UX Brains

A curated knowledge collection for all things UX.

No Employees
Founders Don't Code
Solo Founder

The internet is full of UX content. Discoverability is a problem and people don't want to waste their time searching for and consuming mediocre content. I want to help to find valuable content more quickly!

June 15, 2020 🧠 UX Brains: Weekly Standup #001 🧠

The first week since launching UX Brains exceeded all of my expectations. Not only number wise, but also in regards to the community feedback, I received for the website. I did not encounter a single negative comment about the project and made many new connections on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Indie Hackers.

📈 The numbers:

  • 3.8k unique visitors that accounted for a total of 8.9k pageviews
  • 40+ articles suggested by the community (~20 already approved and listed)
  • 20 newsletter signups

⚙️ Patch notes for week 1:

  • Added newsletter signup
  • Improved the website's footer
  • Added a Ko-fi link so people can support the project

👨‍🎓 The learnings:

  • Even a small side project like UX Brains needs a lot of attention and care if you want to do it properly

  • Releasing the MVP as soon as possible was the right decision (no reason to be anxious thinking the project is not pristine enough)

  • Identifying the right channels is a lot of work and it takes some bravery to share and put yourself out there (it’s a great feeling tho!)

June 12, 2020 Implemented a newsletter

I implemented a newsletter in order to get some reactivation possibility for interested users. I also redesigned my footer and linked the twitter of my logo designer.

I also identified some new channels to share the project in and posted a few links here and there. Curious to see how much traction I will get in the different channels.

June 9, 2020 Launched UX Brains MVP

After spending two weeks of ideating, building the website, and creating the database I launched the product and shared it with my network.

I used Webflow to create the website, integrated an Airtable and added Plausible as a privacy-focused analytics tool.


The internet is full of UX content. Discoverability is a problem and people don't want to waste their time searching for and consuming mediocre content. I want to help to find valuable content more quickly!