SEO audit based on a brilliant SEO strategy.

I've wanted to launch templates since the day I started coding my app. After one year of coding, I have finally gotten to this point after building a strong foundation.

I spent the weekend coding this template directory https://storycreatorapp.com/templates. I still have many more templates to add, but before that, I would like to talk about SEO.

My strategy is to create the best possible templates I can, then write a small algorithm to rank the best-performing ones higher to increase people sharing it with friends.

The next benefit to templates is each one will be indexed and I can title them based on long-tail keywords. I am pretty happy with my work this far.

My goal is to find my blindsides and see if I am missing anything that will hinder SEO growth. Any tips before hammering in more templates?

  1. 3

    We do use this tactic ourselves - https://www.liveagent.com/templates/

    Definitely something worth spending your time on.

    1. 1

      $300k a month is a very good MRR, I don't know how accurate it is, but hats off that is an amazing accomplishment.

      Do you have any tips with the templates? Am I missing anything or should I be aware of anything that will maximize this strategy?

      Backlinks are important, how important are they in this strategy, and is there anything I can do to maximize the backlinks?

      On-page SEO is important, I have optimized the meta tags to the best of my ability adding the tags into the keywords. There might be slight improvements, like adding a description and thumbnail with alt tags. Plus adding similar templates will be good for keeping the users on the site.

      Sharing is important I believe for making it go viral I've tried making copying the link and sharing on Twitter super easy https://storycreatorapp.com/templates/template/media-news-update-in-entertainment open to feedback.

      I think breadcrumbs are great and play a minor role in the UX, plus it adds the keyword again.

      Open to any suggestions to make it even better.

      1. 3

        Thanks! Close to $350k now.

        Backlinks are very important, Ahrefs shows a good estimate on how many you need to top 10, quite accurate in my experience.

        For on-page SEO, optimize your headings as well and optimize for "People also ask" FAQ in search results. I use Frase but there are other tools that help you with this task.

        Your sharing looks amazing! It's a lot easier for you, if your template is a video, you can share it everywhere and benefit from graphics. But I would consider removing 1x template from your URL, it looks bad and a shorter URL is always better.

        In general looks good, you just need more template for quires people to look and to build few links for them, I think it will skyrocket after that with organic traffic :)

  2. 1

    The essential steps and considerations for conducting an SEO audit using a successful SEO strategy are as follows:

    Catchphrase Exploration and Enhancement:

    Investigate the ongoing watchword technique and recognize applicable catchphrases.
    Guarantee catchphrases are decisively positioned in titles, headings, content, meta labels, URLs, and picture alt labels.
    Check the keyword density to make sure it is natural and balanced.

    Optimization on the Page:

    Assess the URL structure, architecture, and navigation of the website.
    Check for legitimate use of heading labels (H1, H2, and so on.) furthermore, advance them.
    Audit and enhance meta labels (title, portrayal) for important catchphrases.
    Evaluate content quality, importance, and uniqueness, making enhancements on a case-by-case basis.
    Enhance pictures by adding illustrative alt labels and packing record sizes.

    Specialized Search engine optimization:

    Analyze the technical aspects of the website in depth, including crawl ability, indexability, and site speed.
    Check for legitimate execution of robots.txt and XML sitemap.
    Make sure the internal linking structure of the website is optimized by reviewing it.
    Fix any broken links or error pages (404 errors) you find.
    Guarantee the site is dynamic and responsive across gadgets.

    Analysis of the User Experience (UX):

    Analyze the layout, design, and overall user experience of the website.
    Survey the site's heap time and streamline it for quicker execution.
    Check for versatile convenience and responsiveness.
    To improve the overall user experience, improve navigation and user flow.
    Improve conversion rates by optimizing components of the call to action (CTA).

    Backlink Examination:

    Dissect the site's backlink profile and evaluate the quality and importance of existing backlinks.
    Distinguish any poisonous or nasty backlinks and deny them if essential.
    Create a plan to get high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.

    Integration of Social Media and Content Strategy:

    Assess the existing content's quality, relevance, and engagement, as well as the website's content strategy.
    Create a content strategy to regularly produce valuable, original, and fresh content.
    Integrate social media platforms for content promotion and audience engagement.

  3. 2

    Are you still working on this? Just came across your thread and thought I'd offer a few thoughts.

    1. This is a solid strategy. I'd do research around "templates" keywords and segment the pages based on those with the best opportunity for traffic.

    2. Optimize your titles. Right now, you have a generic title tag for each page. Nearly impossible to rank without an optimized title using the target keyword.

    1. Optimize your internal links + anchor text. Wherever you're linking to the specific pages, I would recommend using an optimized link anchor text that includes the entire target phrase. E.g., instead of "YouTube Intros", use "YouTube Intro Templates"

    1. Ideally, I'd optimize the URLs to be an exact match (e.g., youtube-intro-templates)

    2. Add more written content to each page. Depending on how competitive these keywords are, it might be difficult to rank with just a bit of basic text at the top of the page. One trick here is to add additional information to the page to make it feel more valuable and comprehensive. E.g.: Tips and tricks on how to create a youtube intro, why youtube intros are so important, examples, etc.

    Hope those tips are helpful! :)

    1. 1

      Very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to take screenshots and share.

  4. 2

    Hey Michael, was working on some videos for aidlab.com but suddenly getting:

    Oops! An error occured!
    Here’s what we know…
    Error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'isSameNode' of undefined
    Stacktrace: in t in KI in nT in St in Unknown in Unknown in Unknown in Unknown in Unknown in Unknown in Unknown in Unknown in Unknown in f in Unknown in Unknown in c in u in t in WithErrorBoundary(u) in Ee in Unknown in Unknown in T in c in y in y in ge in n in de in me

    Cool product tbh!

    1. 1

      Thanks for letting me know. I think I saw you in the support chat. Could you share the video ID so I can debug?


  5. 2

    I believe in this strategy! Lots of companies like Zapier, Canva, Taskade are utilizing the templates page to harvest SEO ranking. Way to go :)!

    1. 1

      Any thoughts on improving what I currently have? It's certainly a good move and I learned it from the best.

      1. 3

        I took a look at your page, what I like

        • h1 has the keywords in there
        • you have the "use template" button so visitor clicking it tells Google the page has value - good!

        I'm thinking:

        • For each page like this, do you want to show related templates so people can keep surfing around?
        • Do you want to add a 2-3 line h2 description to get more SEO-able content on each page?

        I'm just throwing ideas out, I genuinely think you're off a good start :)

        1. 1

          Great ideas. For the related templates, I have to get the tagging/categorization of items in order first, definitely a wise suggestion. Will be adding that ASAP.

          Yeah, I thought about descriptions, I wasn't sure if there was a huge value add there, I was on the fence about doing the extra work. If you and other experts think it'll make a huge difference and it's worth the time, then absolutely happy to add that. Great suggestion.

          I think you're right though, little things like related templates and getting the tags working are huge in reducing bounce rate and keeping the users on the site. Each path should lead to another path. Great take away.

          1. 2

            I agree with your assumptions that the description might not add a lot of SEO value at this point (because it is a lot of work, low ROI). The h1 should do it. By the way, how's your domain overall authority? It is important if you want to get ranked. Have you been building backlinks etc?

            I think next would be to use Hotjar and GA to see how people react to these pages!

            1. 3

              I am quite intrigued about your product so I looked around a bit more, hope you don't mind these extra feedback. Everyone has a diff view so just take it as ideas.

              On your website, I'm thinking

              • The Changelog tab: this matters to your users, not visitors. A lot of SaaS put them after a user log in, and I think it makes sense to move there. Reduce unnecessary info for a new visitor and focus on converting them to trial user.
              • The About tab: I'd get rid of it from nav bar, having it in footer is enough. Again, keep the conversion funnel clean.
              • Blog/Tool tab: in your dropdown there is a little "right arrow" for each one, I was expecting another dropdown to show up. That's the UX implication I got.
              • I think you should put up the "Features" and "Use Cases" tabs on navbar as these are your product selling points and the things new visitors can resonate with, instead of hiding them in footer. Changelog, About, and Tools - no one cares at this early point of their user journey.
              • I will find another way to "Demo" if it is really important
              • So I will line up - Features - Templates - Use Cases - Pricing - Blog - Try for Free - Login in this order
              1. 2

                The changelog does matter. Its less about the actual content and more about visitors knowing that product development is alive and in full swing.

              2. 1

                "Changelog, About, and Tools - no one cares at this early point of their user journey."

                Yep, pretty much said the same after his earlier post:


  6. 1

    Before diving into creating more templates, it's great that you're focusing on finding any blind spots that might hinder your SEO growth. Here are a few tips to consider before moving forward:

    1. Conduct an SEO audit: Perform a comprehensive audit of your website to identify any existing SEO issues. This can include analyzing your site structure, content quality, keyword usage, backlinks, page load speed, and mobile-friendliness. Use tools like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and SEO auditing tools to gather data and insights.

    2. Analyze your competitors: Research and analyze your top competitors in the search results for your target keywords. Look for aspects such as their content strategy, backlink profile, social media presence, and on-page optimization. Identify areas where they are excelling and areas where you might have an opportunity to outperform them.

    3. Keyword research: Ensure you have a well-defined keyword strategy. Use keyword research tools to identify relevant keywords with high search volumes and low competition. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your content, including page titles, headings, meta tags, and body text.

    4. Content quality and relevance: Ensure your website provides high-quality, valuable content that satisfies user intent. Focus on creating unique, informative, and engaging content that answers users' questions or fulfills their needs. Consider adding different content formats like videos, infographics, and guides to enhance user experience.

    5. Optimize for user experience: User experience is crucial for SEO. Ensure your website is easy to navigate, has fast loading times, is mobile-friendly, and provides a positive overall user experience. Optimize your website's design, layout, and usability to keep visitors engaged and encourage them to explore further.

    6. Backlink profile: Building a healthy and diverse backlink profile is essential for SEO success. Earn high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. Focus on natural link building strategies like creating outstanding content, reaching out to influencers, guest blogging, and participating in relevant industry forums or communities.

    7. Technical SEO: Pay attention to technical SEO aspects such as XML sitemaps, robots.txt, canonical URLs, structured data markup, and HTTPS implementation. Ensure your website is properly indexed by search engines and follows SEO best practices.

    8. Monitor and analyze: Continuously monitor your website's performance using tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. Analyze key metrics such as organic traffic, rankings, click-through rates, and conversions. Regularly track and review the effectiveness of your SEO efforts to identify areas for improvement.

    This is how i did the same for all of my client websites like Car Parking Hack. and many more websites.

    By focusing on these tips and addressing any blind spots in your current SEO strategy, you'll be in a stronger position to ensure steady SEO growth. Templates can be useful, but it's crucial to have a solid foundation in place to maximize their impact.

  7. 1

    I appreciate you sharing your case study with us. You shared some extremely impressive techniques, and I am excited to apply them to http://shadowfightgm.com/ , Following this step-by-step guide will hopefully help us to develop our startup as quickly as possible. In the case study, you discussed the same thing. I appreciate your help.

  8. 1

    I like your strategy! I've been on the subject of auditing for a long time. An SEO audit is the process of analyzing how well your online presence aligns with best practices - it's the first step to creating an implementation plan that will produce measurable results. It's important for all beginners to understand what it is, you can read more about auditing at brand audit example Before touching this topic, you need to study everything thoroughly and understand whether it will be for the benefit or detriment of your site.

  9. 1

    Read an Amazing article with in-depth information about SEO Audit, hope it will help you all as well:

  10. 1

    Helo check my website. Let me know what improments do i need

  11. 1

    Hi @storycreator I think you should work a bit more on the site structure and organisation.

    Internal linking can play a big role in your SEO, but you'd also need some more contents in the form of categories.

    Most of the templates are on one level only, try to improve the categorization of the templates by focusing at least on features, benefits and audiences.

    Organize the template areas in content hubs, to collect longer tail keywords with the goal to attract the different audiences you help with your templates, and the reason why they look for a template.

    To do so, you should do some basic keyword research (Ahrefs, SEMrush or Ubersuggest) and define different macro categories and so populate with additional sub-categories based on the different uses and audiences.

    1. 1

      Could you elaborate more on the structure?

      I have these main categories

      • features -> feature
      • templates -> template
      • use cases -> use case
      • tools -> tool

      With that where can it be improved?

      1. 1

        Sure. With structure I mean creating deeper categories and define sub categories with what your audience is interested in.

        This is an example for Youtube intros:

        Youtube intros (main category):

        • Youtube intros for bloggers (audience category)
          -- Youtube intros for fashion blogger (sub category)
          -- Youtube intros for for travel blogger (sub category)
          -- Youtube intros for fitness bloggers (sub category)
          -- Youtuve intros for [your audience] (sub category)

        • Youtube intros with images (feature category)
          -- Youtube intros with animals (sub category)
          -- Youtube intros with people (sub category)
          -- Youtube intros with landscapes (sub category)
          -- Youtube intros with [type of image] (sub category)

        With this approach you can work on specific areas where your templates are useful, get (and be) more relevant traffic on Google and get better leads, as your templates are what they're looking for.

        1. 1

          Also, have a look at this page with a more detailed idea:

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