie hacker, build his own products and started the challenge to ship six products in six months. In this interview, I ask him about his process to create, ship, and sometimes abandon projects as fast as possible.

You can watch the full interview here or a few clips on the QuickTalks Clips Youtube channel:

June 29, 2021 First sponsor and reached 50 users!

Currently 53! That might not sound like many but for me, it's a milestone!

It's taken a little bit more than 2 months since I released the first interview with Felix Scholz on the website.

In that time I've released 4 interviews on the site and 17 clips on QuickTalks Clips YouTube channel.

At the same time, I received a message from a fellow indie hacker (Bruno Quaresma, creator of TweetPik) who wanted to sponsor QuickTalks and announce his project on the site.

I've created a "sponsors" section on most pages in which I'll include the logos of each sponsor, so if anyone wants to announce their product/site on QuickTalks, now there's a way to do it 馃

sponsors section on QuickTalks

I hope that both the number of users and the sponsors section keep growing in the upcoming months 馃殌

June 16, 2021 Released interview with Adriaan Bouman

I've released the next interview on QuickTalks.io featuring Adriaan Bouman, the man behind IndieLeaders and StartupCrowns.

He also created Mailto.id a service aimed to replace mailto links from your websites. We talk about his very first projects, freelancing, his failed startup, preparing a launch strategy, and the indie maker community.

You can watch the full interview here or a few clips on the QuickTalks Clips Youtube channel:

April 29, 2021 Reached 100 views on YouTube

15 days after the first video was released, QuickTalks Clips has reached 100 views! In this channel, I'm releasing small clips extracted from the interviews I record for QuickTalks.io

Here are the most-watched clips:

If you want to share your story, tell us about your product and lessons learned on QuickTalks.io, just send me a message

April 19, 2021 Launch: first interview on QuickTalks.io released

I just released the first interview on QuickTalks.io In this talk with Felix Scholz, the creator of ThreadStart and UpFast. We talk about creating something meaningful, mistakes and lessons learned, building in public, and a lot more.

You can watch it now on QuickTalks

A few takeaways 馃憞

Choosing a tech stack:

"I've tried to use different tech stacks in the past but at the end but when you start a project you have to figure out all the details of the project and at the same time you have to figure out the new stack and it just slows the whole thing down"

Mistakes every indie hacker makes:

"I heard the advice multiple times, I read articles and heard podcasts and they all recommended to ship fast, ship early, don't overthink it, don't over-engineer it but I think that's one of these mistakes everybody just has to make"

About the indie maker community:

"There are so many toxic parts on Twitter but the maker community is definitely not one of them. Everybody is so supportive and everybody celebrate launches and it's really great to be part of it"

Overcoming fears and doubts:

"I turn your brain off every time these doubts come up and go for the shipping route: do it, publish it, push it, ask it, and then... hotfix it 馃槄"

Getting attached to a project:

"With UpFast I was really attached to the idea of it, I wanted it to work, I needed it to work I put so much heart and work on it and I think that was eventually what held me back a little bit to launch. I didn't want to get bad feedback"

Let me know what you think about it. You can find the full interview here and, if you want to share your story on QuickTalks, just send me a message!

April 14, 2021 Released first video on QuickTalks YouTube channel

I've been recording interviews with indie makers for the last couple of months and last week I decided it was time to start releasing content.

Today I've released the first video on the Youtube channel. It's a small clip from my interview with Felix Scholz in which we talk about getting stuck on building new features and not shipping your product, a mistake almost all indie makers make.


I'll keep releasing more videos in the upcoming days and finally release the full interview on QuickTalks.io next week.

QuickTalks is the site where I interview indie hackers, makers and creators share their story and lessons learned so we can learn from each other.

If you like the idea, you can sign up, subscribe to the channel and share the content on social media. And if you want to share your story on QuickTalks, just leave a message 馃

February 5, 2021 Recorded the first interview with an indie maker

After thinking about it for a few days, I decided to start recording interviews with indie makers as a way to generate content for Quicktalks and try to get some traffic and opinions.

I reached out to a couple of indie makers I know from Twitter and some of them agreed to have a quick chat with me about their products and share some tips and lessons learned while building them.

I recorded the first interview with Felix Scholz (@scholz_felix on Twitter) and it was great! We talked about the fear of launching a product for the first time, the benefits of building in public, and how the indie community is always super supportive.

I plan to edit the interview this week while I keep reaching out to other makers for the next interviews.

If you want to share your history and a few tips that can be helpful to other makers, send me a message at the link below and we can have a quicktalk 馃槈


November 18, 2020 QuickTalks.io MVP v2 live 馃殌

After the MVP, I received a few messages with some feedback on how to improve the copy of the landing page and some issues so I put I the 馃毀 work in progress 馃毀 on the site while I addressed everything.

After a couple of weeks changing most of the backend and improving the copy, I think this new version is way better and ready to use. I still have some features in my todo-list but the sooner it's out in the hands of the users, the better.

QuickTalks.io is live and I've even scheduled the first talk on it.

If you're like me and have an idea for a talk, don't be shy a schedule one! I've scheduled one about how I built QuickTalks and I'd be super grateful if you could attend, try QuickTalks and let me know how it goes!


Building a successful product takes time and a lot of effort. Getting real-life stories and first-hand experiences from other indie makers can help you learn valuable lessons you can apply to your products.