
Business news from México

10+ Employees
Founders Code
Solo Founder
Mailing Lists
News & Magazines

Founders where fed up with the lack of quality business journalism in the region.

January 23, 2022 6K-ish users in beta stack / lowered CAC ($0.51)

On our new Stack

We have been running a parallel operation with our new stack (WP+Memberful+Mailerlite). And before turning the switch off substack, we want to test it for a month or two.

So far, we have 6K-ish subscribers in Memberful and 12K-ish on substack. While there are a few Zapier integrations we are missing from Memberful, they have covered most of our needs. They have been quite helpful offering guidance with API tutorials, but we have been quite busy to code them in house.

Other than the current WordPress theme, I'm quite happy with the new stack.

Twitter Ads

We were running Instagram Ads to acquire signups to our free trial. Since we have a very well-defined niche (business people in México who pay for premium news), we depleted our addressable audience on Instagram quite fast.

Two weeks ago, our newest team member started testing Twitter Ads. We had high hopes, given the nature of Twitter where compared to Instagram, news are more commonly shared and engaged with.

It didn't disappoint. Our current CAC to free trial has plummeted to US$0.93 at it's the most expensive point and US$0.51 at it's lowest. We reached the lowest point by launching 20-ish different ads and a/b testing the hell out of our variables.

Preparing to Scale

We will now prepare to scale by documenting our processes, defining principles and values and carefully growing our team. Shout out to  Sahil Lavignia ( @sahil ) for helping me get back to basics with his new book.  (looking forward to his course)

December 24, 2021 Switched away from substack

We managed to export and import the content to both webflow and wordpress.

Given the nature of our operation (media) webflow didn't quite adapted to our daily publishing and editing needs. We decided to stick with Wordpress for now.

Hopefully by summer we will have the time to build a custom CRM that doesn't come with the complications presented by managing wordpress.

we still need to work on the fronted, but you can take a look at

October 21, 2021 Looking to switch away from substack

Well, the time has come to look for better alternatives.
Substack is somewhat costly and still lacks tons of features that we need to increase our growth.

We are currently looking for a new tech stack to help us grow faster and most importantly provide better content experience to our paying subscribers.

September 21, 2021 We surpassed 10K signups and 2K subscriptions.

The project is more than a year old, but I haven't been active in the community.

As we prepare for growth, I thought it would be nice to update the community and keep track of our milestones.

paying subscriptions

total signups subs


Founders where fed up with the lack of quality business journalism in the region.