Looking for feedback on your landing page?

[Update] Thanks everyone for sending your link! This post has became too popular and I've received way more links than expected. So far I've tried to get through as much as I could (see all the replies below) and sorry if I didn't get to yours in the time I have. I will do it again in a short future, I promised :)

Last year I received quite a few emails from folks asking for feedback on their landing pages - and I actually enjoyed doing it! So this year, I'd like to offer similar help for everyone. The feedback will focus mainly on these areas:

  1. Visual Design
  2. Usability
  3. Content

I will provide straightforward, actionable feedback that you can fix in a few hours. If you're interested, please send in your link!

  1. 3

    Wow, that's very generous of you. Here's the marketing site for our automated testing product Reflect: https://reflect.run/ - looking forward to your feedback!

    1. 1

      hi @toddmcneal, here's my feedback https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/reflect.run--AspUU5Lre2XSgIIcBgarUUI6AQ-DN31a458SkTY5yfV75IY0

      My Suggested to-dos

      1. I’d recommend look into tailwind.css for your site. It’ll save you tones of time and headache, I think.
      2. Maybe move the “Record Once, Run Anytime” section up - it helps first time user to understand how your product works.
      3. Tighten up all alignments, especially between sections.
      4. The color scheme needs some adjustment - I’d suggest picking a series of gray for body text and section backgrounds (https://tailwindcss.com/docs/customizing-colors/#default-color-palette) to go with your accent blue for CTAs. Or you could look into https://colorhunt.co/ for a similar palette.

      That's it, let me know if it helps!

      1. 1

        It's definitely helpful, thank you!

    2. 1

      Maybe shorten the logo navigation's margin top a bit? It'd be nice if the demo picture in the hero was less textual (for me).

      1. 1

        Thank you for the feedback!

  2. 3

    Hey Amie, here's mine: https://www.getshipit.com. Please tear it into pieces :-D

    1. 2

      just wanted to say your page looks super clean. Congrats, I really like it

    2. 1

      Hi @artjom, thanks for being the first sending the link and here's my feedback (it's on dropbox paper). https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/getShipit.com--AsfuB9muTqXWQGulTwm5iBqlAQ-1xDzJWJCW7b5Qd7H4uXuo

      Apologize for being blunt in advance! And let me know if it's helpful :)

      1. 1

        That is awesome! Thanks a lot for your time.

    1. 1

      What's with the shady redirects to phishing sites?

    2. 1

      Love it,

      1. replace the drop-down with a search?

      2. maybe bring the search results a bit higher on the page (I did not see the results at first)

      3. Make the destination cards navlinks rather than just the text inside

      There are some small suggestions :)

    3. 1

      Intersting site. I travel quite often. Maybe trim out the words passport from the dropdown list? It feels repetitive. Also, it'd be nice to see more visuals on the homepage in the bottom section (you have many images of travel destinations).

  3. 2

    Thanks so much for doing this Amie. I'd love your feedback on https://lakebed.io.

    1. 1

      Hi @Lakebed_io, please read my review here: https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/lakebed.io--AsiwHJkazex68E65CeBhYNYeAQ-pCUQMOPYBlgILRuJwum2g

      In general I think you should focus on the copy and go with a no graphic, typographic focused approach. You don't need fancy illustrations or images to make your site stands out. I absolutely believe you could make great landing pages with just good typography.

      Most importantly --- focus on the copy and implement a CTA!

      1. 1

        Wow! Thank you so much, I was not expecting that much time/feedback. I'd love to pay you for your time & expertise and through looking for your personal site I found that in your bio amie-chen.com points to https://www.indiehackers.com/amie-chen.com. My email is in my bio and if you send me a PayPal address or some other way to send you money I'd love to buy you a beer or something.

        I also found it hilarious that the expert says graphics are not required (I agree, for enterprise applications) but the 2 in the peanut gallery said otherwise.

        Thanks again!

        1. 1

          1.) No call to action yet because it's only semi-live but I didn't tell you that and I know its absolutely necessary on any website.
          2.) You are by no means the first to tell me I write too much content.
          3.) The has the same colors/template as the app, which I think is important for brand concistency. I've been looking for a new/better bootstrap theme to utilize. Now that you say it, everything I've looked at has been a bit lighter/brighter.

    2. 1

      Try adding pictures. Unsplash would be your friend. They offer free pictures at great quality:) https://unsplash.com

    3. 1

      Hi there!

      Not OP, but here's my initial thoughts:

      • Less is more. Landing pages should tell your users how you provide value immediately.
      • How much does it cost?
      • What does your app look like? (screenshots)
  4. 1

    Hey! Not sure if you are still doing this stuff, but I'll give it a shot


    This is a landing page for an e-commerce store for my GF that makes illustrations. We also designed an app where a person can pick a prepared model, adjust the colours and have it sent as a printed poster ready to be framed.

    Give it 30s to load :smile: We're trying to save as much as possible so it's still running on free Heroku dynos.

  5. 1

    Thank you for doing this! Here's my writing productivity tool: www.typeboost.io

  6. 1

    Hi, Amie! I remember you from Indie Hackers Stories :) Thank you so much for offering to give feedback! This post kind of blew up, and I'm late to the game, but if you've got time, I'd really appreciate it if you could take a look at our new landing page: https://profitkit.io/

    There are a few things I have in mind, but it'd be great to get another perspective!

  7. 1

    Hi Amie,

    Here's my landing page: https://www.fast-sdk.com

    I tried to my best but as a developer, it's not really my area of expertise.

    Thanks in advance for your insights :)

  8. 1


    Anything constructive is appreciated 😊

    Thanks in advance

  9. 1

    That's really nice of you, here's mine https://slickinbox.com. It's a newsletter reader app, but if my landing page was good enough you would know that.

    Looking forward to your feedback!

    1. 1

      Hi @edisonywh, here's the detailed feedback https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/slickinbox.com--As1SzcioaZF9S9i24n7kYan4AQ-WgeVGpOpJcX8pUl9dUfiC

      Mainly I'd fix the navigation - move /download to the homepage, then fix some alignment issue. Copy-wide I think it's pretty clear! Let me know if this helps.

  10. 1

    I felt a little bad you getting so many links😅 Just wanted to chime in a little:)

  11. 1

    Thanks for doing this, I've this half finished landing page and would love some feedback https://www.usegood.work/

  12. 1

    Thanks! That's amazing! Here is the home page for our product Die Cut Templates . https://www.diecuttemplates.com/
    Looking forward to your feedback.

  13. 1

    Thanks for doing this @hyperyolo! I'm hosting this as a Product Hunt "Ship" landing page for now, please let me know what you think:


    1. 1

      Hi @blendful, I'd love to review it but the screenshot on producthunt is so small that I can't give you anything meaningful. Assuming you want to keep it private till launch, I am happy to give you som feedback once it's out if you're still interested in hearing them :). Thanks!

  14. 1

    Hi Amie,

    Please check out PageCheck, a frontend monitoring platform I've been building:



    1. 1

      Hi @meyer9, here's my detailed review https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/pagecheck.app--As3OeifA0xeBxf~Pram_KTZSAQ-d7ZVwy6fP8a7lZvoclkPS

      I'd say 1. make it work better on mobile 2. lighten up the color (I included an example in the review). Let me know if that helps!

      1. 1

        Really appreciated. It does look much better with less color separation between sections!

    1. 2

      Hey @ibelick - your site is great! Honestly I would not change a thing: the visual design's beautiful, the copy is clear, and I feel a sense of fun and trust when using your site. Great job!

    2. 1

      Wow, your landing page is really pretty. I was a little confused when I first loaded the page what exactly you do until I scrolled down to "We Design Develop and Ship".

      Maybe point out what you do for customers at the top of the page?

  15. 1

    Hi Amie, I would love some feedback on our page www.mywecast.com

    1. 1

      Hey @ZAfricanDEV, here is my detailed feedback https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Template.com--As0yKndPw32xDCO7ImmxuJpQAQ-g7WRBsW9T66vZzs21mb6q

      Just a few nitpicks. Overall it's strong and very nicely done! Let me know if it helps.

      1. 1

        Hey, @hyperyolo thanks for the awesome feedback, in our industry it is usually standard to display the logos of companies you've represented but I can understand how clarification could help.
        Thanks for the awesome suggestions! :)

  16. 1

    Thank you for the feedback :)

      1. 1

        Awesome! Amie, thank you so much for the feedback.

        1. Try to focus more on the copy and cta, rather than the illustrations and the animations.

        What do you mean by "copy"?

        1. Add more content that gives user more context what the product is about.

        Yeah, there is a definitely much room for improvement.

        1. Add one more cta section before the footer.

        Great idea, thank you.


        I've noticed the page is quite off, do you use any special extensions which can break it?

        1. 2

          The screenshot tool that I use doesn't seem to accomedate the animation very well, so it seems off in my review (it happens sometimes). Just want to give you a visual representation of which part I was talking about in the feedback :)

          The copy means the text on the site. Sorry for the confusion!

  17. 1

    Hey Amie, firstly thank you for the time and effort you're putting into offering feedback. It's really appreciated!

    If you have the time to check out http://slicewp.com/ that would help. We've just launched and let's just say we have no marketing skills whatsoever. But we're working on it!

    1. 2

      Hi @mihai_iova, I love your site! It's clean, works great, and has very clear& informative copy! It even has a demo (I ❤ demos in landing pages).

      I wouldn't change anything but these 2 nitpicks:

      1. The subtitles "With SliceWP you can create..." is a bit long. I found myself reading it several times to grasp what you want to say.
      2. On mobile I'd center the features section instead of keeping them left aligned.
      1. 1

        Thank you Amie for taking the time to look over our landing page.

        We're not yet happy with the hero text either and your feedback comes as confirmation that it needs more work.

        Our goal was to have the visitor understand just from the above the fold content what the website is all about. I believe we kind of succeeded, but because the text is so long we know it can be hard to get everything from the very first read.

        We're looking at simplifying it somehow.

        Thank you again for the feedback! We really appreciate it.

  18. 1

    thank you so much. I opened a post here (https://www.indiehackers.com/post/thelifeboard-helping-people-achieve-their-goals-1581c11e70) but if you want to reply in this thread, our landing is https://thelifeboard.app

    1. 1

      Hi Antonio, here's my detailed feedback https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/thelifeboard.app--AsxiRTIiIynPhlIdi6gN3eCNAQ-gSvH1WIeA17SA5eGpwNjS

      Mainly I'd suggest to get rid of all use of purple that's not on a CTA. Then, tighten up the typography by giving the titles more space and reduce the leading of descriptions. Lastly, give each section a consistent max-width. Hope this help!

      1. 1

        Thank you so much! We really appreciate it 🤗
        Expect some improvements in the following weeks 😜

  19. 1

    ⚡️https://rebase-book.com ⚡️

    1. 1

      Hi @PascalPrecht, here is my feedback https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/rebase-book.com--AsuE9TnYJyKpNpHMU4e9dwq4AQ-8eYtnSTcoAorVSr6GEmbm

      Overall I think it's great! Super clear copy and layout. Only need to brighten up your color choices so it's cohesive and as fun as your hand drawn illustrations. Let me know if it helps!

      1. 1

        Oh wow @hyperyolo you actually came back to my comment. That is amazing, thank you! 🙏

        I appreciate your taking the time.

        1. 1

          Updated the page, thanks again Amie!

          1. 1

            Looks great, thank you for the kind words too!

    1. 1

      Hi @dominicphillips, here's my feedback: https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/codesubmit.io--AspJ75s2EDGm_H~MsduulwlqAQ-E5GsLpDl5Z8hOKnrR84gd

      Overall I think it's already really awesome. If you want me to nitpick, I’d say tighten up the typography and lighten up some of the color uses in the illustrations. Let me know if it helps!

      1. 1

        Thank you so much Amie! Great feedback - I know what I'll be doing today!

  20. 1


    I'd love some feedback on http://nottr.colac.xyz

    Thanks in advance!

    1. 2

      Hi @ccostel, I love your app! Here's a detailed feedback https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/nottr.colac.xyz--As1bkbJ4fY_IYYDJJfG2nwBqAQ-4ANmO9u0qtlQ43WNCxhcY

      In general I think you could clean up the color by getting rid of the green and pick one blue to use constently throughout, make the typography more consistent in size (subtitles and body text both can be bigger), and edit the hero background image. Let me know if this is helpful!

      1. 1

        Wow! Thank you very much for the time invested in this feedback! Really appreciate it. Good luck in your doings!

    2. 1

      Cool app! I like the photo blocks that alternate that take over the whole screen width. I'm not sure about Requested Feautures section for the design consistency, but that might be what devs like. I think you'll get more likes on your videos if you put voice (it's intimidating but I think people appreciate it).

      1. 1

        Thanks for the feedback :)

  21. 1

    Hi Amie, very kind offer. I would love some feedback if you have time


    1. 1

      Hi @iainfreestone, here is my detailed feedback! https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/bubblinglab.com--AshiG1MwdhVpSfq7DbKOd7JLAQ-7PP4eCgRobPWaKwvLrvwd

      Mainly I'd say removing the redundant word "pages", move and align sections a little bit. Let me know if it helps!

      1. 1

        Wow thank you @hyperyolo that is fantastic feedback. Lots of good points for me to work on. Thank you again for your help and time.

    2. 1

      Rephrase "170+ Examples of Pricing Page Design" to "Find Examples of Pricing Page Design. 170+"? I got a little confused about the site in the beginning.

  22. 1

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

  23. 1

    This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

  24. 1

    This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

    1. 1

      Hi @Felixcheruiyot, here's my feedback! https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/nextcontinuum.com--AslGR0GPDBIgCBivtvx23p6QAQ-cVbo2dJ6OLR11CvFx2Vsj

      Mainly focus on the copy and I'd highly recommend looking into tailwind.css. Let me know if this helps!

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

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