Remote Circle

Remote Jobs. Made Simple.

No Employees
Multiple Founders
Founders Don't Code
Jobs & Hiring

Our mission is to simplify remote hiring for companies and candidates.

May 14, 2020 Acquired by We Work Remotely

I'm happy to say that Remote Circle is joining the We Work Remotely family. Building Remote Circle was my first ever no-code build with Bubble. Amazing learning experience and led me into the world of no-code, which ultimately led me to launching

July 30, 2019 Shipped Custom Remote Job Alerts

This one's been a long time coming!

Until now, we’ve had a single email go out every week which we call the “bulletin”. Everybody got the same email, no customisation whatsoever. Pretty rubbish.

Custom job alerts has been on our roadmap for a while but we’ve taken our time on getting it built because it seemed like such a big task and we wanted to focus on other areas, like getting more jobs. Other remote job boards offered more personalised job alerts, but in our eyes they still weren’t personal enough. Being able to get job alerts by job category still isn’t enough when looking at remote jobs. We wanted our alerts to be as flexible as our site. So our job alerts are actually just as customisable as search on Remote Circle is.

Would be keen to hear any feedback

May 30, 2018 Began work on MVP

We started looking at out tech stack and the features and processes that we would need the new product to have.

Invalid date Started research for RC 2.0

We looked at our data from version 1, had countless calls with candidates and companies and then started developing a plan of what we needed to make a better product


Our mission is to simplify remote hiring for companies and candidates.