Tag My Knowledge

Personal Knowledge Management made simple.

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Personal Knowledge Management is hard. Evernote, OneNote etc. are too general purpose and don’t allow me to add new knowledge in realtime during the talks (speakers won't wait!).

September 30, 2020 Premium plan smoke test

I've finally added a premium plan smoke test.
Users can click on "Pricing" in the header and get redirected to a pricing table. There's now a free & a 10$/mo plan.

Choosing the free plan redirects to the web app (ie login) and choosing the premium plan opens a dialog telling them it isn't ready yet.

When they enter their email address, they're automatically added to a group "interested in pro" in Mailchimp, so I can evaluate its success.

Also, every button is wired to a Google Analytics event via Tag manager. It's incredible how you can use data attributes to automatically tag everything based on attributes you've set in your source code. Maybe I'll even create a Medium post about it, who knows.

Even better, I just figured out how to use Google Optimize to split test headlines, designs and, you guessed it: price.

Anyway, the next goal is to figure out how many people are actually interested in this premium plan and at what price.

September 25, 2020 Let's start promotion

I obviously won't do paid advertising with 0 users, but these are the things I came up with to get traction:

  • Medium articles about specific coding challenges that I faced
  • Articles comparing my app to [insert other app here] that I can post to Medium and (eventually) the product website too
  • Posts on reddit in relevant subreddits
  • Answer people on reddit who have the issues that the app is trying to solve
  • Post on XDA's free app section
  • Message current one-time users one by one to a) get feedback and b) maybe get them to try the app again now that their issue has (hopefully) been fixed
September 21, 2020 v0.9.0

There were a lot of versions in between this and the MVP, so this is an aggregation of the changes:

Huawei / non-GMS support

  • App is now fully compatible with non-PlayStore devices, except that Google Login doesn't work. Hopefully that will change eventually but I can only hope for the best

Fully custom categories

  • During registrations, the original 4 categories are created
  • Categories can be added/renamed/moved/deleted
  • The app UI adapts to how many categories (0, 1, 2-5) exist
  • Category icons can be changed (only one icon pack right now, but I'll probably change that if people request it)
  • This is currently limited to 5 categories

Full tag management

...that I blatantly ripped from Google Keep. I am a big fan of how they do it and wanted to create something like this since 2016. Now I finally got a chance to do it :D

Basic history functionality

  • You can jump between knowledge items (no autosave currently)

Polished design

  • New zero-data graphics (ie. graphics that are displayed when no categories exist etc.)
  • New login
  • Smooth fade ins
  • Swipe to change tabs

Other changes

  • Way too many bug fixes to list them here but since no one was really using it since I haven't started promoting it yet, I ended up breaking a lot of stuff along the way
  • Since I'm using Flutter, creating unit- & integration tests is easy, so I started doing that to verify app functionality before release-ing
  • PWA notification on iOS (not on Android for now though)
  • Performance improvements
  • InApp feedback via wiredash (they're awesom!!)
  • Internal database structure changes that I rather did now than when people are affected

Added a semi-enforced versioning system

  • Since users could be on mobile & web, to avoid data corruption, I have to enforce some versioning system which works like this:
  • The app version must be compatibly (as per semver) with the current user database version on the server (database version = highest app version that the user has used on any device). If not, user is logged out.
  • When a user goes from one version to the next, a database migration is done if necessary. If data was migrated in a non-backwards compatible way
September 9, 2020 Website improvements

Based on feedback from the IH community, I revamped the website.

  • I rewrote the benefit section on the front page a little to put more emphasis on the benefits vs features & because apparently not everything was as easy to understand (thanks guys for pointing that out!)
  • Added newsletter signup (with Mailchimp. I'll probably create a Medium article on how I did it since it wasn't so easy after all)


August 5, 2020 Finished MVP

It took quite a long time (university exams suck), but I finally managed to release the first public beta.

Tag My Knowledge

I built it using Flutter and it's available for Android and as a Progressive Web App (with install prompt on iOS). The website itself was built with Publii using a custom theme I created with TailwindUI.

Now I need to figure out a few things:

  • Are people interested at all in this tool?
  • Are the 4 main categories too restrictive?
April 21, 2020 I had a problem

I was watching CEO interviews on YouTube and I didn't know where to put a particularly valuable piece of advice. Up to that point I always added it to Google Keep. However, even with an over engineered tagging & color coding system, things eventually sink to the bottom. After a month or two I forget that I can look it up there.
The thing is, I want to quickly (= in realtime during talks!) add and categorize knowledge in realtime and be reminded of them every now and then automatically.
I tried out other apps (Evernote, OneNote, Notion), but I hated them. Evernote is great for note-keeping, but I found it to be too general for my specific purpose. Same for OneNote (also I think it's ugly). Notion seems to be geared more towards teams instead of personal knowledge management, also the app isn't native and I didn't like the interface.

So here I am, starting the adventure of creating a personal knowledge management app.


Personal Knowledge Management is hard. Evernote, OneNote etc. are too general purpose and don’t allow me to add new knowledge in realtime during the talks (speakers won't wait!).