SelectSoftware Reviews

Expert reviews of HR Software

Under 10 Employees
Founders Code
Solo Founder

Buying b2b software is really hard, and most online resources are designed to trick you into clicking too many links, or giving up too much data.

I love to learn, I love to teach, and am a total software geek.

October 14, 2020 IH Writeup

Hey all - we got to do an interview on Indie Hackers today which dives into how the business got started, and a lot of the hills we had to climb to get it to where it is.

It's always a bit weird to share details about your story online, but I've been so inspired by this community and so wanted to share some of my key insights so that others who are building similar business can benefit.

You can read the interview here:

September 10, 2020 Hired our first full time employee!

We just hired our first full time employee who's going to start Sept 14th!

It's been almost two years since starting SSR and we finally have enough cash flow coming in, and enough work that we are sure will be ROI positive, to justify hiring someone.

I think we kind of lucked out, they are an IVY league graduate who's been trying to be a professional runner the last four years (they were one of the first 500 Americans to run a sub 4 minute mile!).

They are just now starting their professional career and we scooped them up :)

August 5, 2019 Started monetizing Aug 1, daily revenues up 172%!

Over the last few months I've built a site that ranks organically for terms that HRTech buyers are searching by creating high quality, niche content that I know a lot about from my previous startup where I was actually building an HRTech business.

Last week, on August 1st, I started allowing HRTech vendors to start PPC campaigns on our site. Day one we did $22 of revenues. Day 2 I woke up and we'd already done $30, and by the end of the day we'd done $60!

I've learned that selling high intent eye balls to marketers is actually not that hard. This is why most b2c brands have existing affiliate programs that just about anyone can plug into.

b2b is a bit different in that tracking the sale through completion can be challenging given the time it takes to close many deals. Thus, affiliate programs are not that common. However, these marketing teams are interested in buying CPC ads that are relevant to them. You just have to sell these one a one off basis.

My next challenge is building an auction engine on my site so that my currently under priced CPC ads eventually reach an efficient price that reflects the value of my traffic!


Buying b2b software is really hard, and most online resources are designed to trick you into clicking too many links, or giving up too much data.

I love to learn, I love to teach, and am a total software geek.