Viral Quotes

Make your brand viral without paying ads

No Employees
Founders Code
Solo Founder
Social Media

Two years ago I validated the idea; 30 customers paid for this service and the process was manually.

One day I came with the idea: "What if I create a web app with all the process 100% automated?".

October 21, 2023 Exciting News! 馃殌Viral Quotes is LIVE!

Ok two years have past since my last post but I've retaken the project and now is a reality at https//

Some lessons learnt:

  • Be ok with imperfection
  • Cut the unnecessary
  • Expect the unexpected: Ex.Crazy bugs
  • Spent some time in Marketing

Viral Quotes: The ultimate platform to create eye-catching branded viral quotes effortlessly!

July 28, 2021 Yay! my Landing Page is completed!

My landing page is fully implemented. Works nicely on all devices starting from small phones up to 4k monitors.

I didn't publish it yet because I want to finish the app to launch everything together.

BUT what I did meantime was to code a simple "Coming Soon" page connected with a Mailchimp form.

At the moment of writing this, I have 4 subscribers on Mailchimp, not bad for a "Coming Soon" page which has one week old.

I'm #BuildingInPublic on different specialized forums where my audience likes to be, so I hope when I have the app fully completed to have around 20 subs on Mailchimp.

June 9, 2021 The UI is completed!

Even though I'm a software engineer, I love UI Design. I putted special care to the UI of Viral Quotes.

I really like the purple style I've chosen, it makes Viral Quotes radiate its own personality.

Today I did my first commit on Github, basicly a default Next.js project.

Here is where the coding adventure begins !

May 1, 2021 I have a Viral Idea !!!

Two years ago I validated this service by offerring it on specialized forums; 30 customers paid for this service and the process was manually. Delivering usually took 48hs per customer.

One day I came with the idea: "What if I create a web app that execute the whole process 100% automated?". That's how Viral Quotes borned!


Two years ago I validated the idea; 30 customers paid for this service and the process was manually.

One day I came with the idea: "What if I create a web app with all the process 100% automated?".