What are you working on this month?

How are we half way through the year already? 🤯

With every new month comes a new chance to talk about what you're working on and meet other founders.

Here's how you can join the discussion:

  • First, respond to someone else who's commented, just to say hello or leave them some feedback!
  • Next, leave your own comment describing what you're working on (or aspiring to work on), and your biggest goal for July.

That's it!

Excited to hear from everyone and see what you're working on!

  1. 7

    Plan is to keep improving the product (https://versoly.com/) and work on the marketing engine.

    We had 0 churn this month and it feels amazing.

    At one point we had 20-25%+ monthly churn so every 4 months we lost all our customers.

    But the product has improved a lot and we do updates often.

    I was working on a big feature this month and felt like I wasn't updating the product enough. Daily improvements of 1% make a huge difference over time and I want to continue to do that.

    Main goals of the month

    • New templates
    • 31 days of product led growth posts on IHs
    • Test ads (what are the best platforms?)
    • An engineering as marketing project
    • Work on position and messaging like always
    1. 1

      Congrats on the 0 churn! That's amazing!

      1. 1

        Thanks this month is looking similar :)

    2. 1

      Congrats Volkan, that is really great news! How many customers do you have now?

      1. 1

        We don't currently share revenue numbers. I have seen a lot of founders stop sharing as they get later on, and I am still thinking about the pros and cons.

        But we have had over 5000+ customers try us and a good amount converted to paid :)

        1. 1

          That's totally fair, I didn't want to put you on the spot :) That sounds really good though, happy you've come so far already!

          1. 1

            No problem I usually ask the same :)

            One of the reasons I came to Indie Hackers back in the day was to see the numbers.

            But a lot of folks had negative responses, and I want to minimise that.

            1. 2

              This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

  2. 5

    I'm writing a book!

    I just published my landing page yesterday and it's the first time I share it: https://themouseless.dev/

    1. 1

      Wow, that's a great title! Very easy to understand the main ideas behind your book. Excited to follow your progress! I'm also hoping to start writing a book this month (if things go well).

      1. 1

        Thanks! What book will you write?

        1. 1

          I haven't settled on a name or anything but the gist is "helping developers learn quickly" so basically techniques and systems for learning fast!

          1. 1

            Nice! I'm very interested in this subject as well. Let me now how it goes with you book.

    2. 1

      Looks great! I also change the mouse for vim and never looked back! :))

      1. 1

        Thanks! It's always good to try new ways.

    3. 1

      This comment was deleted a year ago.

  3. 5

    My top priorities for Zero to Marketing:

    • Create an archive with all the past case studies
    • Start writing educational blog posts
    • Think how I'm going to make the project profitable
    1. 1

      Zero to Marketing is so good @andreboso! I look forward to it every week. Keep it up!

      1. 1

        Oh wow, thank you Diogo 😊

    2. 1

      🤔 you can reach out to companies and ask them for money to write a case study of their marketing strategies.

      1. 1

        I don’t do this because it’s not scalable (I only do 4 case studies/month) and also because I don’t like the idea of asking people money to write about their product.

  4. 4

    It's time to build a professional price plan to start earning money from Owwly

    @rosiesherry there is a typo in the description, May was a long time ago ;D

  5. 3

    I launched Designtack, this morning.

    My goal for this month would be to cater to the audience, find more traction for it.

    1. 2

      Really great idea! Just a small bit of feedback. I wanted to watch the demo video on mobile and I couldn't go fullscreen so it was really hard to see.

      1. 1

        I understand. I would surely enable that setting in the next update. Thank you for the feedback, @geoffchan23 :)

  6. 3

    Hey @rosiesherry I noticed many people are struggling with building their first successful project, and as a software dev, I'm documenting every mistake I've made in the past 3 years. In a way, it's helping me stay on track as well, #LongTermInvestment :)

  7. 3

    As always, I'm working on Pinger - uptime monitoring service :)
    Going to implement new status pages with tons of new information and charts

    1. 1

      I have to echo the comments on your landing page, looks great! Did you design it yourself or have help?

      Lots of competition in the monitoring space. If you don't mind me asking why did you pick that?

      My project Packetriot is in the application tunneling space which has lots of competition. Didn't know that in the beginning so began work on it, but I absolutely love the space and the technical challenges, so I kept going.

    2. 1

      Your landing page is so cool!

    3. 1

      What's the plan to get customers?

  8. 2

    I'm writing a book! I published online my landing page yesterday.


    1. 1

      Hey! This is very very cool!

  9. 2

    Enhance our Personalize Experience product to create a free and easy to use visual editor at https://howuku.com and also committing to link building and marketing.

    1. 1

      Interesting concept! Customization is definitely something I'm interested in. In my bookmarks.

  10. 2

    Launching Cleaver! 🌤

    We've been in a closed beta for a while. But it's about time to make that open beta for a bit while we work on integrating stripe and getting a sellable plan out this month. We'll probably be giving beta testers a sweet deal too for hanging out with us during this time. 😉

    1. 1

      I think I've seen something similar to this (If I understand the product correctly) on an LTD group and the response was amazing. You could give it a try once you're out of beta if you can't find traction anywhere else.

      1. 1

        Nice, thanks for the heads up! Do you recall the name of the group?

        1. 2

          I think it was SaaS Mantra.

  11. 2

    I am working on Wicked Templates.

    The templates are live, the client can get them already, but the site is not finished still, I am working on it at the moment.

    These boilerplate templates are only made with HTML and a CSS Framework, without custom CSS or JS.

    The only CSS included is the declaration for the variable font, Inter that comes with the template.

    The idea is to have them all 10$ dollars and to have some free ones too.

    I am soon including another feature too, but I rather not to talk about it still.

    have a great day Rossie !

  12. 2

    Launch Feelsom

    The biggest struggle and the main objective is organic user acquisition. I'm ready to shout from the rooftops, though not sure if anyone is around to hear it 🤷‍♀️

    The plan should look something like this:

    • Constant activity on IH, PH
    • Explore opportunities on reddit
    • Reach out to Health & Fitness websites
    • Pitch relevant journalists
    • Blog on our website (or just post on Medium?)

    Any suggestions or comments? The amount of information about launching your product is overwhelming, though it still feels that I'm missing something

    1. 2

      Impressive design and app! Out of curiosity have you connected with personal trainers and nutritionists? They may be a nice path to those that want to use the app, specifically. Also, a nice 1 to many connection.

      Also, if there was a way to share to a trusted ‘partner’ in the app that may be nice to expand the possibilities of the offerings and connections to growth. ie, somehow make it possible for a pair of friends to cheer one another on, this means the first friend that downloads it is encouraged to invite a friend to do it together. A sort of friendship bracelet for habits.

      1. 1

        Thank you Greg, glad to hear that you liked it! 😻
        Speaking about personal trainers and nutritionists, this is a solid idea, I've been thinking about the option to explore this opportunity, as there is quite a big audience who'd get 'doctors orders' to keep a journal on their wellbeing, food diary, etc. So I do agree that to connect with nutritionists would be a rational step forward (not only for the possible recommendation to their clients but for consulting as well) 💯

        As for the social component, you're right on point, this has been circling in my head for quite some time, especially when it could be a game-changer for retention. The only problem is that it's quite a complex feature to execute and I did find myself stuck in development circle few times already, like 'one more feature and then we'll be ready', so now, I get that the sky is the limit for any kind of features and adjustments, but if there are no users to enjoy them - it won't matter. So yes, I do hope to add a social feature in the future, but first - users 😅

        1. 1

          Out of curiosity, are you developing the app on your own? Have a team? Essentially, who’s behind the app?

          1. 1

            Sure, though there is probably no straight answer 😅 I would say that we're a team of three'ish - I found a designer on Upwork who helped me turn my wireframes into something beautiful and I've hired a freelance iOS developer to make this happen - though both of them do not work on a daily basis anymore (as I mention, I've put the development on pause as we're way past the MVP and I want to shift the focus towards user acquisition) and, of course, my friend helps me with the architecture and the backend part. Feelsom is bootstrapped by me (and I do not code) so as much as I would like to move faster... 🤷‍♀️

            1. 2

              Got it, yeah I’m not emphasizing adding more features, just impressed by what you’ve made happen with the app itself :)

              If you want to talk about the app sometime, let me know 👍

              1. 1

                That means a lot! Thank you Greg 🙏 Of course, maybe we can connect on Twitter? @gjusaityte 🙌

    2. 1

      The landing page for Feelsom and application look great! Have you discovered any competition in this space? It's a unique looking health tracker.

      I've struggled with user acquisition but I also haven't made it my number one priority. I think what you listed is pretty standard. There have been some unique and organic moments when I've helped an existing user and they were so happy that they shared on social media and were effusive. Those examples were way more effective than I try to do myself.

      Customer service and support has helped me gain and keep many customers.

      Growth is a long road, good luck!

      1. 2

        Thank you, John! I would say that the idea for finding patterns is emerging now, though the majority of the apps are either focusing on the relation between two factors (for instance - symptoms and food) or are still in their betas.

        You're right, it is a long road and I'm probably just getting impatient, but I want to be sure that I did the best that I can for Feelsom to grow. This is the first project of this scale for me, so I'm learning on the spot 😅

  13. 2

    Wokring on V2 of https://onetool.co/ and focusing on integrating more SaaS partners to make it the biggest SaaS app store

    1. 1

      Really interesting concept! Have to say, the site looks great as well.

  14. 2

    My goals this month are to:

    • Identify more potential users
    • Reach out to those people
    • Sign people up for the platform (sterki.co)
    • Figure out what is working and what isn't
    1. 1

      ah good ol reaching out to people. It is quite a learning experience, especially without any background in sales. Cheers!

  15. 2

    This Month will be working on my newsletter

    • Find potential products to feature and reach out to founders.
    • look for a reliable blog platform.
    • Speak on a podcast I was invited to.
    • I work remotely for a digital agency, so that will take up a bit of time.
    • Grow my newsletter!

    But looking forward to what this month has to offer! :D

    1. 1

      Hey, the newsletter looks great! Signed up, because I'm always looking for new tools and ways to up my game. I am also potentially interested as a potential product founder? I make Nodewood, a SasS starter kit that should be of interest to starting founders looking to save time when creating their next app. If you feel like that's something your newsletter subscribers would be interested in, let me know!

      In any event, looking forward to episode #4!

      1. 1

        I sent you an email 🙏🏻

        1. 1

          Just saw it and replied, thanks!

  16. 2

    I'm working on adding more value to Phoenix Down. I hope to publish 4 more interesting failure stories this month.

    Currently at 45 subs, my goal for July is to reach 200, wish me luck🤞

    1. 2

      47 now. Congrats. Your site looks great!
      And having stories from the liked of Ben Tossel basically will draw people in.
      Best of Luck.

      Quick question - what plugin are you using for the cookie permission thingy?

      Edit: My comment looks like a copy of @dru_riley. :-) I guess great minds think alike.

      1. 1

        Thanks a lot!

        I'm using metomic for the cookie consent and it's free

    2. 2

      *46 😉

      The site looks great. And the confirmation message was interesting.

      What ESP (email service provider) are you using?

      1. 1

        Thanks for the sub 🙌

        That flow is made by Ghost, that's their confirmation email sequence for members. I haven't found a way to edit it

        1. 1

          Thanks. And it's effective. IMO, no need to edit.

    3. 1

      Great interview with @AndrewKamphey! The simpler the product, the better!

  17. 2

    Adding more value to Trends.


    • Weekly Pro Reports
    • 1:1 Calls with Trends Pro members (5 slots available per week)

    In May:

    • Testing weekly group calls. Let me know if you have any thoughts/feedback
    1. 2

      Discovered this newsletter a few weeks ago, always a nice read!

      1. 1

        Thanks for checking it out Wey!

    2. 2

      Love your weekly newsletter Dru!

      1. 1

        Thanks Preetam 👊

    3. 2

      That's great Dru!

      What's the main goal with group calls? Getting feedback, building community, or something else?

      1. 2

        Thanks Daniel. Great question. The main goal is to the lay the groundwork for community.

        Still waiting on community platforms to catch up with what I have in mind. Geneva looks like the best option right now.

    4. 1

      Signed up for newsletter.... looking forward to reading.

    5. 1

      Wow, really nice. Bookmarked this to have a look at it later. The list of paid communities is really helpful!

      1. 1

        Thanks for checking it out Andrei! Let me know if you see anything that can be improved 🙏

    6. 1

      Hey Dru, would love to read more about your move to paid. What's working, what's not working, etc.

      1. 1

        Hey Andrea. It's pretty much on Twitter. I'll get something out at some point. It'll be a summary

        1. 1

          Oh cool, I probably missed some tweets, will go check them out!

  18. 1

    Thanks Rosie!

    My goal is to take on 2 new SaaS clients for my content marketing agency Flying Cat Marketing (www.flyingcatmarketing.com). The action steps for that are to:

    • Continue getting phenomenal results for current clients, demolish a milestone and write up a banging case study in the next couple of months
    • Experiment with content distribution for my clients and see if I can get them to 10k visitors in the next 30 days
    • Show up daily on Indie Hackers, Growth Hackers, Reddit, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram and connect with people
    • Perfect systems and help my team train
    • Send 1 cold email a day
    • Ramp up my content production & repurposing
  19. 1

    The business one liner: unbundling the driver and checkout process from uber eats, and add a CRM. Restaurants get an app that keeps the customer updated as their order becomes ready and is out for delivery. They also get a dashboard to see who is their best customer, who looks like they are going to churn, and how much delivery costs them.

  20. 1

    I'm trying to get my first 1000 people on my waitlist (HTTP://www.monilo.io)

  21. 1

    Working on added a more content and product information on my Vietnamese Specialty Coffee beans: http://vnbeans.com/

    • might publish a blog article
    • finalize bag design
    • regular instagram publishing
    • launch
  22. 1

    Adding integrations for GitLab Code Snippets and GitHub Gists to my IDE plugin Spellbook and possibly moving to Gumroad for distro and a one time fee perpetual license model. It's hard to justify subscriptions for a plugin...

    Good luck all

  23. 1

    An Alexa skill for the Wing Assistant (https://jstwng.it/supih), so people can ask for stuff with their voice.

  24. 1

    I'm recreating the functionality of Stumble Upon here: https://stumblingon.com

    This month my goals are:

    • Get a "site availability" service standing up and working, so that I'll be able to remove sites that are down from index of random sites that I let users stumble on to.
    • Write a python package to use the availability service, that way I can plug it into my "Stumble Service" and automatically remove downed websites from the index.
    • Incorporate the SiteAvailability python package into my StumbleService
    • Migrate the StumbleService from using a single SQLITE database to a "real" database
    • Change how "likes" are stored in the database to be more efficient and informative
      • also add a record for "viewed, but didn't like"

    Other work that I want to take on but don't know if I'll have time for this month:

    • add a metrics page with a graph that shows:
      • unique users per day
      • stumbles per day
      • likes per day
    • add a "recommender " system based on liked pages
      • 1/3 of recommendations might be based on likable websites
      • 2/3 might be pure random

    Also: A target
    I currently have ~8,700 unique visitors. I'd like that number to go to 10k!

  25. 1

    My plan for July is to:

    1. Fix all the bugs and UX issues we discovered since our soft launch 2 weeks ago,
    2. Release the "Capture text" feature so users can automate capturing any text content from any site,
    3. File my taxes!
    4. Research R&D and innovation grants in Canada as my product is a quite significant tech innovation that probably qualifies for some grants.
    5. Invite the entire waitlist to try the app. Have calls with some of them.

    It's a bit overwhelming, but I'm positive. I'm considering hiring more people. We'll see how it goes.

  26. 1

    Making https://www.chiaexplorer.com/ more robust and able to scale up right now. After that will come more charts.

    I would like to completely re-do the UI so it looks better and is actually usable on mobile but doubt I will find the time this month.

  27. 1

    I've been working on Packetriot (https://packetriot.com) for about 1.5 years and have been steadily improving it and adding new features. I released it to the public in Feb '19. Recently (yesterday) pushed out the final updates that help me reach my v1.0 vision. What a journey and a relief!!

    I'm going to be focusing on marketing, content, growth and customer support for the next few months, and I can't wait!

    I'm a software engineer, so naturally looking for more code to write or new features to add. I have a pretty good list of new features, some of them strong differentiators, but they will be taking a backseat this summer as I focus on "business" and growing what I've worked so hard to build.

  28. 1

    What I'm working on: publishing a blog post called "How to learn quickly" with a downloadable PDF as a way to validate the idea and grow my audience.

    Biggest goal: (if idea is validated) to start writing a book related to helping developers learn quickly!

  29. 1

    Started a new Marketing Lead part-time job with the startup https://culineerapp.com/. My first time working on full PLD for an app.

    **No imposter syndrome whatsoever ** 😱😱

  30. 1

    Working on Coffeelist.co! A Coffee community and a list of coffee roasters and coffee shops... I just launched a week ago. Adding more cool features right now!

  31. 1

    Just recently took GamePressKit out of private beta. so my tasks for the next little while are going to revolve around customer acquisition.

  32. 1

    I'm working on learning about micro aquisition investing. To help analyze businesses, I built a Google Script to automatically populate Flippa listings directly in to a Google Spreadsheet. I wrote about that here if you want a copy of the spreadsheet. https://twitter.com/seanworks/status/1278098864352956418?s=20

  33. 1

    I just added a blog to Letterbase! My first blog post is on how customer support messengers violate your privacy.

    For July, I'm planning on doubling down on feature development. Here are some things that I have in mind:

    • Adding support for profile pictures in the messenger
    • Adding ability to customize the launcher icon
    • Allow making the email address field optional
    • Adding a new Typeform-like UI
  34. 1

    https://conferfly.com New way to use conference rooms with zoom, meet, teams, etc

  35. 1

    I keep getting ideas of different SaaS to build. But now that I actually have time to execute on something, my goal is to start small and with something I'm very good at.
    I'm working on creating a few premium UI templates for React and Vue apps. I don't have big ambitions for it, just looking to make some money on the side and maybe start building some kind of audience through teaching the concepts behind it.

    The goal is to have at least one template out there and selling by the end of July.

  36. 1

    Working on https://bunnywhowrites.com/, we're creating how-to content for SaaS and Web apps. We're currently doing documentation/knowledge base articles, showing how certain features or implementations are working. In a couple of months, I'm hoping to be able to show some other types of articles that SaaS platforms could use to get MOFU/BOFU traffic.

    Currently I'm really excited about a deal we're doing with the owner of Facebook group that is right up our alley, SaaS people. Gonna do a limited number of "vouchers" for our big package, but it will be a one-time thing. If people want to keep going, they have to get the monthly subscription. This will bring in some early cash but at the same time that great user feedback that I'll be able to get at the end of the deal. Really hoping this will help me improve copy and positioning.

    At the same time, I'm working on multiple articles to add to the blog just to have more to show to people.

    Finishing up the payment system using ManyRequests, should be done in a couple of days.

    Then I guess I'm off to finding more SaaS people to sell to!

  37. 1

    Remote Letter , a weekly newsletter for remote workers.

  38. 1

    Refocusing on our core business Stack Five (https://StackFive.io) this past month. This is how we make a living and fund our indie projects 🤗 We're a small team of 3 that specializes in UI/UX design and Full-Stack JavaScript development.

    Things really dropped off for us at the beginning of this year. We lost almost all of our clients because of COVID, and we had some notable brands with us (adidas, Reebok, World Vision). Luckily the wage subsidy in Canada has carried us through, and it looks like things are starting to pick up again 🙌

  39. 1

    My main goal for July is to fill 2 more Mastermind Groups.

    The mission with Enter Network (https://enter.network) is to facilitate meaningful connections between entrepreneurs, and one way I'm doing that is through these Mastermind Groups.

    With these (support) groups I’m bringing up to 6 like-minded entrepreneurs together to discuss challenges, provide feedback, share goals and learn from one another.

    It’s been going quite well so far (I have 1 group running now and the user feedback is very positive), but at the end of this month I want to start with two other groups (one for B2B sales and one for international founders) filled with 6 people each.

  40. 1

    Launch! Nodewood is nearly done.

    I'm right now writing a blog post where I go in-depth about creating a simple feature, and then I'm going to spend the rest of the month finishing off the subscriptions feature. But by August, I expect to have this thing (or at least v1 of this thing) actually out the door.

    I have a mailing list of people who are interested in buying already, so ideally some of those actually translate into sales (signing up for a mailing list doesn't always equal paying money for something, shocker!), but even if it's only a couple people using it for real, having that feedback that comes from someone else trying to build something with your tool can make all the difference.

    1. 1

      So much potential with this.

      I guess the ideal target is to be able to pick and mix the front-end framework and back-end you are most familiar with. If you re-implement it all to the same APIs it could be done but I guess a fair amount of maintenance to keep it up to date!

      1. 1

        I mean, technically, you could just use Nodewood for just the API or just the UI, but they're pretty tightly interwound, and it's also tied pretty tightly to Express on the back-end and Vue on the front-end. You could make it less-tightly integrated, but then you'd lose a lot of the value, as Nodewood already comes set up with an application and admin panel templates, a bunch of components, user management, subscription management, etc. That's all written in Vue in the UI, and replacing it with React or Alpine or whatever would be a significant undertaking.

    2. 1

      Awesome, good luck! Are you using Stripe or a different subscription payment service?

      1. 1

        Thanks! I'm building it with Stripe, and stealing a very good idea I heard from Derrick Reimer when he was actively developing StaticKit: you'll define your plans and pricing in a config file in your Nodewood project, then Nodewood will sync them with Stripe. Stripe's UI is good, but not great when it comes to tracking and making changes to your plans and metadata. This should make it a lot easier, and it means you can commit your plan information to source control, something Stripe doesn't offer natively.

  41. 1

    I am working on my book Efficient developer (https://efficientdeveloper.com/), mainly looking into the publishing part "how to generate the PDF of the book". I started writing using LeanPub but I am not entirely convinced by their default templates so I am considering creating my own layout with other tools.

  42. 1

    I've been given the opportunity to run the brand-new social entrepreneurship group here on IH. I hope we have interesting discussions there. Join the group if you like

    Apart from that, keeping writing in my newsletter, launched in May. I share lessons learned from my previous business and will also start talking about social businesses. Now, with 90 subs in its 10th edition.

  43. 1

    This month I am putting the finishing touches on my book What's the Deal with Podcasting?


    The chapters are complete. I need to do some like editing, write the epilogue, and finish the cover.

    1. 1

      That's really cool! Maybe as a little bit of feedback, you could improve your images on Gumroad a bit? I think that would really help your conversion.

      For instance, you may want to edit out the browser-aspect of the screenshot (with URL, etc.)

  44. 1

    Growing my email list 📧 for buildfaster.co and also trying to reach $150 in sales 💵 this month with my HTML themes.

  45. 1

    I've completed building https://www.mailmycustomer.com/ last month. It automates emails for Stripe accounts without coding. It helps people send all kinds of emails. This month I've planned to get it verified with Stripe. For that, it must have 5 connected Stripe accounts. Hence, my goal for July is getting the first 5 customers. 😅

    1. 2

      Good luck with the project, Jeky!

      1. 1

        Thank you, appreciated!

  46. 1

    Aah new month started. Successfully introduce new features in my Shopify app in the last month. https://eraofecom.org/products/win-ads-manager

  47. 1

    Writing my first ebook about my experience of building, growing and selling a side-project - https://gum.co/side-project

    1. 2

      That's great. Keep it up!

      1. 2

        Thanks Vaibhav! :) Namaste!

        1. 1

          You're welcome. Namaste 🙏 :)

  48. 1

    Just recently published the beta version of aftertrial (https://aftertrial.com) , a platform to manage and help cancel your free trial subscriptions. I'm using this time to work out any of the kinks, understand the data and user's needs better.

  49. 1

    Recording and preparing material for my video podcast. Until yesterday I couldn't imagine myself doing it, but heck, let's rock on 🤘

    If you're interested and want to see more - check https://brunoraljic.com/podcast/

  50. 1

    I'm working on Topic Play - the Best Way to Discover Educational Videos!

    The project has just been launched, so I’m currently looking for some early adopters and open to any feedback!

    My goal for this month is quite simple:

    To post / launch it somewhere once day, every day until the end of the month.


  51. 1

    Currently working on...

    • Launching a free version of my SalesForFounders.com course (become 'good enough' at sales in 90min)

    • Redoing the SparkLoop.app website and enabling self-serve onboarding

    • Finally launching a free resource with actionable tips on how to grow your newsletter audience

  52. 1

    Hey @rosiesherry, might want to update "your biggest goal for May" bit :P

    I'm working on creating a consistent writing habit and being more active in online communities. My writings are published on my blog - preetamnath.com/blog

    1. 2

      Great challenge of writing 25 posts in 25 days Preetam. Who knows someday will do the same. For me, 25 helpful tweets in 25 days would be good :)

      1. 1

        I wish you the very best. Day 1 is the hardest, by Day 5 you won't want to stop :)

  53. 1

    6 months already - true. On one hand, time is flying and on the other, this year seems to drag its feet. Weird, weird times.

    I am working on LightCat.io - helping makers plan and make great products.

    Last week was the best so far - 51 subscriptions within 8 days of releasing the current version (no launch yet).

    Main Plans for July :

    1. Add a Roam Research like Knowledge Graph (the Markdown editor is already state-of-the-art).
    2. Get to the first paying customer.
    1. 1

      Hey @kushon, can you tell us how you got that many users without launching? Is it all from your network?

      1. 2

        Hey @vicke4, I have covered all that I did in this post on IndieHackers itself. In a nutshell, what worked was, unexpectedly just engaging in communities.

  54. 1

    I'm questioning whether I should build Site2Static or not.
    Because someone told me that I copying others' products idea :(

    1. 2

      Hey! Nothing is original. Everything is a rehash of something that exists. If copying was a problem, then Facebook wouldn't be where it is.

      What's not cool is copying 1:1 without your own ideas, assumptions, insights baked into your version of the copy. Because then you're simply setting yourself up for failure. I'm referring to peeps who copy other's code, landing pages word for word, etc.

      If you decided to build Site2Static because you used competing products and found something missing, not up to par, some insight that you believe either through your own intuition or through market research that if you make better, the offering will be better than its competitors, then there's no harm in copying the "idea".

      Ideas are great and all, but after the idea stage, your execution and unique insights matter more.

      1. 1

        Thanks for the insights, yeah you're right.
        After all, ideas are worthless without execution :)

    2. 2

      👋 Lutfi

      What's the key differentiator? (That sets it apart from something like Sitesauce)

      My 2 Cents: Direct competition is common in B2B SaaS. Oftentimes, companies are just "indexing" into markets. Slightly complex idea. Let me know if I should unpack it.

      1. 1

        Anyway, what do you mean by "Let me know if I should unpack it." @dru_riley?

      2. 1

        The main differentiator is form submissions.
        S*tesauce handles it by using a "proxy".
        It's harder to set up for non-tech users.

        What I want to build is something like this:
        You create a free-tier account in landen.co
        Convert it with Site2Static and everything are just works

        Mine has a dashboard to display the results from form submissions and users can export it into CSV.

        And all of that for a fair price, I can even give a free plan, because my server cost is very low.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 1

      haha, nice! Very interested in this area of internet use. An important area and lots to be changed. Looks like you’re making it happen. 👍

    2. 1

      Interesting idea! Have you published a Chrome extension?

      I just of thought of something: Your extension can detect when the user is on a site like Facebook, Twitter, TechCrunch, ... the ones you visit usually when you're not being very productive! And then it can suggest a couple of those saved tabs to take a look at.

      Why: I feel like for me personally, that's the best time to look at those kinds of tabs. When I'm not being mindful of how I'm spending my time or when I need a break.

      p.s. Hello from the west! 👋 🇨🇦

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        This comment was deleted a year ago.

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