20 new subscribers in 30 days 🥳

I have got 2 lifetime , and 8 monthly subscriptions after launching pro membership on Visa List. The remaining were failed transactions. This was an experiment i started 4 weeks ago which i have been sitting on it for a long time. I was not really sure what was the most valuable information that travelers really need so they wont mind paying. After 8 months of launching, looking at Nomad list and starter story, i finally put in a set of features that i thought can be useful for Pro members

  1. Connect with the community and visa advice, the general advice is all good but most often it's not enough as most of us need visa advice specific to our case
  2. Unlock all the filters in visa listings, policy listings, visa rankings, passport rankings, travel advices.
  3. Get access to members only data like visa documentation, travel advice and much more
  4. No ads (even though i hate ads, i have to keep them up so Visa List stays alive)
  5. All future pro features

I was still very skeptical but none the less integrated with stripe, got it working in two weeks and finally put it out there. The first one i got was a lifetime subscription and was super stoked to see that. But after that over a week i didn't get successful subscriptions though i got users who wanted to subscribe but ultimately failed for different reasons life bank decline, not enough money or high risk. This last week , it was a rush, i got a one monthly , and two lifetime subscription in a day.

I'm happy that the experiment paid off. But i still think i need to provide even more value to paid users. I'm open to any / all of my fellow indie haker suggestions.

  1. 2

    Congrats. Next month - 30 in 30 days

    1. 1

      Thanks mate!🤞 hopefully

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