What's your stack?

Hey guys!

I'm curious to know what's technologies do you use for your product?

  1. 17

    For Team Feels I've gone totally serverless:

    • React for the frontend, hosted on RenderCloud
    • AWS Lambda (running NodeJS) for the backend
    • AWS API Gateway for the REST API
    • AWS Cognito for auth
    • AWS DynamoDB for a database
    • Namecheap for DNS
    • Paddle for payment & tax processing

    Running costs are basically $0. The only cost was for the domain name.

    1. 2

      Sounds good.
      Question: How running cost is zero? Why their is no cost of using AWS services such as lambda, congito, dynamodb, etc.

      1. 1

        Hi zilay, this tech stack was chosen because AWS offer those services with a generous free tier. All of these services could incur costs if the usage is high enough to exceed the free tier, but that will only happen if my SaaS gets heavy use - which means lots of customers - so if/when that happens it's a good problem to have!

        1. 1

          Perfect @daveagill
          Could you please share the link of RenderCloud?

          1. 3

            Sure: https://render.com/

            Fun fact, I believe IndieHackers uses them

    2. 1

      Hey Dave. Hope this doesn't come across as a "pile-on" but your website took a good 90 seconds to render. I am in East Asia and connecting through a VPN in California. Otherwise, the site and service looks terrific.

      1. 1

        Thanks for the info, I'll check the dashboard stats. Sounds like I have some optimization to do (not at all surprised 😆)

    3. 1

      I can’t read your logo as anything else than ”Teom feels ” with an o instead of a. You might want to check whether that’s the case for other people too. Cool stack and product though!

      1. 1

        Thanks for the constructive feedback Linus. I have contemplated moving the face to one of the 'e' letters instead and may yet do that.

    4. 1

      We also just switched to Paddle for tax processing.
      What's your current MRR?

      1. 1

        Too soon to tell. I only even put this out there a few days ago :)

    5. 1

      AWS API Gateway is used for APIs that the customers might connect to?

      1. 1

        It definitely could be used like that - but in my case I don't (yet?) have a customer-facing API, so I use it to wrap a REST API around my Lambda-based backend that my React frontend uses.

        And if you're more in GraphQL you could use AWS AppSync instead :)

    6. 1

      That's cool. We started bringing in serverless into my last job but then there was a big push back against it and the serverless crowd lost. What disappointed me was that they lost completely. I think there's room for both but starting off using lambdas and stuff can be great.

      1. 1

        That's a shame, why the pushback?

        I'm a big fan of Lambda. You can even upload container images to run as lambdas now 😍

        IaaS is the bread and butter of cloud today, but serverless and PaaS is the future. When we look back in a decade or two even darling tech like Kubernetes may turn out to have been stopgap measures on the road to full serverless/PaaS.

        It won't suit absolutely everything, it'll fall into the usual 80/20 rule I expect.

        1. 1

          Kubernetes and stuff like it are great for running paas and serverless workloads. All you need is someone that can run it at scale. At work we already have a thin UI/CICD layer for a multicloud Paas, and Faas is next. Without K8s it would not be possible.

        2. 1

          There were some performance "tests" which showed a Kubernetes solution to be more performant vs a network of Lambdas. There were some questions around how relevant the test was but I was pretty new and had so much else on my plate to learn, I didn't pursue it.

          1. 1

            I wonder if they were comparing lambda cold-starts to already-resident k8s pods.

    7. 1

      How could you run AWS with $0 ?

      1. 1

        AWS has very generous free-tiers for those services. Most are perma-free as long a you stick within the quotas. I think only API Gateway is free on a timed basis for 1 year and after that it is ~$1 per million requests, so dirt cheap really.

        1. 1

          Thank you for the info ! Really helpful! I thought only Firebase is quite generous for web app. AWS looks good too

          1. 1

            A lot of it comes down to what you use and how you use it. They have a pretty decent page to explore their free shiz, check it out: https://aws.amazon.com/free

  2. 8

    Django (or FastAPI)

    Keeping it simple and fast. Next is relatively new but its just so easy and performant.

    1. 1

      Have you done authentication with Next Js and Fast API?

  3. 6

    I'm trying something a bit different with a side project i'm helping a friend with:

    • Webflow
    • Alpine.js
    • Firebase
    • Stripe

    It's a custom e-commerce site where you can rent clothes on subscription (with a twist). Since i only have a few hours a week, i wanted it to be as low-code as possible but keep the dynamic nature of webapps.

    Webflow allows for super fast design iterations. Alpine sprinkles dynamic logic on top and in combo with firebase it's just enough to build a dynamic checkout screen and subscription management with user auth, all within webflow. The stripe extension for firebase allows for a no-hands approach to payments. So far so good :)

  4. 6

    For my latest project I'm using:

    • Laravel
    • Livewire
    • Tailwind
    • PHP 7.4, MySQL 8.0, and nginx on a Digital Ocean Droplet managed with Forge
    • Laravel Spark (Stripe) for billing
    1. 3

      It surprised me that almost no one is working with this stack. l mainly use Laravel tailwindCSS and VueJS aswell and I think its awesome

      1. 2

        Yeah, I agree. Laravel is great. All the basics are taken care of, so all you have to do is build your app's core functionality.

      2. 1

        I was looking for the same, love laravel.

    2. 2

      For my latest project I have similar stack but inertiajs and VueJs instead of livewire. Laravel is just amazing!

  5. 5

    React JS

    1. 2

      This, plus Next or Gatsby for static pages (landing pages, blog, docs, etc.).

  6. 5

    Python - great language, and for ML projects almost necessary
    Flask - lighweight web framework
    Pytorch/pandas/numpy - just great libraries for ML
    HTML5/CSS3/JS - obviously
    Bootstrap - im not a great frontend dev, so this helps me so much
    Postgresql - great db
    Heroku - expensive but so easy. Gives me so much velocity.

    This is for my current project namy.ai, but I like to reuse this stack for most of my projects.

    Open to any questions!

    1. 2

      I'd like to ask how you're testing and monitoring your stack. Do you use stuff like uptime alerts, Datadog, new relic or similar tools? How about tests?

      1. 1

        TESTING: PyTest framework.
        I've written some unittests and integration tests. Not as extensive as it should be, but then again I'm still in initial stages

        No CI/CD implemented yet, I just run the test suite manually. Will do soon.

        UPTIME: For uptime I just use https://uptimerobot.com/, which is super easy and just works. Funnily enough today was the first time in months that I got an uptime alert (namy.ai was down because of Heroku). I redeployed and fixed the problem in about 2 mins.

        1. 2

          Ah! That warm feeling when you fix it fast!

          Curious if you'd value a phone call instead of an email when your site is down.

          1. 1

            Actually a good idea that I've never thought about!

            Yeah, yeah I'd be willing to pay 10$ a month for a service like that. Email + phone call so I'm guaranteed to be notified. It shouldn't be too hard to build either (just use Twilio) and I don't think existing uptime monitors have that feature.

            Tell me when you've built it :)

            1. 1

              Thanks, yeah I'm working on it. I'll ping you. The end goal is to help small Saas companies implement best practices quickly and without much added work.

              Among the many things you need to do when you're starting out, Ops and Monitoring are not top of mind, but I believe they can make a big difference in providing quality service and keeping users exceptionally happy.

    2. 2

      I would like to know how much this stack costs you in terms of cloud resources?

      1. 2

        Not that much, frankly. Here's a rundown of my current costs:
        Heroku hobby tier: 7$/month
        Heroku PostgreSQL Hobby Basic: 9$/month

        And that's it.

        Most everything in my stack is open source, so no licensing costs. I'm assuming as traffic increases I'll have to increase the number of Heroku nodes, but as it is right now the one hobby dyno can easily deal with the low requests per second.

        1. 2

          thanks so running an ML stack is pretty cheap!

          1. 1

            For now! I'll have to see what I do when/if I have 1000 of ML generation requests per minute/second.

    3. 2

      The UI design and font look interesting, good work!
      BTW, did you try to promote your website? And why not use the free tier of Heroku?

      1. 2

        Thanks Daisy!

        No, not really. There's one major feature I want to implement yet, before I really launch this (user prompts/keywords). After than is implemented in ~ 2 weeks, then i think I'll go full effort on promoting it!

        Free tier of heroku has some limitations, so it's not really suitable for a commercial project. I'm using hobby tier right now when RPS are very low, so total price is cheap, but I'm assuming I'll have to scale up at some point in the future.

    4. 1

      it reminds me to. paper css

  7. 4

    MDX for content

    (Serverless ⚡️ is amazing!!)

    1. 2

      what do u use for content management ? Markdown files in Next or some headless cms?

      1. 1

        Mdx is the way to go imo.. lightning fast and dev friendly!

  8. 4

    I would only consider Rails + Hotwire or Elixir/Phoenix + LiveView.

  9. 3

    For Notabase I'm using:

    • Next.js + React
    • TailwindCSS
    • Supabase for backend
    • Vercel for hosting

    The code is open source if you'd like to check it out!

  10. 3

    Rails on heroku. It's just the fastest way for me to try out ideas.

  11. 3


    Simple and smooth.

  12. 3

    Go, TypeScript, Vue, Postgres, ClickHouse, the HashiStack (consul + nomad + vault) on Hetzner Cloud for pirsch.io :) We also use AWS SES and S3 for email and storage, plus some services provided by Hetzner, like Letsencrypt.

    1. 3

      Nice service, I'll be sure to use yours instead of Google for my next project.

      What do you use for monitoring this? AWS stuff? Any tools like Datadog, Pngdom etc?

      1. 2

        Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :)

        We just released an article on how we operate Pirsch: https://pirsch.io/blog/techstack/ We have configured some external (free) uptime services for our website, but no real monitoring so far, except from the things Nomad provides. It has been really stable so far, but monitoring is something we have on our roadmap.

        1. 3

          Ok, that's a fairly cheap cloud. Nice!

          You mentioned a little script you use to run tests: that's what I always do, it helps so much. But lately I've been doing more and more integration tests, and plan to run those all the time against prod. I think it may be the best approach to monitoring, since it actually checks api flows.

  13. 3

    Mainly PHP , Laravel, VueJS, Bootstrap .

  14. 3

    We are using NextJs and Vercel serverless for @NoCodeLetters

  15. 3
    • Angular & Java Spring Boot for large Enterprise projects
    • React & NodeJS for fun projects 😄
  16. 3

    We are building a SPA using the MS stack. Blazor frontend, next to no JS. Backend is a combo of Azure serverless functions, Azure service bus and Azure cosmos DB.

  17. 2


  18. 2

    Apache2 as reverse proxy
    Gunicorn WSGI+ Flask + SocketsIO
    Multi-master + follower MariaDB + HAProxy load balancer
    Redis for in memory cache + acts as a message broker for sockets
    ZeroMQ for time series data
    Python Celery for task queues
    Confluent Kafka as the data message bus
    Elasticsearch + Kafka Connect to feed data for indexing
    PyTorch for ML framework
    JWT for authenticating login + securing endpoints
    Dockers for deployment
    ReactJS + Redux for frontend

    1. 1

      Wow that's quite a detailed list. How do you monitor all this? Any 3rd party tools such as Pngdom, Datadog, or just the Google cloud stuff?

      1. 1

        Good question - I don't have effective monitoring at the moment and something I am researching (i.e. Prometheus + Grafana or alternatives such as, Datadog). Through much effort in testing + setting up redundant nodes, it's been stable - but definitely need more systematic monitoring + CI/CD.

        1. 1

          Do let me know what you end up using. I've deployed prom, grafana and elk, and cloud monitors, and Datadog and other hosted options as well. Boy, they sure look easy at first, but each comes with its own set of problems.

    2. 1

      How much does it cost on say AWS to deploy such a stack?

      1. 1

        I use google cloud. It's min $450+mo depending on discounts (monthly use, etc) + exact # of nodes

  19. 2

    My MVP stack is Bedrock
    ie NextJS, Postgres, Prisma, Graphql

    Making API queries is easy and everything is type-bonded.

    1. 1

      Where is the backend deployed? Also I am assuming you deploy the front-end to Vercel but do you have to create an instance of Postgresql hosted on AWS or GCP?

      1. 2

        Using render.com to host the database and the backend is on Nextjs serverless API, easier to manage typescript contracts

    2. 1

      So your backend is Next.js API routes, right? If I understand correctly, you might have a single open endpoint which is your graphql server.

  20. 2

    I'm calling my stack MVP Stack.

    • Easy to Start
    • Auto Security and auto scaling
    • Zero time on deploying and backend, just shipping features.
  21. 1

    For Lean20 I chose what I could ship fastest with: Node/koa/mongo/angular

    I wanted to drop angular in favor of react or vue, but my co-founder convinced me we should consider time-to market over learning a new ui framework. In hindsight, he was right. I’m glad we stuck with it. There are too many important problems to solve, and not trying to figure out a new tool frees us up to work on those.

    We host it all (except mongo) in ECS.

  22. 1

    For boost i use:

    MondoDB on MondoDB Atlas
    Node on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
    Express Loopback/Framework)
    S3 for assets

    App / Frontend:
    Ionic (Framework for native apps with web frameworks)
    Native ObjCC/Kotlin implementation of performance critical parts

  23. 1

    I own three Shopify Apps and all of them are built with:

    • React + Polaris (Shopify's design system) for frontend
    • RoR for backend
    • PostgreSQL for database
    • Redis
    • A combo of Digital Ocean + Hatchbox for server hosting
    • Namecheap for domain
    1. 1

      Hi @georgekpc How much does it cost per month for an application with this stack? (Total running cost per app)

      1. 1

        One of them still runs on a Heroku dyno which costs $7/mo.
        For the other two I use Digital Ocean ($10/mo) + Hatchbox ($15/mo) so it's $25/mo.

        1. 1

          Thanks a lot. Have a great day.

  24. 1

    On my soon-to-be-closed startup i have the following:

    • Gatsby.js for the marketing site, deployed to netlify
    • Next.js for the “Dashboard” deployed to digitalocean, backed by a local GraphQL Api
    • golang services built with Gin (for Analytics and search) deployed to digitalocean
    • haproxy in front of everything
    • MongoDB
    • PostgreSQL
    • Airtable

    Total running cost (monthly) - $15-$25

    Conclusion: could’ve easily built everything using Next.js, Strapi and elasticsearch

  25. 1

    For runhare.io I am using:

    • NextJS for UI, APIs and asynchronous task
    • Deployed on Vercel
    • MongoDB
    • RabbitMQ
    • GCP Kubernetes (for customer's consumers)
  26. 1

    For RecordWise I am using:

    • Django
    • SQLite
    • Celery and Redis for task queues
    • Bootstrap4
    • jQuery
    • Sentry for error tracking
    • Stripe for payments
    • EmailOctopus for newsletter
    • SendGrid for transactional emails
    • ImprovMX/Gmail for email
    • NameCheap for the domain
    • Linode for hosting

    Running costs are USD 7/month for Linode + USD 15/year for the domain. SendGrid is currently free through the Twilio Startup Program.

  27. 1

    The full tech stack for Inboxes is:

    • Go (Golang) for the SMTP server and API.

    • MongoDB

    • jQuery for everything front-end

    • Kimsufi for dedicated server (vps's are funny about SMTP servers)

    • Namecheap for domain

    • Cloudflare for DNS

    • EasyWP wordpress hosting: I could host this myself, but I really would rather focus on the important stuff.

    On a side note, I'm loving the Go/Mongo/jQuery setup. Really nice to work with and great for building quickly and scaling.

  28. 1
    • React or Vue
    • NestJS for backend
    • Postgres
  29. 1
    • React for Frontend
    • Firebase for DB and Authentication
    • Stripe for Payments
  30. 1
    • Next.js on the front end, hosted on Vercel
    • AWS API Gateway and Lambda for my back end running Node
    • AWS CDK to implement my IaC
    • DynamoDB for data storage
    • S3 for file storage
  31. 1
    • ClojureScript
    • React (Reagent)
    • Piku PaaS
    • Postgres
  32. 1

    For Better Sheets

    • Loom
    • Gmail
    • Stripe
    • Outseta
    • Gumroad
    • Google Script
    • Google Sheets

    For OnlySheets

    • Google Script
    • Gumroad
    • Stripe
  33. 1

    For Pintura Image Editor I’m using:

    • Svelte / TypeScript for the component itself + custom Rollup build to output adapter components for different frameworks
    • Eleventy + ConditionerJS for the product site
    • Lunr for documentation search
    • Gumroad for payment
    • Simple Analytics for tracking
    • Sentry for error tracking
    • PHP + MySQL for customer portal (Switching to SvelteKit + PostgresSQL)
    • Render for hosting
    • Sidemail for transactional email
    • Affinity Designer and Sketch for design work
  34. 1

    For Content Writing Jobs job board we use no-code stack:

    • Webflow
    • Airtable
    • Integromat
    • Memberstack (Stripe)
    • Mailerlite
    • HCTI (htmlcsstoimages)
    • Plausible Analytics
    • Management: Slack, Notion

    Experimenting with code now for some features:

    • NextJS
    • Prisma
    • Hosted PostgreSQL
    • Stripe
  35. 1

    Seeing a lot of tech stacks here that are very different from my no code stack, so I thought I’d share what’s powering my membership site (https://parents.club):

    • WP Engine for hosting Wordpress
    • Stripe for payments
    • Memberful for signup, recurring billing, and Oauth
    • Circle.so for community / CMS
    • Transistor.fm for podcast hosting
    • Vimeo for video hosting
    • Appzi for app feedback
    • Hotjar for screen recording / heat maps
    • Convertkit for email
    • Zapier, holding everything together
    • TBD, still looking for a good tool for SMS or that integrates with twilio (any recommendations?)
  36. 1

    We launched DocTranslator.com on a simple VPS from Vutlr.
    All payments handled via Paddle for EU tax purposes
    All website translations are handled by ConveyThis.com
    Everything else is on PHP/Laravel/MySQL/WordPress

  37. 1

    For Twayobiz and Rototer I use:

    • Wix and Google Sign-in button to manage Signups and Logins
    • Wix Velo to customize the User Interface
    • Stripe and PayPal to handle payments
    • Hotjar for feedback and user recordings
    • My very own tool BoxSadoyn to add the additional CSS to support a nice modern box shadow effect to input fields
  38. 1

    Native coding iosd and android --》 linode root access server. --》php/c with mysql. Everything else may just just a fluff. Especially docker.

  39. 1
    • Angular 10 for the frontend, hosted on Nginx docker containers on AWS ECS
    • Spring Boot Kotlin backend application running on AWS ECS
    • Stripe for payments processing
    • Sentry for application error logging
    • AWS RDS managed Postgres 12 relational database
    • AWS ElastiCache Redis 6 cache database
    • AWS S3 file storage
    • AWS AmazonMQ ActiveMQ message broker
    • AWS Route53 domain hosting
  40. 1
    • ember js + tailwind (frontend)
    • nodejs (backend)
    • firebase (db, cloud functions, hosting, storage)
    • github action (CI/CD)
    • currently adding payments w/ Stripe & Midtrans (for Indonesian transactions)

    Currently spends ~£1-2 per month for ~200 customers 👍

  41. 1
    • Nextjs for frontend
    • Node
    • Postgres
    • Prisma
    • TailwindCSS
    • Stripe for payment processing
  42. 1

    I'm learning to code and the stack I'm currently using is:

    Vanilla JS for the front, organized in an MVC structure.

    Core PHP for the back-end for the API that is tightly coupled to the front-end views, and thus doesn't have utilize the RESTFul protocol.

  43. 1

    Depends on the project - I've incorporated significantly more no/low code in my process on webflow and notion + automation.

    Primary project going into a 2.0 (still solo dev):

    • React (looking into adding Tailwind for CSS and grommet w/ storybook for ui)
    • Express
    • MySQL (as JawsDB )
    • Cosmic JS as part of cms
    • Stripe for pmts
    • Node
    • Heroku deployment
  44. 1

    I've tried to stick with as few technologies as possible:
    Rocket (Rust, for backend apis)
    flask (soon to be Rocket, for frontend)
    Linode (server hosting)
    Stripe (payment processing)

  45. 1

    PostgreSQL / SQLite for development

  46. 1

    Stack for Starling Law Accounting:
    C++17 (Drogon Framework)
    Bootstrap, Vue

    Both the application and the website are built with this stack

  47. 1

    When I am not using no/low code I am a FERN all the way guy with JS.
    Firebase EVERYTHING
    Heroku or Digitalocean app platform for deployment

    and if I am using Python
    Flask (Streamlit or Dash if ML app)
    Heroku or Digitalocean App Platform for deployment

  48. 1


  49. 1

    Google Cloud

  50. 1

    Tailwind CSS
    Netlify Functions


  51. 1


  52. 1
    • React + Redux (RTK, sagas)
    • TailwindUI (best investment , saves tons of time) + TailwindCSS
    • AWS Serverless (Node + Express, DynamoDB, Cognito for auth)

    Quite happy with this stack, all the boilerplate is handled - quickly spin up a backend via AWS Amplify, build the frontend with TailwindUI components. I get to focus on the business requirements of my product instead of technical details.

  53. 1

    React or React Native
    Node with Express
    MongoDb for database
    Heroku for deploy

  54. 1

    For TurboNav a Chrome Extension (not yet released):

    • React/Redux
    • TailWind UI
    • Golang
    • PostgreSQL

    I'm working on a Landing Page and Figma has been my latest toolset as a developer. I know it's not technical but I can already see the benefits of not coding and letting ideas develop using Concept Designs.

  55. 1

    Rails 6.x
    Alpine.js (a bit,I inherited it from the base theme I used)
    A bit of Hotwire (HTML over the wire)
    Fly.io for hosting

  56. 1

    Serverless via

    • a ThemeForest Framework (React, Redux Saga, antd CSS)
    • Firebase Auth
    • Firebase Firestore
    • GCP Cloud Functions (via Firebase)
  57. 1

    Porkbun for hosting
    Migadu for email

    Check it out: https://gethustleos.com/

    1. 2

      Really liked the demo video on your landing page. Did you make that yourself / use a tool to create it?

      1. 1

        Thanks so much! I collaborated with a motion graphic designer who made it for me for free in exchange for the product! Really love how it turned out :)

  58. 1

    Apache, PHP, MySQL, TypeScript, React, MaterialUI.

  59. 1
    • Python/Django
    • Vanilla JS

    Keeping it simple.

  60. 1

    For my digital board games gomobo.app:

    • AngularJS (yes, that's 1.x)
    • Node.js + Express
    • MongoDB
    • Redis
    • AWS Cognito (user authentication)
    • AWS Elastic Beanstalk (deployment)

    I started this project in 2016, thus the older tech stack. If I was starting today, I'd likely use latest Angular or React for frontend and probably Firebase for User Auth.

    For my online publication/blog smalltechbusiness.com

    • Gatsby
    • Node.js
    • Netlify (deployment)

    Love this stack for static websites, and it costs $0 to host. I wrote about how I set it up here.

    1. 1

      AngularJS (1.x) 😆
      We still use that at work.

  61. 1

    At howuku.com, we use VueJS for frontend dashboard, NodeJS for backend, and Vanilla JS for scripts to be embedded into websites.

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