The Joy of Svelte

Learn the simplicity and joy of programming with Svelte

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Founders Code
Solo Founder

I've long wanted to launch a product, and this is my first one. It's an online video course. I've been a college instructor, and published many YouTube videos, but this is the first time I'm charging for my videos.

December 14, 2020 I launched my first product ever today!

Today I launched my first product ever! I've wanted to launch a product for a very long time, and publicly committed to this course back in January. Since then, I've built a mailing list, tried to stay focused, avoid perfectionism, and I even built my own video course platform, perhaps as a sneaky form of procrastination, but nonetheless I pushed through and got it done in my spare time.

And today, finally, I've launched The Joy of Svelte!

I'm very excited and nervous. I've already had a number of people purchase the course in Early Access, so I'm not sure if I'm going to see many new sign-ups from my newsletter or Twitter followers. Not sure how this launch will go but I'm very proud to have stuck with it and to finally finish one of my side projects!

If you're a web developer interested in learning Svelte, this course will teach you how to:

  • Get started with Svelte
  • Fetch & render data
  • Simplify your web components
  • Use stores for state management
  • Start using Svelte today in your existing projects

It's on sale for 20% off this week only. Check it out if you're interested.

September 26, 2020 Early Access launch with first paying customers!

I have a hard time finishing things, but committed publicly to launch it back in "Spring 2020". In June, I changed the launch date to "Summer 2020", and earlier this week, with summer ending, and only half my course finished, I pulled the trigger and put out an "Early Access" to my newsletter list. Within a few minutes I had my first product customer ever!! So excited :D


I've long wanted to launch a product, and this is my first one. It's an online video course. I've been a college instructor, and published many YouTube videos, but this is the first time I'm charging for my videos.